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A mixed methods study to evaluate the clinical and cost-effectiveness of a self-managed exercise programme versus usual physiotherapy for chronic rotator cuff disorders: Protocol for the SELF study (2012)
Journal Article

Background: Shoulder pain is the third most common reason for consultation with a physiotherapist and up to 26% of the general population might be expected to experience an episode at any one time. Disorders of the shoulder muscles and tendons (rotat... Read More about A mixed methods study to evaluate the clinical and cost-effectiveness of a self-managed exercise programme versus usual physiotherapy for chronic rotator cuff disorders: Protocol for the SELF study.

Simulation experiments with Birmingham Zero Carbon House and optimisation in the context of climate change (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The Birmingham Zero Carbon House is a Victorian house that has achieved carbon negative performance through retrofit. The house has been extensively simulated in parallel with detailed instrumental monitoring. A dynamic simulation model of the house... Read More about Simulation experiments with Birmingham Zero Carbon House and optimisation in the context of climate change.

'Complexity and urban systems' (2012)
Book Chapter
Jankovic, L. (2012). 'Complexity and urban systems'. In D. Lombardi, J. Leach, & C. Rogers (Eds.), Designing resilient cities : A Guide to Good Practice. IHS BRE Press

Testing energy efficiency in urban regeneration (2012)
Journal Article
Caputo, S., Caserio, M., Coles, R., Jankovic, L., & Gaterell, M. R. (2012). Testing energy efficiency in urban regeneration. Proceedings of the ICE - Engineering Sustainability, 165, 69-80.

One of the main objectives currently pursued in planning sustainable urban environments is the reduction of energy consumption. Strategies for energy and the built environment are given in UK planning policies. Yet the application of such strategies... Read More about Testing energy efficiency in urban regeneration.

Validation of a multi-segment spinal model for kinematic analysis and a comparison of different data processing techniques (2012)
Journal Article
Needham, R., Chockalingam, N., Naemi, R., Shannon, T., & Healy, A. (2012). Validation of a multi-segment spinal model for kinematic analysis and a comparison of different data processing techniques.

Optoelectronic motion capture technology is a useful tool in the quantitative dynamic assessment of the spine. In a clinical setting this may help gain a further understanding of underlining musculoskeletal pathology. It is therefore important that a... Read More about Validation of a multi-segment spinal model for kinematic analysis and a comparison of different data processing techniques.

Relationships between glide efficiency and swimmers' size and shape characteristics (2012)
Journal Article
Naemi, R., Psycharakis, S. G., McCabe, C., Connaboy, C., & Sanders, R. H. (2012). Relationships between glide efficiency and swimmers' size and shape characteristics. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 28(4), 400-411.

Glide efficiency, the ability of a body to minimize deceleration over the glide, can change with variations in the body’s size and shape. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between glide efficiency and the size and shape c... Read More about Relationships between glide efficiency and swimmers' size and shape characteristics.

Is this local e-democracy? How the online sphere of influence shaped local politics. Empirical evidence from the Manchester Congestion Charge referendum (2012)
Journal Article
Hepburn, P. (2012). Is this local e-democracy? How the online sphere of influence shaped local politics. Empirical evidence from the Manchester Congestion Charge referendum. #Journal not on list, 4(1), 45-66.

The debate on the potential of the internet to transform democratic practice appears to have settled around a balanced, empirically driven consensus that sees the internet as a political sphere of influence. This article acknowledges this and drawing... Read More about Is this local e-democracy? How the online sphere of influence shaped local politics. Empirical evidence from the Manchester Congestion Charge referendum.

SOURCES - the game. (2012)
Walsh, A., & Williamson, T. (2012). SOURCES - the game. [Card game]

A card game to develop learners' information literacy, particularly around "constructing a search strategy".

Interviewing the PM with toddler in tow (2012)
Book Chapter
Jones, R. (2012). Interviewing the PM with toddler in tow. In J. Mair, N. Fowler, & I. Reeves (Eds.), What Do We Mean By Local? Grassroots journalism - Its death and rebirth. Abramis

Richard Jones founded hyperlocal website the Saddleworth News in 2010, and soon found his patch in the national spotlight. But could editorial triumph translate to commercial success?

Visitor influence on the behavior of captive greater rheas (Rhea americana, Rheidae Aves) (2012)
Journal Article
de Azevedo, C., Lima, M., da Silva, V., Young, R., & Rodrigues, M. (2012). Visitor influence on the behavior of captive greater rheas (Rhea americana, Rheidae Aves). Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 15(2),

Visitors can affect and reduce the welfare of nonhuman animals. The Belo Horizonte Zoo, Brazil, had a group of greater rheas intended for reintroduction to the wild. Because this group received public visitation, evaluating its effect on the birds' b... Read More about Visitor influence on the behavior of captive greater rheas (Rhea americana, Rheidae Aves).

Surveillance, suspicion and stigma: Brown bodies in a terror-panic climate (2012)
Journal Article
Patel, T. (2012). Surveillance, suspicion and stigma: Brown bodies in a terror-panic climate. Surveillance & Society, 10(3/4), 215-234

This paper considers hard and soft surveillance measures, processes of racialised labelling and the allocation of stigma within a post-9/11 terror-panic climate. Using qualitative data from the first stage of a wider study, the paper reports on the p... Read More about Surveillance, suspicion and stigma: Brown bodies in a terror-panic climate.

A closer look on the Egyptian e-commerce: A case study (2012)
Journal Article
Alsahouly, I., & Rashid, T. (2012). A closer look on the Egyptian e-commerce: A case study. International journal of research in management & technology (Print), 2(6), 1-7

This paper aims to give a general overview about the current status of the utilization of e-commerce in Egypt. A pilot study was conducted among 50 Egyptian consumers as to report their perspectives regarding the current barriers of electronic commer... Read More about A closer look on the Egyptian e-commerce: A case study.

Capitalising on the City: Edinburgh’s linguistic identities (2012)
Journal Article
Scott, M. (2012). Capitalising on the City: Edinburgh’s linguistic identities. #Journal not on list, 13, 115-131

This paper examines the linguistic identities of Edinburgh, Scotland’s capital city, and the contexts in which they are currently used. The city is known by a range of different names that are linked with its historical and contemporary identities as... Read More about Capitalising on the City: Edinburgh’s linguistic identities.

Apportioning liability in construction delay claims : an evaluation of contemporary practices in the U.A.E. and a proposal for improvements (2012)

Various theories, concepts and methodologies exist for apportioning liabilities in
construction delay claims. Yet, there is no much consensus among the practitioners
towards them. Often, the implementation of these theories, concepts and methodolog... Read More about Apportioning liability in construction delay claims : an evaluation of contemporary practices in the U.A.E. and a proposal for improvements.

Metabolomic analyses show that electron donor and acceptor ratios control anaerobic electron transfer pathways in Shewanella oneidensis (2012)
Journal Article
Wang, H., Correa, E., Dunn, W., Winder, C., Goodacre, R., & Lloyd, J. (2013). Metabolomic analyses show that electron donor and acceptor ratios control anaerobic electron transfer pathways in Shewanella oneidensis. Metabolomics, 9(3), 642-656.

This study investigated the physiological impact of changing electron donor–acceptor ratios on electron transfer pathways in the metabolically flexible subsurface bacterium Shewanella oneidensis, using batch and chemostat cultures, with an azo dye (r... Read More about Metabolomic analyses show that electron donor and acceptor ratios control anaerobic electron transfer pathways in Shewanella oneidensis.

Evaluation of the High Impact Households Project (2012)
Irving, A., Rowe, M., & Soppitt, S. (2012). Evaluation of the High Impact Households Project. Institute for Local Government

Staff in the Department of Social Sciences at Northumbria University were contracted by the
Institute of Local Governance to evaluate the High Impact Household project developed by Durham
Police and established in 2011 and ‘launched’ in 2012. The i... Read More about Evaluation of the High Impact Households Project.