Similarity in organizational strategies : Mimetic influences on entry mode strategies & market choices
Presentation / Conference
Mukundhan, K., & Nandakumar, M. (2013, December). Similarity in organizational strategies : Mimetic influences on entry mode strategies & market choices. Presented at Strategic Management Society Special Conference, Strategic Leadership: An Emerging Market Perspective, Mohali, India
All Outputs (85)
Business models in different environmental conditions (2013)
Presentation / Conference
Pati, R., & Nandakumar, M. (2013, December). Business models in different environmental conditions. Presented at Strategic Management Society Special Conference : Strategic Leadership : An Emerging Market Perspective, Mohali, India
An approach for energy efficient service oriented architecture for sensor networks (2013)
Presentation / Conference
Al-Yasiri, A. (2013, December). An approach for energy efficient service oriented architecture for sensor networks. Presented at 4th Annual International Conference on Energy Aware Computing Systems and Applications (ICEAC), Istanbul, TurkeyWireless sensor networks offer an increasingly
attractive method for data gathering in distributed system
architectures and dynamic access via wireless connectivity.
However, wireless sensor networks have limitations with respect to
resources and... Read More about An approach for energy efficient service oriented architecture for sensor networks.
Comedy live – creativity in stand up (2013)
Presentation / Conference
Moore, L. (2013, December). Comedy live – creativity in stand up. Presented at Writing Funny - language, creativity and comedy Seminar 3 Comedy Live – creativity in stand up, Senate House, University of LondonStand-up is a special form of comedy as it involves the audience perhaps more than any other genre. In this session we will explore the nature of stand-up versus other forms of comedy. Questions will also focus on the role of writing in stand-up, how... Read More about Comedy live – creativity in stand up.
Modelling and simulation of a mattress production line using ProModel. (2013)
Presentation / Conference
Khalili, M., & Zahedi-Hosseini, F. (2013, December). Modelling and simulation of a mattress production line using ProModel. Presented at Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) 2013, Washington, DCUnderstanding the current manufacturing setup and accurately predicting the performance of a system over time makes modeling and simulation an ideal tool for systems’ planning. This case study aims mainly at exploring the application of modeling and... Read More about Modelling and simulation of a mattress production line using ProModel..
Developing Abu Dhabi’s solid waste sustainability index (2013)
Presentation / Conference
Alsalmi, H., Elkadi, H., & Leao, S. (2013, December). Developing Abu Dhabi’s solid waste sustainability index. Presented at Sustainable Building (SB) 13 Conference : Advancing the Green Agenda, Technology, Practices and Policies, Dubai
Un cas de co-variation syntaxique? Chute du ‘ne’ et usage des impératifs du genre ‘Parle-moi pas!’ (2013)
Presentation / Conference
Rowlett, P. (2013, December). Un cas de co-variation syntaxique? Chute du ‘ne’ et usage des impératifs du genre ‘Parle-moi pas!’. Presented at Journées PFC: Phonologie du français contemporain: Regards croisés sur les corpus oraux, Paris
Investigation into the impact of 3D surround systems on spatial audio quality (2013)
Presentation / Conference
Power, P., Davies, W., Hirst, J., & Dunn, C. (2013, November). Investigation into the impact of 3D surround systems on spatial audio quality. Presented at Reproduced Sound, ManchesterCurrent 2D surround systems have benefitted from years of research which has helped identify attributes related to listener preference. Now with high definition visuals, 3D cinema, there is a need to further develop spatial audio systems. One method... Read More about Investigation into the impact of 3D surround systems on spatial audio quality.
Motivations for Buying Stolen Goods - Greed, Need or Pressures to Conform? (2013)
Presentation / Conference
Patel, T. (2013, October). Motivations for Buying Stolen Goods - Greed, Need or Pressures to Conform?
Respectful, evidence-based care for women with a high BMI increases satisfaction and reduces physical and psychological morbidity (2013)
Presentation / Conference
Davies, S. (2013, October). Respectful, evidence-based care for women with a high BMI increases satisfaction and reduces physical and psychological morbidity. Presented at Dignity in Childbirth Forum, Royal Society of MedicineThis paper explores evidence relating to the care and outcomes of pregnant women with a high BMI
A hidden Markov model with abnormal states for detecting stock price manipulation (2013)
Presentation / Conference
Cao, Y., Li, Y., Coleman, S., Belatreche, A., & McGinnity, T. (2013, October). A hidden Markov model with abnormal states for detecting stock price manipulation. Presented at Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, ManchesterPrice manipulation refers to the act of using illegal trading behaviour to manually change an equity price with the aim of making profits. With increasing volumes of trading, price manipulation can be extremely damaging to the proper functioning and... Read More about A hidden Markov model with abnormal states for detecting stock price manipulation.
Novelty detection using level set methods with adaptive boundaries (2013)
Presentation / Conference
Ding, X., Li, Y., Belatreche, A., & Maguire, L. (2013, October). Novelty detection using level set methods with adaptive boundaries. Presented at Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, ManchesterThis paper proposes a locally adaptive level set boundary description (LALSBD) method for novelty detection. The proposed method adjusts the non linear boundary directly in the input space and consists of a number of processes including level set fun... Read More about Novelty detection using level set methods with adaptive boundaries.
Dataset shift detection in non-stationary environments using EWMA charts (2013)
Presentation / Conference
Raza, H., Prasad, G., & Li, Y. (2013, October). Dataset shift detection in non-stationary environments using EWMA charts. Presented at Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, ManchesterDataset shift is a major challenge in the non-stationary environments wherein the input data distribution may change over time. Detecting the dataset shift point in the time-series data, where the distribution of time-series changes its properties, i... Read More about Dataset shift detection in non-stationary environments using EWMA charts.
Interoperability in semi-intelligent civil engineering agent (2013)
Presentation / Conference
Bavafa, M., & Kiviniemi, A. (2013, October). Interoperability in semi-intelligent civil engineering agent. Presented at Proceedings of the CIB W78 2013: 30th International Conference, Beijing, ChinaDesign process in the construction industry involves multiple stakeholders who may carry out their tasks in widely distributed locations. Therefore the interaction between those participants is often the cause of mistakes and misunderstandings and so... Read More about Interoperability in semi-intelligent civil engineering agent.
Physical modelling of cyclically loaded masonry arch bridges (2013)
Presentation / Conference
Swift, G., Augusthus Nelson, L., Melbourne, C., & Gilbert, M. (2013, October). Physical modelling of cyclically loaded masonry arch bridges. Presented at 7th International Conference on Arch Bridges, Trogi-Split, CroatiaExperimental work involving large-scale physical models of backfilled masonry arch bridges is being undertaken to examine the behaviour of these structures under cyclic loading regimes. The aim of this research is to better understand the relationshi... Read More about Physical modelling of cyclically loaded masonry arch bridges.
A comparison of braking characteristics between pre-planned and unanticipated changing direction tasks in female soccer players: An exploratory study (2013)
Presentation / Conference
Jones, P., Stones, S., & Smith, L. (2013, September). A comparison of braking characteristics between pre-planned and unanticipated changing direction tasks in female soccer players: An exploratory study. Poster presented at BASES Annual Conference, St Georges Park, BurtonChanging direction is a common action involved in non-contact anterior cruciate ligament injuries in female soccer players (Faude et al. [2005]. Am J Sports Med, 33, 1694-1700). Most biomechanical studies into changing direction focus on final contac... Read More about A comparison of braking characteristics between pre-planned and unanticipated changing direction tasks in female soccer players: An exploratory study.
Decision-making and business model : Effectuation perspective (2013)
Presentation / Conference
Pati, R., & Nandakumar, M. (2013, September). Decision-making and business model : Effectuation perspective. Presented at Strategic Management Society 33rd Annual International Conference, Atlanta, USA
Study of particulate matter removal mechanism by using non-thermal plasma technology (2013)
Presentation / Conference
Babaie, M., Davari, P., Talebizadeh, P., Ristovski, Z., Rahimzadeh, H., & Brown, R. (2013, September). Study of particulate matter removal mechanism by using non-thermal plasma technology. Presented at XIII International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation. International Society for Electrostatic Precipitation (ISESP), Bangalore, IndiaNumbers of diesel engines in both stationary and mobile applications are increasing nowadays. Diesel engines emit lower Hydrocarbon (HC) and Carbon monoxide (CO) than gasoline engines. However, they can produce more nitrogen oxides (NOx) and have hig... Read More about Study of particulate matter removal mechanism by using non-thermal plasma technology.
An overview of standard contractual forms modifications in the construction industry - the Middle East (2013)
Presentation / Conference
the Middle East. Presented at International Conference on Building Resilience: Individual, institutional and societal coping strategies to address the challenges associated with disaster risk, Heritance Ahungalla, Sri Lanka,Despite the fact that there exist several construction forms of contract that aimed at standardizing the contractual clauses in relation to the construction industry, the adoption of the same was being subject to major modifications and alteration en... Read More about An overview of standard contractual forms modifications in the construction industry - the Middle East.
Context is half the work : The live brief in fine art education (2013)
Presentation / Conference
Randall, J. (2013, September). Context is half the work : The live brief in fine art education. Presented at 'Paradox' Fine Art European Forum Biennial Conference: The Inheritance: Contesting Legacies in Fine Art Practice, Research and Education, Granada, SpainJill Randall, Senior Lecturer on the BA (Hons) Visual Arts Course in the School of Arts & Media, has just returned from presenting a paper at “Paradox”- the Fine Art European Forum Conference, “The Inheritance: Contesting Legacies in Fine Art Practic... Read More about Context is half the work : The live brief in fine art education.