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All Outputs (520)

Bringing building simulation to a wider audience - A web based simulation and optimisation system (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The paper describes the development of a new web based expert system that uses jEPlus+EA and EnergyPlus as core engines for finding optimum solutions for retrofit of zero carbon design of buildings. The main goal is to scale up the use of building si... Read More about Bringing building simulation to a wider audience - A web based simulation and optimisation system.

On the measurement of the Pockels effect in strained silicon (2015)
Journal Article
Azadeh, S., Merget, F., Nezhad, M., & Witzens, J. (2015). On the measurement of the Pockels effect in strained silicon. Optics Letters, 40(8), 1877-1880.

We measure the voltage-dependent phase shift in silicon waveguides strained by a silicon nitride layer and show that, in our measurements, the phase shift is due to free carrier accumulation inside the waveguides. Nonetheless, inverting the applied v... Read More about On the measurement of the Pockels effect in strained silicon.

Analysis of the mitochondrial maxicircle of Trypanosoma lewisi, a neglected human pathogen (2015)
Journal Article
Lin, R., Lai, D., Zheng, L., Wu, J., Lukeš, J., Hide, G., & Lun, Z. (2015). Analysis of the mitochondrial maxicircle of Trypanosoma lewisi, a neglected human pathogen. Parasites and Vectors, 8(1), 665.


The haemoflagellate Trypanosoma lewisi is a kinetoplastid parasite which, as it has been recently reported to cause human disease, deserves increased attention. Characteristic features of all kinetoplastid flagellates are a uniquely st... Read More about Analysis of the mitochondrial maxicircle of Trypanosoma lewisi, a neglected human pathogen.

Students’ perceptions of school acoustics and the impact of noise on teaching and learning in secondary schools : findings of a questionnaire survey (2015)
Journal Article
Connolly, D., Dockrell, J., Shield, B., Conetta, R., & Cox, T. (2015). Students’ perceptions of school acoustics and the impact of noise on teaching and learning in secondary schools : findings of a questionnaire survey. Energy Procedia, 78, 3114-3119.

This paper will present the design and findings of an online questionnaire survey of 11–16 year olds’ impressions of their school's acoustic environment, and of an experimental study into the effects of typical levels of classroom noise on adolescent... Read More about Students’ perceptions of school acoustics and the impact of noise on teaching and learning in secondary schools : findings of a questionnaire survey.

Two biometric approaches for cattle identification based on features and classifiers fusion (2015)
Journal Article
Tharwat, A., Gaber, T., & Hassanien, A. (2015). Two biometric approaches for cattle identification based on features and classifiers fusion. International journal of image mining (Online), 1(4), 342.

There is an increasing need for controlling safety policies of animals
and efficient management of food production. One way to help achieve this need
is the automatic animal identification/identification and traceability systems. In
this paper, tw... Read More about Two biometric approaches for cattle identification based on features and classifiers fusion.

A Framework for Improving Knowledge Management Practices in Namibian Software Companies (2015)
Journal Article
Iyawa, G. (2015). A Framework for Improving Knowledge Management Practices in Namibian Software Companies. Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, 15(1),

Software development (SD) companies employ, train and provide software developers with the platform to improve their skills. Unfortunately, these investments are lost when a software developer resigns from the company or is not physically available t... Read More about A Framework for Improving Knowledge Management Practices in Namibian Software Companies.

Temporal Development of Autonomic Dysfunction in Heart Failure: Effects of Age in an Ovine Rapid-pacing Model. (2015)
Journal Article

Heart failure (HF) is predominantly a disease of older adults and characterized by extensive sympatho-vagal imbalance leading to impaired reflex control of heart rate (HR). However, whether aging influences the development or extent of the autonomic... Read More about Temporal Development of Autonomic Dysfunction in Heart Failure: Effects of Age in an Ovine Rapid-pacing Model..

Sophorolipid biosurfactants: Possible uses as antibacterial and antibiofilm agent (2015)
Journal Article
De Rienzo MA, D., IM, B., B, D., J, W., & PJ, M. (2015). Sophorolipid biosurfactants: Possible uses as antibacterial and antibiofilm agent. New Biotechnology, 32(6), 720-726.

Biosurfactants are amphipathic, surface-active molecules of microbial origin which accumulate at interfaces reducing interfacial tension and leading to the formation of aggregated micellular structures in solution. Some biosurfactants have been repor... Read More about Sophorolipid biosurfactants: Possible uses as antibacterial and antibiofilm agent.

Sports (2015)
Book Chapter
Miah, A. (2015). Sports. In H. Have (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Global Bioethics (1-11). Springer.

This chapter explores the relationship between bioethics and sport ethics, which changed dramatically in the early 2000 when the genetics era generated a series of new questions about the ends of sport and how they would interface more widely with a... Read More about Sports.

The role of competition in structuring primate communities under different productivity regimes in the Amazon (2015)
Journal Article

The factors responsible for the formation of Amazonian primate communities are not well
understood. Here we investigated the influence of interspecific competition in the assembly
of these communities, specifically whether they follow an assembly r... Read More about The role of competition in structuring primate communities under different productivity regimes in the Amazon.

Audio content feature selection and classification : a random forests and decision tree approach (2015)
Presentation / Conference
AI-Maathidi, M., & Li, F. (2015, December). Audio content feature selection and classification : a random forests and decision tree approach. Presented at IEEE International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing (PIC), Nanjing, China

Content information can be extracted from soundtracks of multimedia files. A good audio classifier as a preprocessor
is crucial in such applications. Efforts have been made
to develop effective and efficient audio content classifiers in
which feat... Read More about Audio content feature selection and classification : a random forests and decision tree approach.

The collaborative risk assessment environment in disaster management (2015)
Alzahmi, M. (in press). The collaborative risk assessment environment in disaster management. (Thesis). University Of Salford

In the past century the occurrence of natural disasters and man-made disasters have steadily increased with a significant loss of life, damage caused to infrastructure and property, and destruction of the environment. There is much evidence that natu... Read More about The collaborative risk assessment environment in disaster management.