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All Outputs (497)

Predicting the risk of future diabetic foot ulcer occurrence: a prospective cohort study of patients with diabetes in Tanzania (2020)
Journal Article
Naemi, R., Chockalingam, N., Lutale, J. K., & Abbas, Z. G. (2020). Predicting the risk of future diabetic foot ulcer occurrence: a prospective cohort study of patients with diabetes in Tanzania. BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care, 8, Article e001122.

Objectives: The aim of this study was to identify the
parameters that predict the risk of future foot ulcer
occurrence in patients with diabetes.
Research design and methods: 1810 (male (M)/
female (F): 1012/798) patients, with no foot ulcer at... Read More about Predicting the risk of future diabetic foot ulcer occurrence: a prospective cohort study of patients with diabetes in Tanzania.

Reflections on offering a therapeutic creative arts intervention with cult survivors : a collective biography (2020)
Journal Article

A new, evidence-based, multimodal, and
creative psychological therapy, Arts for the
Blues, was piloted with survivors of cultic
abuse in a workshop within a conference
setting. The five facilitators, who occupied
diverse roles and perspectives w... Read More about Reflections on offering a therapeutic creative arts intervention with cult survivors : a collective biography.

How early should you brake during a 180° turn? A kinetic comparison of the antepenultimate, penultimate, and final foot contacts during a 505 change of direction speed test (2020)
Journal Article
Dos'Santos, T., Thomas, C., & Jones, P. (2021). How early should you brake during a 180° turn? A kinetic comparison of the antepenultimate, penultimate, and final foot contacts during a 505 change of direction speed test. Journal of Sports Sciences, 39(4), 395-405.

The aim of the study was to compare ground reaction force (GRF) characteristics between the antepenultimate foot contact (APFC), penultimate foot contact (PFC), and final foot contact (FFC), and to examine the relationships between APFC, PFC, and FFC... Read More about How early should you brake during a 180° turn? A kinetic comparison of the antepenultimate, penultimate, and final foot contacts during a 505 change of direction speed test.

A systematic review to identify the effects of biologics in the feet of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (2020)
Journal Article
Ramos-Petersen, L., Nester, C., Reinoso-Cobo, A., Nieto-Gil, P., Ortega-Avila, A., & Gijon-Nogueron, G. (2021). A systematic review to identify the effects of biologics in the feet of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Medicina, 57(1), e23.

Background and objective: Ninety percent of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) feel foot pain during the disease process. Pharmacological treatment of RA has a systematic effect on the body and includes: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, dis... Read More about A systematic review to identify the effects of biologics in the feet of patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

Female Genital Mutilation protection orders (2020)
Journal Article
Mulongo, P., & McAndrew, S. (2021). Female Genital Mutilation protection orders. British Journal of Midwifery, 29(1), 48-49.

Peggy Mulongo and Sue McAndrew respond to a review of the law surrounding protection orders, published in the July issue of the British Journal of Midwifery, and call for a national commissioner

Rehabilitation following rotator cuff repair: A nested qualitative study exploring the perceptions and experiences of participants in a randomised controlled trial (2020)
Journal Article
Stephens, G., Littlewood, C., Foster, N. E., & Dikomitis, L. (2021). Rehabilitation following rotator cuff repair: A nested qualitative study exploring the perceptions and experiences of participants in a randomised controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation, 35(6), 911-919.

Objective: To investigate acceptability, barriers to adherence with the interventions, and which outcome measures best reflect the participants' rehabilitation goals in a pilot and feasibility randomised controlled trial evaluating early patient-dire... Read More about Rehabilitation following rotator cuff repair: A nested qualitative study exploring the perceptions and experiences of participants in a randomised controlled trial.

A systematic review into the effectiveness of occupational therapy for improving function and participation in activities of everyday life in adults with a diagnosis of depression (2020)
Journal Article
Christie, L., Inman, J., Davys, D., & Cook, P. (2021). A systematic review into the effectiveness of occupational therapy for improving function and participation in activities of everyday life in adults with a diagnosis of depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 282, 962-973.

Background: Depression is a common mental health disorder, the symptoms of which can disrupt functioning and lead to reduced participation in everyday activities. Occupational therapy is routinely provided for people with such difficulties; however,... Read More about A systematic review into the effectiveness of occupational therapy for improving function and participation in activities of everyday life in adults with a diagnosis of depression.

Research priorities for UK pediatric critical care in 2019 : healthcare professionals’ and parents’ perspectives (2020)
Journal Article

Objective: The Paediatric Intensive Care Society Study Group conducted a research prioritization exercise with the aim to identify and agree research priorities in Pediatric Critical Care in the United Kingdom (UK) both from a healthcare professional... Read More about Research priorities for UK pediatric critical care in 2019 : healthcare professionals’ and parents’ perspectives.

Thigh-worn accelerometry for measuring movement and posture across the 24-hour cycle : a scoping review and expert statement (2020)
Journal Article

The Prospective Physical Activity Sitting and Sleep consortium (ProPASS) is an international collaboration platform committed to harmonise thigh-worn accelerometry data. The aim of this paper is to (1) outline observational thigh-worn accelerometry s... Read More about Thigh-worn accelerometry for measuring movement and posture across the 24-hour cycle : a scoping review and expert statement.

The integration of artificial intelligence models to augment imaging modalities in pancreatic cancer (2020)
Journal Article
Wang, X., Chung, W., Correa, E., Zhu, Y., Issa, E., & Dennison, A. (2020). The integration of artificial intelligence models to augment imaging modalities in pancreatic cancer. Journal of Pancreatology, 3(4), 173-180.

Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is an aggressive malignancy with a limited number of effective treatments. Using emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) to facilitate the earlier diagnosis and decision-making process repres... Read More about The integration of artificial intelligence models to augment imaging modalities in pancreatic cancer.

An exploration of early sleep development in preschool children with and without a familial history of ADHD (2020)
Journal Article
Keating, J., Hasshim, N., Bramham, J., McNicholas, F., Carr, A., & Downes, M. (2021). An exploration of early sleep development in preschool children with and without a familial history of ADHD. Sleep Medicine, 100(6), S27--S28.

Objective: The aim of the current study was to examine relations between sleep problems and family factors and early markers of ADHD in young children with and without a familial risk for ADHD.

Methods: Differences in sleep behavior and family fun... Read More about An exploration of early sleep development in preschool children with and without a familial history of ADHD.

An exploration of sleep and family factors in young children at familial risk for ADHD (2020)
Journal Article
Keating, J., Bramham, J., McNicholas, F., Carr, A., Hasshim, N., & Downes, M. (2021). An exploration of sleep and family factors in young children at familial risk for ADHD. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 19(6), 754 -768.

Objective: The aim of the current study was to examine relations between sleep problems and family factors and early markers of ADHD in young children with and without a familial risk for ADHD.

Methods: Differences in sleep behavior and family fun... Read More about An exploration of sleep and family factors in young children at familial risk for ADHD.

Practicability of lower extremity functional performance tests and their measurement properties in elite athletes : protocol for a systematic review (2020)
Journal Article
Cooke, R., Rushton, A., Martin, J., Herrington, L., & Heneghan, N. (2020). Practicability of lower extremity functional performance tests and their measurement properties in elite athletes : protocol for a systematic review. BMJ Open, 10(12), e042975.

Introduction: Lower extremity injury (LEI) is highly prevalent and its occurrence increases the risk of future injury in athletic populations. Identifying athletes at risk of injury is the key to target injury-prevention programmes. Functional perfor... Read More about Practicability of lower extremity functional performance tests and their measurement properties in elite athletes : protocol for a systematic review.

Communicating energy vulnerability : an exploration of energy advice within and beyond formal settings (2020)
Butler, D. Communicating energy vulnerability : an exploration of energy advice within and beyond formal settings. (Thesis). University of Salford

The purpose of this study is to generate a better understanding of the role of energy-related advice and support – an area that has been regarded as underexplored and undervalued, yet a critical part of the package of efforts to tackle fuel poverty.... Read More about Communicating energy vulnerability : an exploration of energy advice within and beyond formal settings.

Veracity judgement, not accuracy : reconsidering the role of facial expressions, empathy, and emotion recognition training on deception detection (2020)
Journal Article
Zloteanu, M., Bull, P., Krumhuber, E., & Richardson, D. (2021). Veracity judgement, not accuracy : reconsidering the role of facial expressions, empathy, and emotion recognition training on deception detection. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 74(5), 910-927.

People hold strong beliefs about the role of emotional cues in detecting deception. While research on the diagnostic value of such cues has been mixed, their influence on human veracity judgements is yet to be fully explored. Here, we address the rel... Read More about Veracity judgement, not accuracy : reconsidering the role of facial expressions, empathy, and emotion recognition training on deception detection.