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Weather radar information processing and real-time flood forecasting (1991)
Han, D. Weather radar information processing and real-time flood forecasting. (Thesis). University of Salford, UK

This thesis describes research into remotely sensed weather radar information systems and
specifically addresses three problems; 1) Weather radar data processing; 2) Real-time flood
forecasting models and 3) Computer system design for the realisati... Read More about Weather radar information processing and real-time flood forecasting.

Hydrological modelling with weather radar data in urban drainage systems
Yuan, J. (1994). Hydrological modelling with weather radar data in urban drainage systems. (Thesis). University of Salford, UK

The management of large scale strategic urban combined drainage systems is becoming increasingly dependent upon weather radar systems which can provide quantitative
precipitation information to improve the overall efficiency of a system's operationa... Read More about Hydrological modelling with weather radar data in urban drainage systems.