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Prof Paula Ormandy's Outputs (75)

Multimorbidity clusters and their associations with health-related quality of life in two UK cohorts (2025)
Journal Article
Steell, L., Krauth, S. J., Ahmed, S., Dibben, G. O., McIntosh, E., Hanlon, P., …Jani, B. D. (in press). Multimorbidity clusters and their associations with health-related quality of life in two UK cohorts. BMC Medicine, 23(1), 1.

Background: Identifying clusters of multiple long-term conditions (MLTCs), also known as multimorbidity, and their associated burden may facilitate the development of effective and cost-effective targeted healthcare strategies. This study aimed to id... Read More about Multimorbidity clusters and their associations with health-related quality of life in two UK cohorts.

Centre-level fluid management practices in the BISTRO trial and their lack of association with participant fluid status and blood pressure in non-anuric haemodialysis patients (2024)
Journal Article
Johal, N., Sharma, R., Belcher, J., Coyle, D., Lindley, E. J., Keane, D., …Davies, S. J. (2024). Centre-level fluid management practices in the BISTRO trial and their lack of association with participant fluid status and blood pressure in non-anuric haemodialysis patients. BMC Nephrology, 25, Article 398.

Introduction: Fluid assessment and management is a key aspect of good dialysis care and is affected by patient-level characteristics and potentially centre-level practices. In this secondary analysis of the BISTRO trial we wished to establish whether... Read More about Centre-level fluid management practices in the BISTRO trial and their lack of association with participant fluid status and blood pressure in non-anuric haemodialysis patients.

Cost-effectiveness of bioimpedance-guided fluid management in patients undergoing haemodialysis: the BISTRO RCT (2024)
Journal Article
Zanganeh, M., Belcher, J., Fotheringham, J., Coyle, D., Lindley, E. J., Keane, D. F., …Andronis, L. (2024). Cost-effectiveness of bioimpedance-guided fluid management in patients undergoing haemodialysis: the BISTRO RCT. Health Technology Assessment, 1-45.

Background: The BioImpedance Spectroscopy to maintain Renal Output randomised controlled trial investigated the effect of bioimpedance spectroscopy added to a standardised fluid management protocol on the risk of anuria and preservation of residual k... Read More about Cost-effectiveness of bioimpedance-guided fluid management in patients undergoing haemodialysis: the BISTRO RCT.

Development of a Resource for Health Professionals to Raise Advance Care Planning Topics During Kidney Care Consultations: A Multiple User-Centered Design. (2024)
Journal Article
Winterbottom, A., Hurst, H., Murtagh, F. E., Bekker, H. L., Ormandy, P., Hole, B., …Mooney, A. (2024). Development of a Resource for Health Professionals to Raise Advance Care Planning Topics During Kidney Care Consultations: A Multiple User-Centered Design. #Journal not on list, 6(9), 100874.

Planning and delivering treatment pathways that integrate end-of-life care, frailty assessment, and enhanced supportive care is a service priority. Despite this, people with kidney failure are less likely to have an advance care plan and receive hosp... Read More about Development of a Resource for Health Professionals to Raise Advance Care Planning Topics During Kidney Care Consultations: A Multiple User-Centered Design..

Association of latent class analysis-derived multimorbidity clusters with adverse health outcomes in patients with multiple long-term conditions: comparative results across three UK cohorts (2024)
Journal Article
J. Krauth, S., Steell, L., Ahmed, S., McIntosh, E., O. Dibben, G., Hanlon, P., …Jani, B. D. (2024). Association of latent class analysis-derived multimorbidity clusters with adverse health outcomes in patients with multiple long-term conditions: comparative results across three UK cohorts. #Journal not on list, 74, 102703.

It remains unclear how to meaningfully classify people living with multimorbidity (multiple long-term conditions (MLTCs)), beyond counting the number of conditions. This paper aims to identify clusters... Read More about Association of latent class analysis-derived multimorbidity clusters with adverse health outcomes in patients with multiple long-term conditions: comparative results across three UK cohorts.

The Bioimpedance Spectroscopy to Preserve Renal Output (BISTRO) Multicentre Randomised Controlled Trial: Quality of Life and Blood Pressure Outcomes (2024)
Journal Article
Davies, S. J., Zanganeh, M., Solis-Trapala, I., Keane, D. F., Davenport, A., Wilkie, M. E., …Caskey, F. (2024). The Bioimpedance Spectroscopy to Preserve Renal Output (BISTRO) Multicentre Randomised Controlled Trial: Quality of Life and Blood Pressure Outcomes. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 33(11S), 469.

Using FLO text-messages to enhance health behaviours and self-management of long-term conditions in South-Asian patients (2024)
Journal Article
Chaudhry, T., Ormandy, P., & Vasilica, C. (in press). Using FLO text-messages to enhance health behaviours and self-management of long-term conditions in South-Asian patients. Digital Health, 10,

Objectives: Cultural and communication differences faced by South-Asian (SA) ethnic minority groups have led to challenges in the delivery of health care and complex management of long-term conditions (LTCs). We aim to explore the use of text-messagi... Read More about Using FLO text-messages to enhance health behaviours and self-management of long-term conditions in South-Asian patients.

Evidence for exercise-based interventions across 45 different long-term conditions: an overview of systematic reviews. (2024)
Journal Article
Dibben, G. O., Gardiner, L., Ml, H., Wells, Y. V., Evans, R. A., Ahmed, Z., …Taylor, R. S. (2024). Evidence for exercise-based interventions across 45 different long-term conditions: an overview of systematic reviews. #Journal not on list, 72, 102599.

Almost half of the global population face significant challenges from long-term conditions (LTCs) resulting in substantive health and socioeconomic burden. Exercise is a potentially key intervention in effective LTC management. In this overview of sy... Read More about Evidence for exercise-based interventions across 45 different long-term conditions: an overview of systematic reviews..

Personalised Exercise-Rehabilitation FOR people with Multiple long-term conditions (PERFORM): protocol for a randomised feasibility trial (2024)
Journal Article
Simpson, S. A., Evans, R. A., Gilbert, H. R., Branson, A., Barber, S., McIntosh, E., …Taylor, R. (2024). Personalised Exercise-Rehabilitation FOR people with Multiple long-term conditions (PERFORM): protocol for a randomised feasibility trial. BMJ Open, 14(4), e083255.

Personalised Exercise-Rehabilitation FOR people with Multiple long-term conditions (PERFORM) is a research programme that seeks to develop and evaluate a comprehensive exercise-based rehabilitation intervention designed for people with multimorbidity... Read More about Personalised Exercise-Rehabilitation FOR people with Multiple long-term conditions (PERFORM): protocol for a randomised feasibility trial.

The identification and management of depression in UK Kidney Care: Results from the Mood Maps Study (2024)
Journal Article
Chilcot, J., Pearce, C. J., Hall, N., Busby, A. D., Hawkins, J., Vraitch, B., …Farrington, K. (in press). The identification and management of depression in UK Kidney Care: Results from the Mood Maps Study. Journal of Renal Care, 1–10.

Background: Depression is common in people with chronic kidney disease, yet little is known about how depression is identified and managed as part of routine kidney care. Objectives: The primary objective was to survey all UK adult kidney centres to... Read More about The identification and management of depression in UK Kidney Care: Results from the Mood Maps Study.

Maternal Antenatal Care Access and Attendance: A Qualitative Study of Midwives’ and Pregnant Women’s Experiences in Kilifi, Kenya (2024)
Maina, R. (2024). Maternal Antenatal Care Access and Attendance: A Qualitative Study of Midwives’ and Pregnant Women’s Experiences in Kilifi, Kenya. (Thesis). University of Salford

Background: Antenatal care (ANC) protects against maternal morbidity and mortality.
Maternal mortality remains unacceptably high in sub-Saharan African communities, which is
strongly linked to low antenatal clinic attendance. Despite substantial ev... Read More about Maternal Antenatal Care Access and Attendance: A Qualitative Study of Midwives’ and Pregnant Women’s Experiences in Kilifi, Kenya.

Impact of COVID-19 on patient experience of kidney care: a rapid review. (2023)
Journal Article
Mackintosh, L., Ormandy, P., Busby, A., Hawkins, J., Klare, R., Silver, C., …Farrington, K. (in press). Impact of COVID-19 on patient experience of kidney care: a rapid review. Journal of Nephrology,

In March 2020, a pandemic state was declared due to SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19). Patients with kidney disease, especially those on replacement therapies, proved more susceptible to severe infection. This rapid literature review aims to help understand how... Read More about Impact of COVID-19 on patient experience of kidney care: a rapid review..

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on services for patients with chronic kidney disease: findings of a national survey of UK kidney centres (2023)
Journal Article
Mackintosh, L., Busby, A., Farrington, K., Hawkins, J., Afuwape, S., Bristow, P., …Chilcot, J. (2023). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on services for patients with chronic kidney disease: findings of a national survey of UK kidney centres. BMC Nephrology, 24(1), 356.

Background: Services for patients with kidney disease underwent radical adaptations in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We undertook an online national survey of UK kidney centres to understand the nature, range, and degree of variation in these ch... Read More about Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on services for patients with chronic kidney disease: findings of a national survey of UK kidney centres.

Examining the Role of the Health Belief Model Framework in Achieving Diversity and Equity in Organ Donation Among South Asians in the United Kingdom (2023)
Journal Article
Pradeep, A., Augustine, T., Randhawa, G., & Ormandy, P. (2023). Examining the Role of the Health Belief Model Framework in Achieving Diversity and Equity in Organ Donation Among South Asians in the United Kingdom. Transplant International, 36, 11243.

Organ donation continues to be low among ethnic minorities in the United Kingdom (UK), especially within the South Asian community, with a disproportionate number of patients of South Asian ethnicity awaiting organ transplants. In 2020/21, Minority E... Read More about Examining the Role of the Health Belief Model Framework in Achieving Diversity and Equity in Organ Donation Among South Asians in the United Kingdom.

Strengthening educational advancement for enrolled nurses: Developing a new program framework for Uganda (2023)
Mwizerwa, J. (2023). Strengthening educational advancement for enrolled nurses: Developing a new program framework for Uganda. (Thesis). University of Salford

Uganda has three pre-service program levels for entering nursing practice, the first of which is, the Enrolled Nurse (EN) and constitutes majority of Uganda’s nursing workforce. While these enrolled nurses constitute a substantial proportion of the n... Read More about Strengthening educational advancement for enrolled nurses: Developing a new program framework for Uganda.

Bio-impedance spectroscopy added to a fluid management protocol does not improve preservation of residual kidney function in incident hemodialysis patients in a randomized controlled trial (2023)
Journal Article
Davies, S. J., Coyle, D., Lindley, E. J., Keane, D., Belcher, J., Caskey, F. J., …Sim, J. (2023). Bio-impedance spectroscopy added to a fluid management protocol does not improve preservation of residual kidney function in incident hemodialysis patients in a randomized controlled trial. Kidney International, 104(3), S0085-2538(23)00394-0.

Avoiding excessive dialysis-associated volume depletion may help preserve residual kidney function (RKF). To establish whether knowledge of the estimated normally hydrated weight from bioimpedance measurements (BI-NHW) when setting the post-hemodialy... Read More about Bio-impedance spectroscopy added to a fluid management protocol does not improve preservation of residual kidney function in incident hemodialysis patients in a randomized controlled trial.

Achieving consensus on psychosocial and physical rehabilitation management for people living with kidney disease (2023)
Journal Article
Coyne, E., Briggs, J., Loud, F., Bristow, P., Young, H. M. L., Castle, E. M., …Greenwood, S. A. (2023). Achieving consensus on psychosocial and physical rehabilitation management for people living with kidney disease. Clinical Kidney Journal, 16(11), 2185–2193.

People living with chronic kidney disease (CKD) need to be able to live well with their condition. The provision of psychosocial interventions (psychological, psychiatric and social care) and physical rehabilitation management is variable across Engl... Read More about Achieving consensus on psychosocial and physical rehabilitation management for people living with kidney disease.

Approaches to the identification and management of depression in people living with chronic kidney disease: a scoping review of 860 papers (2023)
Journal Article
Pearce, C., Hall, N., Hudson, J., Farrington, K., Ryan Tucker, M., Wellsted, D., …Chilcot, J. (2023). Approaches to the identification and management of depression in people living with chronic kidney disease: a scoping review of 860 papers. Journal of Renal Care, 1-11.

Depression is prevalent across the spectrum of Chronic Kidney Disease and associated with poorer outcomes. There is limited evidence regarding the most effective interventions and care pathways for depression in Chronic Kidney Disease.... Read More about Approaches to the identification and management of depression in people living with chronic kidney disease: a scoping review of 860 papers.

Outcomes and care priorities for older people living with frailty and advanced chronic kidney disease: a multi-professional scoping review (2022)
Journal Article
Hurst, H., Young, H., Nixon, A., Brettle, A., & Ormandy, P. (2022). Outcomes and care priorities for older people living with frailty and advanced chronic kidney disease: a multi-professional scoping review. Age and ageing, 51(12),

The growing older population with advanced chronic kidney disease (ACKD stages 4-5) poses
a challenge for healthcare worldwide. The high prevalence of frailty and associated adverse
health outcomes highlights concerns for management and... Read More about Outcomes and care priorities for older people living with frailty and advanced chronic kidney disease: a multi-professional scoping review.

Exploring the role of the UK renal social worker: the nexus between health and social care for renal patients (2022)
Journal Article
Seekles, M., & Ormandy, P. (2022). Exploring the role of the UK renal social worker: the nexus between health and social care for renal patients. PLoS ONE, 17(9), 1-17.

Patients living with progressive chronic kidney disease may face a variety of ongoing physical, emotional, financial and/or social challenges along the disease pathway. In most UK renal units, psychosocial support has traditionally been... Read More about Exploring the role of the UK renal social worker: the nexus between health and social care for renal patients.