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Prof David Waddington's Outputs (69)

Understanding human responses to air source heat pump noise: examining tonal changes and operating cycles (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Air Source Heat Pumps are pivotal in the Government of the United Kingdom's target of achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050. However, their widespread adoption faces challenges, with noise being among the main barriers to entry and a restrictin... Read More about Understanding human responses to air source heat pump noise: examining tonal changes and operating cycles.

A Systematic Review of Anthropogenic Noise Impact on Avian Species (2024)
Journal Article
Engel, M. S., Young, R. J., Davies, W. J., Waddington, D., & Wood, M. D. (2024). A Systematic Review of Anthropogenic Noise Impact on Avian Species. Current Pollution Reports, 10(4), 684-709.

Purpose of review: This study aims to investigate anthropogenic noise impact on avian species by means of a systematic review of literature.

Recent findings: Based on previous anthropogenic noise impact frameworks, it was possible to: clarify the... Read More about A Systematic Review of Anthropogenic Noise Impact on Avian Species.

Defining Mechanistic Pathways for Anthropogenic Noise Impact on Avian Species (2024)
Journal Article
Engel, M. S., Young, R. J., Davies, W. J., Waddington, D., & Wood, M. D. (2024). Defining Mechanistic Pathways for Anthropogenic Noise Impact on Avian Species. Current Pollution Reports, 10(2), 247-276.

Purpose of Review: This review collates and analyses data on noise exposure of birds in relation to avian hearing system performance. It provides new insights into the mechanistic pathways of anthropogenic noise impact on avian species. Recent Findin... Read More about Defining Mechanistic Pathways for Anthropogenic Noise Impact on Avian Species.

What do we know about noise impacts on birds? A systematic review focusing on acoustic methodology (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

In recent years, several studies have shown how anthropogenic noise impacts wildlife. The methodologies used to quantify noise appear to influence data reliability and subsequent findings. Therefore, it is appropriate to review the robustness of acou... Read More about What do we know about noise impacts on birds? A systematic review focusing on acoustic methodology.

Habitats: Developments in managing the ecological impacts of noise on wildlife habitats for sustainable development (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The Habitats project integrates research in the fields of ecological impacts and environmental noise to facilitate development of management tools and processes needed for sustainable development. This conference paper summarises the content and outc... Read More about Habitats: Developments in managing the ecological impacts of noise on wildlife habitats for sustainable development.

Habitats : managing the ecological impacts of noise on wildlife habitats for sustainable development (2022)
Presentation / Conference
Waddington, D., Wood, M., Davies, W., & Young, R. (2022, August). Habitats : managing the ecological impacts of noise on wildlife habitats for sustainable development. Presented at Internoise 2022, Glasgow, Scotland

The objective of the Habitats project is to integrate research in the fields of ecological impacts and
of environmental noise, developing management tools and processes to enable sustainable
development. Rapid population expansion and economic deve... Read More about Habitats : managing the ecological impacts of noise on wildlife habitats for sustainable development.

Assessing the exposure-response relationship of sleep disturbance and vibration in field and laboratory settings (2018)
Journal Article

Exposure to nocturnal freight train vibrations may impact sleep, but exposure-response relationships are lacking. The European project CargoVibes evaluated sleep disturbance both in the field and in the laboratory and provides unique data, as measure... Read More about Assessing the exposure-response relationship of sleep disturbance and vibration in field and laboratory settings.

Quiet technologies for deliveries in urban environments (2017)
Presentation / Conference
Tansey, N., Waddington, D., & Davies, W. (2017, July). Quiet technologies for deliveries in urban environments. Presented at 24th International Congress on Sound and Vibration ICSV24, London

The aim of this paper is to review current research on materials and methods that can be incorporated within local environment and building design concepts to mitigate noise due to deliveries. The use of innovative materials, design and master planni... Read More about Quiet technologies for deliveries in urban environments.

Effect of attitudinal, situational and demographic factors on annoyance due to environmental vibration and noise from construction of a light rapid transit system (2016)
Journal Article
rapid transit system. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(12), 1237.

The aim of this paper is to determine what non-exposure factors influence the relationship
between vibration and noise exposure from the construction of a Light Rapid Transit (LRT) system
and the annoyance of nearby residents. Noise and vibration f... Read More about Effect of attitudinal, situational and demographic factors on annoyance due to environmental vibration and noise from construction of a light rapid transit system.

Quantification of the effects of audible rattle and source type on the human response to environmental vibration (2016)
Journal Article

The present research quantifies the influence of source type and the presence of audible vibration-induced rattle on annoyance caused by vibration in residential environments. The sources of vibration considered are railway and the construction of a... Read More about Quantification of the effects of audible rattle and source type on the human response to environmental vibration.

Human annoyance, acceptability and concern as responses to vibration from the construction of light rapid transit lines in residential environments (2016)
Journal Article
rapid transit lines in residential environments. Science of the Total Environment, 568, 1308-1314.

The aim of this paper is to investigate the use of different self-reported measures for assessing the human response to environmental vibration from the construction of an urban LRT (Light Rapid Transit) system. The human response to environmental st... Read More about Human annoyance, acceptability and concern as responses to vibration from the construction of light rapid transit lines in residential environments.

Guidance for new policy developments on railway noise and vibration (2016)
Journal Article
and vibration. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 85, 76-88.

Noise and vibration are two of the main problems associated with railways in residential
areas. To ensure quality of life and well-being of inhabitants living in the vicinity of railway
paths, it is important to evaluate, understand, control and re... Read More about Guidance for new policy developments on railway noise and vibration.

Development of a social survey for the study of vibration annoyance in residential environments : good practice guidance (2014)
Journal Article

This paper outlines good practice guidelines for developing a social survey to investigate public annoyance in relation to environmental vibration. Drawing on the development of international good practice guidelines and research into noise and vibra... Read More about Development of a social survey for the study of vibration annoyance in residential environments : good practice guidance.

A multidimensional evaluation of the perception and annoyance caused by railway induced groundborne vibration (2014)
Journal Article

This paper presents a study investigating seated subjects' perception of railway induced groundborne vibration in the vertical direction. Previous studies into the perception of railway induced vibration have treated this phenomenon as a unidimension... Read More about A multidimensional evaluation of the perception and annoyance caused by railway induced groundborne vibration.