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Dr Jonathan Hargreaves' Outputs (49)

Understanding human responses to air source heat pump noise: examining tonal changes and operating cycles (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Air Source Heat Pumps are pivotal in the Government of the United Kingdom's target of achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050. However, their widespread adoption faces challenges, with noise being among the main barriers to entry and a restrictin... Read More about Understanding human responses to air source heat pump noise: examining tonal changes and operating cycles.

Confidence limits for coherence – toward a better understanding of its use as a diffuse field metric for quantifying the quality of Direct Field Acoustic Noise (DFAN) Testing systems (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

To determine the degree of diffuseness of a particular acoustic field, an oft-considered metric is the coherence between spaced pairs of measurement microphones. This is useful because the expected theoretical ‘sinc2’ trend for a diffuse field is wel... Read More about Confidence limits for coherence – toward a better understanding of its use as a diffuse field metric for quantifying the quality of Direct Field Acoustic Noise (DFAN) Testing systems.

Iterative metric-based waveguide optimisation (2023)
Presentation / Conference
MacDonald, L., Oclee-Brown, J., Dodd, M., & Hargreaves, J. (2023, October). Iterative metric-based waveguide optimisation. Paper presented at 155th Audio Engineering Society Convention, New York

A comparison between the high-frequency Boundary Element Method and Surface-Based Geometrical Acoustics (2023)
Journal Article
Hargreaves, J. (2023). A comparison between the high-frequency Boundary Element Method and Surface-Based Geometrical Acoustics.

The audible frequency range covers many octaves in which the wavelength changes from being large with respect to dominant features of a space to being comparatively much smaller. This makes numerical prediction of a space's acoustic response, e.g. fo... Read More about A comparison between the high-frequency Boundary Element Method and Surface-Based Geometrical Acoustics.

A 'Surface-based' Geometrical Acoustic formulation within a Galerkin Boundary Element framework (2022)
Emthyas, A. A 'Surface-based' Geometrical Acoustic formulation within a Galerkin Boundary Element framework. (Dissertation). University of Salford

As sound propagates within a room, it experiences high-order reflection, diffraction, and scattering. This causes the reflection density to increase over time, such that the sound field becomes diffuse and chaotic. Under these conditions, there is li... Read More about A 'Surface-based' Geometrical Acoustic formulation within a Galerkin Boundary Element framework.

Raytracing in Galerkin Boundary Integral form (2022)
Presentation / Conference
Emthyas, A., & Hargreaves, J. (2022, August). Raytracing in Galerkin Boundary Integral form. Presented at Internoise 2022, Glasgow, Scotland

Raytracing is an established method for computing the late-time part of room impulse responses. But it has the drawback that only very crude Monte Carlo models of boundary scattering and diffraction are possible to include without losing its attracti... Read More about Raytracing in Galerkin Boundary Integral form.

Analysis and control of acoustic modes in cylindrical cavities with application to Direct Field Acoustic Noise (DFAN) testing (2022)
Presentation / Conference
Hargreaves, J. (2022, August). Analysis and control of acoustic modes in cylindrical cavities with application to Direct Field Acoustic Noise (DFAN) testing. Presented at Internoise 2022, Glasgow, Scotland

It is well known that acoustic cavities have frequencies at which certain free-response ‘modes’ of propagation respond especially strongly. In the absence of significant damping, these cause peaks of high SPL in the frequency response as well as spat... Read More about Analysis and control of acoustic modes in cylindrical cavities with application to Direct Field Acoustic Noise (DFAN) testing.

A Boundary Element Method (BEM) Solver for Low Frequency Room Modes (2022)
Presentation / Conference
Cicero, A., & Hargreaves, J. A. (2022, August). A Boundary Element Method (BEM) Solver for Low Frequency Room Modes. Presented at Internoise 2022, Glasgow, Scotland

Room modes are known to be problematic in small critical listening environments. They degrade the acoustic quality at low frequencies, producing peaks and nulls in the frequency domain and ringing in the time domain. The Finite Element Method (FEM) i... Read More about A Boundary Element Method (BEM) Solver for Low Frequency Room Modes.

Modelling the perception of percussive low frequency instruments in rooms (2020)
Howard, M. Modelling the perception of percussive low frequency instruments in rooms. (Dissertation). University of Salford

Throughout the study of room acoustics, adverse effects and methods of controlling
and mitigating modal behaviour are a well researched topic. However, despite this, a
gap between objective metrics and subjective results is still prevalent, thus re... Read More about Modelling the perception of percussive low frequency instruments in rooms.

A framework for auralization of boundary element method simulations including source and receiver directivity (2019)
Journal Article

The Boundary Element Method (BEM) is a proven numerical prediction tool for computation of room acoustic transfer functions, as are required for auralization of a virtual space. In this paper it is validated against case studies drawn from the ‘Groun... Read More about A framework for auralization of boundary element method simulations including source and receiver directivity.

The wave-matching boundary integral equation - an energy approach to Galerkin BEM for acoustic wave propagation problems (2018)
Journal Article
Hargreaves, J., & Lam, Y. (2019). The wave-matching boundary integral equation - an energy approach to Galerkin BEM for acoustic wave propagation problems. Wave Motion, 87, 4-36.

In this paper, a new Boundary Integral Equation (BIE) is proposed for solution of the scalar Helmholtz equation. Applications include acoustic scattering problems, as occur in room acoustics and outdoor and underwater sound propagation. It draws toge... Read More about The wave-matching boundary integral equation - an energy approach to Galerkin BEM for acoustic wave propagation problems.

A transformation approach for efficient evaluation of oscillatory surface integrals arising in three-dimensional boundary element methods (2016)
Journal Article

We propose a method for efficient evaluation of surface integrals arising in boundary element
methods for three-dimensional Helmholtz problems (with real positive wavenumber k), modelling
wave scattering and/or radiation in homogeneous media. To re... Read More about A transformation approach for efficient evaluation of oscillatory surface integrals arising in three-dimensional boundary element methods.