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Post Nominals FBCS, CITP, CEng
Biography Sunil Vadera is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Salford. He is a Fellow of the British Computer Society, a Chartered Engineer (C.Eng) and Chartered IT Professional (CITP).
He has held many leadership roles including serving as Dean of the School of Computing, Science and Engineering, Associate Dean of Research, Associate Head Teaching, and Director of Informatics Research Institute.
He is past Chair of the British Computer Society (BCS) Accreditations Committee which has responsibility for accreditation of the UK degrees in Computing.

Sunil was awarded the UK BDO best Indian Scientist and Engineer in 2014 and the Amity award for Research contributions to AI and Neural Networks in 2018.
Research Interests Sunil Vadera's research is driven by the desire to close the gap between theory and practice in AI, something he has been doing for over two decades. He leads the University of Salford’s contribution to the GM AI Foundry which has supported over 45 SMEs interested in using AI for innovative applications. Examples of his research include: an EU funded project on Self-Learning Energy Efficient Buildings and Open Spaces; Developing new models for real time sensor validation of gas turbines with the Mexican Instituto de Electricas; Development of and Energy consumption profiles from smart meters data from over 40,000 households for British Gas. He has led a number of projects as a Principal Investigator and served in many leadership roles that require management of collaborative, multi-disciplinary teams consisting of academics, users and practitioners. His research has been published in outlets such as the ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, ACM Computing Surveys, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Computer Journal, IEEE Access and IEEE Transactions of Power Systems.