Project Workshop on Upskilling and Pedagogical Improvements in Advanced Construction Manufacturing Skills
Oct 7, 2024
Description In collaboration with international and domestic partners, including the University of Salford (UK), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), and the University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar (Pakistan), Hanoi University of Civil Engineering hosted a workshop titled "Promoting Sustainable Development of the Construction Industry Through Advanced Construction Methods and Industry 4.0." This workshop is part of the "Upskilling and Pedagogical Improvements in Advanced Construction Manufacturing Skills" project, funded by the British Council's UK–China–BRI Countries Partnership Research Fund.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quoc Toan, Deputy Head of the Department of Economics and Construction Management at Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, opened the event, underscoring the importance of new technologies in enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of the construction sector. Topics discussed included the role of Modern Methods of Construction, such as prefabrication, digitalization, and automation, and their potential to support Vietnam's journey toward sustainable development and its net-zero emissions target.
Prof. Dr. Zeeshan Aziz from the University of Salford presented on "Towards a Net-Zero Carbon Construction Industry Through Innovations in Industrial Construction and Industry 4.0." Dr. Aziz stressed the importance of reducing carbon emissions in construction by leveraging prefabrication, 3D printing, modularization, AI, and BIM to optimize project design and life-cycle maintenance.
Mr. Nguyen Xuan Man, Director of XM Company Limited, introduced modular automation in housing design, presenting a project where robots known as "Pizzabot" support modular wooden house construction for flood-prone areas. He emphasized how modularity and distributed robotics enable scalable, cost-effective, and sustainable building practices.
- Digital Construction in Malaysia** – Mr. Mohamad Syazli Fathi, UTM, discussed the current adoption of digital construction systems.
- Advanced Construction Approaches in Vietnam** – Bui Duy Anh, representing the SERA34 project group from Hanoi University, explored innovative construction techniques suited for local conditions.
- BIM Data and Intelligent Systems** – Mr. Hando Kim from Koryo Software Company, Korea, shared on integrating BIM data into smart construction practices.
- Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) Opportunities** – Mr. Adeel Arshad from the University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar discussed the application of ACM in Pakistan's construction industry.
The workshop offered a platform for experts and scholars to exchange ideas on sustainable construction practices and foster partnerships for integrating Industry 4.0 advancements into the construction sector. The event concluded with a shared commitment to building sustainable and resilient construction practices in Vietnam and beyond.Location Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, People Zeeshan Aziz Research Centres/Groups Built and Human Environments URL
Prof Zeeshan Aziz's Events (2)
Towards Net Zero Construction Leveraging Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) and Industry 4.0 Innovations
Mar 4, 2024
Description This seminar will focus on role of Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) in helping the
construction industry achieve net-zero construction targets and in creating more efficient processes and
structures. It aims to explore challenges like low productivity, safety issues, and labour inefficiency that have
historically impeded the construction sector, resulting in delays and suboptimal infrastructure life cycle and
energy performance. Emphasizing the importance of Industry 4.0-driven digital transformation, the seminar
seeks to enhance readiness to meet evolving societal expectations, climate change, resource scarcity, and
disruptive innovation. Providing an international perspective on global challenges, the seminar will concentrate
on formulating a common vision and strategies to propel the construction sector towards achieving national netzero construction targets.
Key trigger questions include:
• What is the current level and awareness of construction manufacturing approaches (DfMA, Off-site
construction) across global construction industry?
• What skill sets are required for graduates focused on MMC vs traditional construction?
• What measures are required at policy/institutional/governmental level to encourage wider adoption and
implementation of Construction Manufacturing approaches, particularly within the public sector?
• What changes are needed (e.g., business models, skills development, technologies) to encourage wider
MMC adoption within global construction industry?
• How can various stakeholders work together (Government, local industry, companies, academia) to
ensure wider deployment of construction manufacturing approaches?
• What changes may be required within current procurement models and building regulations to
encourage wider use of MMC?
• What is the role of Industry 4.0 innovations (AI, Robotics, Data Sciences, etc) to facilitate DfMA/MMC
uptake?Location Hybrid Lecture Theatre 1.93, Mary Seacole Building, University of Salford, M5 4WT
and online recordedPeople Zeeshan Aziz Org Units School of Science, Engineering & Environment Research Centres/Groups Built and Human Environments