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Dr Omar Alani's Outputs (8)

Supporting massive M2M traffic in the Internet of Things using millimetre wave 5G network (2017)
Presentation / Conference
Al-Falahy, N., & Alani, O. (2017, September). Supporting massive M2M traffic in the Internet of Things using millimetre wave 5G network. Presented at 9th Computer Science & Electronic Engineering Conference (CEEC), University of Essex, UK

One of the challenges of Fifth Generation (5G) networks is how to support massive number of wireless devices in
the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT will interconnect billions of
devices under machine-to-machine communication links (M2M). However, thi... Read More about Supporting massive M2M traffic in the Internet of Things using millimetre wave 5G network.

Identification as a deterrent for security enhancement in cognitive radio networks (2017)
Journal Article
Fakhrudeen, A., & Alani, O. (2017). Identification as a deterrent for security enhancement in cognitive radio networks. IET Networks, 6(6), 193-202.

Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs) are prone to emerging coexistence security threats such as Primary User Emulation Attack (PUEA). Specifically, a malicious CRN may mimic licensees’ (Primary Users (PUs)) signal characteristics to force another CRN to v... Read More about Identification as a deterrent for security enhancement in cognitive radio networks.

Design considerations of ultra dense 5G network in millimetre wave band (2017)
Presentation / Conference
Al-Falahy, N., & Alani, O. (2017, July). Design considerations of ultra dense 5G network in millimetre wave band. Presented at The Second International Workshop on 5G and 6G Mobile Communications, Milan, Italy

The fifth Generation (5G) network will provide services with extreme data rate and latency demands compared to
current cellular networks, and provide massive capacity and
connectivity to multitude of devices with diverse requirements and applicatio... Read More about Design considerations of ultra dense 5G network in millimetre wave band.

The impact of base station antennas configuration on the performance of millimetre wave 5G networks (2017)
Presentation / Conference
on the performance of millimetre wave 5G networks. Presented at The Ninth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN 2017), Milan

In this paper, two scenarios have been considered
for millimetre wave base station configuration. In the first
scenario, the approach of Distributed Base Station (DBS) with remote radio units (RRU) is chosen as the envisioned architecture for futur... Read More about The impact of base station antennas configuration on the performance of millimetre wave 5G networks.

Comprehensive survey on quality of service provisioning approaches in cognitive radio networks : part one (2017)
Journal Article
Fakhrudeen, A., & Alani, O. (2017). Comprehensive survey on quality of service provisioning approaches in cognitive radio networks : part one. International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, 24(4), 356-388.

Much interest in Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs) has been raised recently by enabling unlicensed (secondary) users to utilize the unused portions of the licensed spectrum. CRN utilization of residual spectrum bands of Primary (licensed) Networks (PNs... Read More about Comprehensive survey on quality of service provisioning approaches in cognitive radio networks : part one.

Potential technologies to 5G network : challenges and opportunities (2017)
Journal Article
Al-Falahy, N., & Alani, O. (2017). Potential technologies to 5G network : challenges and opportunities. IT Professional, 19(1), 12-20.

Recently, there has been a substantial growth in mobile data traffic due to the widespread of data hungry devices such as smart handsets and laptops. This has encouraged researchers and system designers to develop a further efficient network design.... Read More about Potential technologies to 5G network : challenges and opportunities.