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Prof Seamus Simpson's Outputs (2)

Intervention, net neutrality and European Union media policy (2016)
Journal Article
Simpson, S. (2016). Intervention, net neutrality and European Union media policy. International Journal of Digital Television, 7(3), 331-346.

Net Neutrality was once in Europe thought to be a technically arcane subject with little policy relevance beyond the USA. However, its dominant articulation as the idea that Internet Service Providers should treat equally communication traffic of a b... Read More about Intervention, net neutrality and European Union media policy.

Global civil society activism and the public interest in the debate on the future shape of spectrum (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This paper explores the positions of actors representing public interest goals in recent international policy activity around possible changes to the allocation of spectrum. Its focus is the lead up to the consideration of the future of the so-called... Read More about Global civil society activism and the public interest in the debate on the future shape of spectrum.