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Prof Seamus Simpson's Outputs (51)

The Limits of Internet Self-Regulation -The EU's Policy for Digital Internet Intermediaries (2024)
Journal Article
Simpson, S. (in press). The Limits of Internet Self-Regulation -The EU's Policy for Digital Internet Intermediaries. Frontiers in ICT, 9, 1454211.

This article contributes to knowledge on EU policy for Internet intermediaries by providing a characterisation and analysis of the system of governance for intermediaries set out initially in the 2000 Directive on E-Commerce and recently updated in t... Read More about The Limits of Internet Self-Regulation -The EU's Policy for Digital Internet Intermediaries.

Communication infrastructure and networks (2024)
Book Chapter
Simpson, S. (2024). Communication infrastructure and networks. In M. Puppis, R. Mansell, & H. Van den Bulck (Eds.), . Edward Elgar Publishing.

This chapter provides an analysis of the importance of governance in the core constituents of a vast and complex electronic communication infrastructure. It argues that the character and practices of infrastructure governance, despite their lower pro... Read More about Communication infrastructure and networks.

Perspectives on citizen data privacy in a smart city – An empirical case study (2024)
Journal Article
Lucas, E., Simpson, S., & Lucas, E. (in press). Perspectives on citizen data privacy in a smart city – An empirical case study. Convergence,

Digitisation is arguably an inevitable feature of contemporary urban development, yet privacy issues arising from the mass data collection, transmission and processing it entails continue to be a poorly understood and contentious issue for people liv... Read More about Perspectives on citizen data privacy in a smart city – An empirical case study.

Citizen Participation and Strategic Communication through Twitter: Food Waste Awareness in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (2024)

This study investigates the under-researched topic of the extent to which – and how – Twitter
is used to undertake food waste awareness campaigns by food bank organisations in the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). It provides a better understanding of... Read More about Citizen Participation and Strategic Communication through Twitter: Food Waste Awareness in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Innovating free-to-air broadcasting: Social value, broadcast content, and personal mobile communications. (2023)
Book Chapter

This chapter analyses recent evidence of efforts by broadcast players to move into personal mobile communications through the delivery of broadcast content to smartphones. It explores innovation strategies related to the broadcast distribution channe... Read More about Innovating free-to-air broadcasting: Social value, broadcast content, and personal mobile communications..

Participation and Strategic Communication of Saudi Food Banks through Twitter to Enhance Food Waste Awareness among Saudi Arabian Citizens (2022)
Journal Article

Twitter is a platform service that has quickly risen to prominence as the social media platform most preferred for strategic communication campaigns. It is used by most of the Non-Profit Organizations (NPO) in Saudi Arabia, making it the most popular... Read More about Participation and Strategic Communication of Saudi Food Banks through Twitter to Enhance Food Waste Awareness among Saudi Arabian Citizens.

Political economy, communications discourse and media policy : the case of online news commenting in Nigeria (2022)
Journal Article
Apejoye, A., & Simpson, S. (2022). Political economy, communications discourse and media policy : the case of online news commenting in Nigeria. International journal of digital television (Online),

This article provides a contribution to knowledge on the growth of online news commenting
in Nigeria. Specifically, it accounts for factors which influence the character of the often
fractious online discursive behaviour in evidence and what commun... Read More about Political economy, communications discourse and media policy : the case of online news commenting in Nigeria.

Participatory communication for community development : the Ghanaian experience (2020)
Gbadago, F. Participatory communication for community development : the Ghanaian experience. (Thesis). University of Salford

This research pursued a better understanding of development communication in a range of Ghanaian programmes in the education sector. Its focus is the nature of engagements between a range of actors during formulation, implementation and evaluation of... Read More about Participatory communication for community development : the Ghanaian experience.

New media and civil society : a study of Native Customary Rights (NCR) Land and Community-based Organisations (CBOs) in Sarawak, Malaysia (2020)
Yap, P. New media and civil society : a study of Native Customary Rights (NCR) Land and Community-based Organisations (CBOs) in Sarawak, Malaysia. (Thesis). University of Salford

Civil society generally refers to a sphere where individuals exercise their freedom and rights through voluntary, independent associations. Spurred by world political events, the discourse of civil society shifted to a democratising mission against t... Read More about New media and civil society : a study of Native Customary Rights (NCR) Land and Community-based Organisations (CBOs) in Sarawak, Malaysia.

Online news commenting platforms as space for democratic deliberation : a study of selected Nigerian online news websites (2020)
Apejoye, A. Online news commenting platforms as space for democratic deliberation : a study of selected Nigerian online news websites. (Thesis). University of Salford

News commenting has become part of the features of online news sites in Nigeria, providing space for readers to express their views on news content and to engage with other readers in discussion. Over time, these commenting sections have become a spa... Read More about Online news commenting platforms as space for democratic deliberation : a study of selected Nigerian online news websites.

The struggle for co-existence : communication policy by private technical standards making and its limits in unlicensed spectrum (2019)
Journal Article
Rashid, I., & Simpson, S. (2021). The struggle for co-existence : communication policy by private technical standards making and its limits in unlicensed spectrum. Information, Communication and Society, 24(4), 576-593.

Huge increase in the demand by the wireless sector to use the airwaves has trained focus on the classic policy problem of resource scarcity in the field. This article illuminates a
part of wireless communication – unlicensed spectrum – where a parti... Read More about The struggle for co-existence : communication policy by private technical standards making and its limits in unlicensed spectrum.

Civil society activism, strategic alignment and international public policy making for spectrum (2019)
Journal Article
Rashid, I., & Simpson, S. (2019). Civil society activism, strategic alignment and international public policy making for spectrum. Journal of Civil Society, 15(1), 62-81.

Recent work in political science asserts a growth in prominence of civil society in international public policy processes, something that has been to this point under-addressed in the field of public policy research in communication. This article und... Read More about Civil society activism, strategic alignment and international public policy making for spectrum.

European Union telecommunications policy (2017)
Book Chapter
Simpson, S. (2017). European Union telecommunications policy. In J. Nussbaum (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication. Oxford University Press.

This article explores the character and development of telecommunications policy at EU level. For most of the 20th century a matter of national governance and thus of peripheral interest to the EU, from the mid to late 1980s the EU began to develop a... Read More about European Union telecommunications policy.

Intervention, net neutrality and European Union media policy (2016)
Journal Article
Simpson, S. (2016). Intervention, net neutrality and European Union media policy. International Journal of Digital Television, 7(3), 331-346.

Net Neutrality was once in Europe thought to be a technically arcane subject with little policy relevance beyond the USA. However, its dominant articulation as the idea that Internet Service Providers should treat equally communication traffic of a b... Read More about Intervention, net neutrality and European Union media policy.