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GAMEHEARTS Workshop Report

Crawford, Garry; Bagnall, Gaynor; Gislam, Charlotte; Gosling, Victoria; Simpson, Seamus; Stukoff, Maria; Yodovich, Neta; Alfonzo, Lisa; Bouwels, Lindsey; Clavero, Tuki; Gudkova, Oleksandra; Haggis-Burridge, Mata; Hamari, Juho; Hassreiter, Silke; Ilesanmi, Faith; Klimas, Patrycja; Klock, Ana; Kościewicz, Dawid; Radomska, Joanna; Sarikakis, Katharine; Sicevic, Nevena; Strzelec, Gabriela; Sundvik, Ylva; Wrona, Sylwia

GAMEHEARTS Workshop Report Thumbnail


Charlotte Gislam

Neta Yodovich

Lisa Alfonzo

Lindsey Bouwels

Tuki Clavero

Oleksandra Gudkova

Mata Haggis-Burridge

Juho Hamari

Silke Hassreiter

Faith Ilesanmi

Patrycja Klimas

Ana Klock

Dawid Kościewicz

Joanna Radomska

Katharine Sarikakis

Nevena Sicevic

Gabriela Strzelec

Ylva Sundvik

Sylwia Wrona


The GAMEHEARTS project aims to bolster the European video game industry ecosystems (hereafter, EVGIE) within the larger framework of creative and cultural industries (hereafter, CCI) by promoting economic growth, job creation, and social cohesion through enhanced collaboration between traditional and emerging cultural sectors. This initiative seeks to provide policy recommendations and development roadmaps for the EVGIE, employing a holistic, evidence-based approach to explore how video game technologies can drive innovation within the wider CCI. As part of these efforts, consortium members organised five formative workshops between April and June 2024. These workshops leveraged existing networks and established new connections among the EVGIE, academia, CCI, and local governments, providing a platform for key stakeholders to generate new knowledge and address various challenges facing the EVGIE. This report reviews and analyses these five workshops, which explored the challenges and benefits within the video game industry.

Report Type Research Report
Deposit Date Oct 1, 2024
Publicly Available Date Oct 1, 2024


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