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Prof Penny Cook's Outputs (79)

Associations between prenatal alcohol exposure and early education outcomes: a matched controls study using the born in Bradford dataset (2024)
Journal Article

Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) is associated with cognitive, behavioural, and developmental impairments throughout the lifespan of affected individuals, but there is limited evidence on how early this impact can be identified through routinely colle... Read More about Associations between prenatal alcohol exposure and early education outcomes: a matched controls study using the born in Bradford dataset.

An ‘alcohol health champions’ intervention to reduce alcohol harm in local communities: a mixed-methods evaluation of a natural experiment (2024)
Journal Article

Background Globally alcohol consumption is a leading risk factor for premature death and disability and is associated with crime, social and economic consequences. Local communities may be able to play a role in addressing alcohol-related issues in t... Read More about An ‘alcohol health champions’ intervention to reduce alcohol harm in local communities: a mixed-methods evaluation of a natural experiment.

Establishing a national linked database for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in the UK: multi-method public and professional involvement to determine acceptability and feasibility. (2024)
Journal Article

Introduction: Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is one of the leading non-genetic causes of developmental disability worldwide and is thought to be particularly common in the UK. Despite this, there is a lack of data on FASD in the UK.

Object... Read More about Establishing a national linked database for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in the UK: multi-method public and professional involvement to determine acceptability and feasibility..

“Taking part in the project has really changed our experience as a family” Investigating parents’ experience of participation in a study to screen for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. (2024)
Journal Article
McCarthy, R., Blackburn, C., Mukherjee, R., Allely, C., & Cook, P. (2024). “Taking part in the project has really changed our experience as a family” Investigating parents’ experience of participation in a study to screen for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Heliyon, 10(9),

Screening children for developmental disorders presents unique ethical and methodological challenges, particularly with disorders associated with high levels of shame and stigma. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is a neurodevelopmen... Read More about “Taking part in the project has really changed our experience as a family” Investigating parents’ experience of participation in a study to screen for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder..

Emergency department crowding and its impact on the clinical care and mortality outcomes of stroke patients at the Tema General Hospital in Ghana (2024)

Stroke is a cardiovascular related disease that commonly presents at the emergency department
(ED) with high mortality rates and lifelong disability. At the ED, overcrowding is a reported
challenge that has impact on the outcome of patient care. Th... Read More about Emergency department crowding and its impact on the clinical care and mortality outcomes of stroke patients at the Tema General Hospital in Ghana.

Mind, body and blood: advancing green care through innovative methodologies within the field of health geography (2024)
Journal Article
Louise, M., Hardman, M., Michelle, H., & Penny, C. (in press). Mind, body and blood: advancing green care through innovative methodologies within the field of health geography. Cities and Health, 1-11.

Geography and health disciplines have become inseparable, with our environments effecting our physical health and mental wellbeing, spawning the subdiscipline of Health Geographies. In this paper we argue that radical innovations are needed to fully... Read More about Mind, body and blood: advancing green care through innovative methodologies within the field of health geography.

Immediate and repeat interrogative suggestibility in a sample of adolescents with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (2023)
Journal Article
Gilbert, D. J., Gudjonsson, G., Cook, P., Mukherjee, R. A. S., & Allely, C. (2024). Immediate and repeat interrogative suggestibility in a sample of adolescents with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Diversity & Inclusion Research, 1(1), e12007.

Individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) are more likely to be involved with the criminal justice system (CJS) than neurotypical individuals. Interrogative suggestibility is theorised to be a weakness in this population; this is the f... Read More about Immediate and repeat interrogative suggestibility in a sample of adolescents with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.

‘I inevitably get in trouble…in one way or another’: qualitative exploration of the vulnerabilities and experiences of justice system encountered individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. (2023)
Journal Article
Gilbert, D., Allely, C., & Penny, C. (2023). ‘I inevitably get in trouble…in one way or another’: qualitative exploration of the vulnerabilities and experiences of justice system encountered individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Forensic Science International, 4,

In comparison to the neurotypical population, individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) are over-represented in the criminal justice system (CJS). This study explores the perspectives of a small sample of individuals with F... Read More about ‘I inevitably get in trouble…in one way or another’: qualitative exploration of the vulnerabilities and experiences of justice system encountered individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder..

Advancing GReencare in Europe: a multi-scalar approach to improve Mental health Equity (the GreenME project) (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

BACKGROUND AND AIM: There is burgeoning evidence that green care (viewed on a continuum that includes nature-in-everyday-life, nature-based health promotion, and nature-based therapy) can be used to promote mental health and wellbeing particularly fo... Read More about Advancing GReencare in Europe: a multi-scalar approach to improve Mental health Equity (the GreenME project).

Neurodevelopmental outcomes in children and adults with Fetal Valproate Spectrum Disorder: A contribution from the ConcePTION project. (2023)
Journal Article

To describe the neurodevelopmental phenotype of older children and adults with a diagnosis of Fetal Valproate Spectrum Disorder (FVSD). In this cross-sectional study, 90 caregivers were recruited and completed a series of questionnaires regarding the... Read More about Neurodevelopmental outcomes in children and adults with Fetal Valproate Spectrum Disorder: A contribution from the ConcePTION project..

Critically exploring public realm greenspace as a therapeutic landscape and the role of Green Social Prescribing (2023)
Book Chapter
Thompson, J., Howarth, M., Hardman, M., & Cook, P. (2023). Critically exploring public realm greenspace as a therapeutic landscape and the role of Green Social Prescribing. In Cultivated Therapeutic Landscapes. Taylor & Francis (Routledge).

This chapter explores the concept of, and presents the case for, public realm greenspace as a therapeutic landscape. We argue that the act of cultivating this landscape is a means by which to offer opportunity for wellness through access and interact... Read More about Critically exploring public realm greenspace as a therapeutic landscape and the role of Green Social Prescribing.

Development and Pre-Feasibility Testing of SPECIFiC: A Psychoeducation Programme for Caregivers of Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) (2023)
Journal Article

A growing number of evidence-based services are available for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), but few focus on caregiver psychoeducation. Despite new guidance in the UK requiring FASD services, the evidence base for effective interventions is... Read More about Development and Pre-Feasibility Testing of SPECIFiC: A Psychoeducation Programme for Caregivers of Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).

Critically exploring public realm greenspace as a therapeutic landscape and the role of Green Social Prescribing (2023)
Book Chapter
Thompson, J., Howarth, M., Hardman, M., & Cook, P. Critically exploring public realm greenspace as a therapeutic landscape and the role of Green Social Prescribing. In P. Marsh, & A. Williams (Eds.), Cultivated Therapeutic Landscapes. Routledge.

In this chapter, we conceptualise public realm greenspace as a therapeutic landscape, and explore its role and potential as a medium for civic environmental nature-based activities that generate health and wellbeing benefits. We outline common approa... Read More about Critically exploring public realm greenspace as a therapeutic landscape and the role of Green Social Prescribing.

Exploring the Vulnerabilities of Individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders to, and within, Criminal Justice System Encounters (2023)

Background: Individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD), a condition caused by alcohol exposure in the womb, are 19 times more likely to be involved with the criminal justice system (CJS). Despite the potential for a high prevalence of... Read More about Exploring the Vulnerabilities of Individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders to, and within, Criminal Justice System Encounters.

The climate crisis - can a community-led approach work? (2023)
Journal Article
O'Connor, B. C., Hardman, M., Donkin, L. M., & Cook, P. A. (in press). The climate crisis - can a community-led approach work?. Perspectives in Public Health, 17579139231180802.

Climate change is the biggest threat to human health.1 Over 300 Local authorities across the United Kingdom have declared climate emergencies,2 and there have been over 1500 declared by equivalent local authorities across the globe.3 Local authoritie... Read More about The climate crisis - can a community-led approach work?.

Alcohol Use During Pregnancy and Its Impacts on a Child’s Life (2023)
Book Chapter
Cook, P. A., Price, A. D., & Mukherjee, R. A. S. Alcohol Use During Pregnancy and Its Impacts on a Child’s Life. In Alcohol Use: Assessment, Withdrawal Management, Treatment and Therapy (193-207). Springer.

Alcohol is a potent teratogen that can lead to physical and neurodevelopmental birth defects known as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). An estimated 10% of pregnancies globally are exposed to alcohol, and this is much higher in some countries,... Read More about Alcohol Use During Pregnancy and Its Impacts on a Child’s Life.

Evaluating the difference in neuropsychological profiles of individuals with FASD based on the number of sentinel facial features: a service evaluation of the FASD UK National Clinic Database (2023)
Journal Article
Webster, B., Carlisle, A., Livesey, A., Deeprose, L., Cook, P., & Mukherjee, R. (2023). Evaluating the difference in neuropsychological profiles of individuals with FASD based on the number of sentinel facial features: a service evaluation of the FASD UK National Clinic Database. Children, 10, 266.

It might be implied that those with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) with fewer sentinel facial features have a “milder” neuropsychological presentation, or present with fewer impairments than those with more sentinel facial features. The aim o... Read More about Evaluating the difference in neuropsychological profiles of individuals with FASD based on the number of sentinel facial features: a service evaluation of the FASD UK National Clinic Database.

‘A priori’ external contextual factors and relationships with process indicators: a mixed methods study of the pre-implementation phase of ‘Communities in Charge of Alcohol’ (2022)
Journal Article

It is widely recognised that complex public health interventions roll out in distinct phases, within which external contextual factors influence implementation. Less is known about relationships with external contextual factors identified... Read More about ‘A priori’ external contextual factors and relationships with process indicators: a mixed methods study of the pre-implementation phase of ‘Communities in Charge of Alcohol’.