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Mr John McMahon's Outputs (13)

Changes in dynamic strength index in response to strength training (2018)
Journal Article
Comfort, P., Thomas, C., Dos'Santos, T., Suchomel, T., Jones, P., & McMahon, J. (2018). Changes in dynamic strength index in response to strength training. Sports, 6(4), 176.

The primary aim of this investigation was to determine the effects of a four-week period of in-season strength training on the dynamic strength index (DSI). Pre and post a four-week period of strength-based training, twenty-four collegiate athletes (... Read More about Changes in dynamic strength index in response to strength training.

Optimizing Squat Technique—Revisited (2018)
Journal Article
Comfort, P., McMahon, J., & Suchomel, T. J. (2018). Optimizing Squat Technique—Revisited. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 40(6), 68-74.

The back squat is the cornerstone of many strength and conditioning programs, with increases in back squat strength associated with improvements in athletic performance. A variety of back squat techniques have been described throughout the literature... Read More about Optimizing Squat Technique—Revisited.

Within-subject consistency of unimodal and bimodal force application during the countermovement jump (2018)
Journal Article
Lake, J., & McMahon, J. (2018). Within-subject consistency of unimodal and bimodal force application during the countermovement jump. Sports, 6(4), 143.

Countermovement jump (CMJ) force data are often time-normalized so researchers and practitioners can study the effect that sex, training status, and training intervention have on CMJ strategy: the so-called force⁻time curve shape. Data are often coll... Read More about Within-subject consistency of unimodal and bimodal force application during the countermovement jump.

The validity of the Push Band 2.0 during vertical jump performance (2018)
Journal Article
Lake, J., Augustus, S., Austin, K., Mundy, P., McMahon, J., Comfort, P., & Haff, G. (2018). The validity of the Push Band 2.0 during vertical jump performance. Sports, 6(4), 140.

The Push Band has the potential to provide a cheap and practical method of measuring velocity and power during countermovement vertical jumping (CMJ). However, very little is known about whether it conforms to laboratory-based gold standards. The aim... Read More about The validity of the Push Band 2.0 during vertical jump performance.

Reliability of and relationship between flight time to contraction time ratio and reactive strength index modified (2018)
Journal Article
McMahon, J., Lake, J., & Comfort, P. (2018). Reliability of and relationship between flight time to contraction time ratio and reactive strength index modified. Sports, 6(3), 81.

Countermovement jump (CMJ) force-time testing is commonly used to monitor seasonal alterations in athletes’ CMJ strategy (to infer alterations in neuromuscular function). The flight time to contraction time (FT:CT) ratio and reactive strength index m... Read More about Reliability of and relationship between flight time to contraction time ratio and reactive strength index modified.

Assessing the frequency and magnitude of match impacts accrued during an elite rugby union playing season (2018)
Journal Article
Grainger, A., McMahon, J., & Comfort, P. (2018). Assessing the frequency and magnitude of match impacts accrued during an elite rugby union playing season. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 18(4), 507-522.

The aim of this study was to identify position-related differences in absolute and relative match impacts in rugby union. Thirty-eight subjects were tracked, using GPS units containing inertial sensors, across one full playing season (n = 462 data se... Read More about Assessing the frequency and magnitude of match impacts accrued during an elite rugby union playing season.

An investigation into the effects of excluding the catch phase of the power clean on force-time characteristics during isometric and dynamic tasks (2018)
Journal Article
Comfort, P., Dos'Santos, T., Thomas, C., McMahon, J., & Suchomel, T. (2018). An investigation into the effects of excluding the catch phase of the power clean on force-time characteristics during isometric and dynamic tasks. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 32(8), 2116-2129.

The aims of this study were to compare the effects of the exclusion or inclusion of the catch phase during power clean (PC) derivatives on force-time characteristics during isometric and dynamic tasks, after two 4-week mesocycles of resistance traini... Read More about An investigation into the effects of excluding the catch phase of the power clean on force-time characteristics during isometric and dynamic tasks.

Concurrent validity of a portable force plate using vertical jump force-time characteristics (2018)
Journal Article
Lake, J., Mundy, P., Comfort, P., McMahon, J., Suchomel, T., & Carden, P. (2018). Concurrent validity of a portable force plate using vertical jump force-time characteristics. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 34(5), 410-413.

This study examined concurrent validity of countermovement vertical jump (CMJ) reactive strength index modified and force-time characteristics recorded using a one dimensional portable and laboratory force plate system. Twenty-eight men performed bil... Read More about Concurrent validity of a portable force plate using vertical jump force-time characteristics.

Variability of plyometric and ballistic exercise technique maintains jump performance (2018)
Journal Article
Chandler, P., Greig, M., & McMahon, J. (2018). Variability of plyometric and ballistic exercise technique maintains jump performance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 32(6), 1571-1582.

The aim of this study was to investigate changes in vertical jump technique over the course of a training session. Twelve plyometric and ballistic exercise trained male athletes (age = 23.4 ± 4.6 years, body mass = 78.7 ± 18.8 kg, height = 177.1 ± 9.... Read More about Variability of plyometric and ballistic exercise technique maintains jump performance.

Comparison of the force-, velocity- and power-time curves between the concentric-only and eccentric-concentric bench press exercises (2018)
Journal Article
Pérez-Castilla, A., Comfort, P., McMahon, J., Pestaña-Melero, F., & García-Ramos, A. (2020). Comparison of the force-, velocity- and power-time curves between the concentric-only and eccentric-concentric bench press exercises. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 34(6), 1618-1624.

The aim of this study was to compare the temporal and mechanical variables between the concentric-only and eccentric-concentric bench press (BP) variants. Twenty-one men (age: 22.0±4.2 years, body mass: 73.4±7.7 kg, height: 177.2±8.0 cm; one-repetiti... Read More about Comparison of the force-, velocity- and power-time curves between the concentric-only and eccentric-concentric bench press exercises.