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Prof Louise Ackers' Outputs (3)

Mobile professional voluntarism and international development : killing me softly? (2016)
Ackers, H., & Ackers-Johnson, J. (2017). Mobile professional voluntarism and international development : killing me softly?. UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

This book explores the impact that professional volunteers have on the low resource countries they choose to spend time in. Whilst individual volunteering may be of immediate benefit to individual patients, this intervention may have detrimental effe... Read More about Mobile professional voluntarism and international development : killing me softly?.

Volunteering and overseas placements in the NHS : a survey of current activity (2016)
Journal Article
Chatwin, J., & Ackers, L. (2016). Volunteering and overseas placements in the NHS : a survey of current activity. BMJ, 6(10), e01216.

The study aimed to establish current levels of overseas volunteering and placement activity across all staff grades within the NHS in the North West of England.
Cross-sectional survey.
Descriptive statistics.
Setting... Read More about Volunteering and overseas placements in the NHS : a survey of current activity.

The impact of delays on maternal and neonatal outcomes in Ugandan public health facilities : the role of absenteeism (2016)
Journal Article
Ackers, H., Ionnou, E., & Ackers-Johnson, J. (2016). The impact of delays on maternal and neonatal outcomes in Ugandan public health facilities : the role of absenteeism. Health Policy and Planning, 31(9), 1152-1161.

Maternal mortality in low and middle income countries (LMICs) continues to remain high. The Ugandan Ministry of Health’s Strategic Plan suggests that little, if any, progress has been made in Uganda in terms of improvements in Maternal Health (Millen... Read More about The impact of delays on maternal and neonatal outcomes in Ugandan public health facilities : the role of absenteeism.