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Prof Osman Beg's Outputs (37)

Electro-osmotic flow of couple stress fluids in a microchannel propagated by peristalsis (2017)
Journal Article
Tripathi, D., Yadav, A., & Beg, O. (2017). Electro-osmotic flow of couple stress fluids in a microchannel propagated by peristalsis. European Physical Journal Plus, 132(4:173),

A mathematical model is developed for electro-osmotic peristaltic pumping of a non-Newtonian liquid in a deformable micro-channel. Stokes’ couple stress fluid model is deployed to represent realistic working liquids. The Poisson-Boltzmann equation fo... Read More about Electro-osmotic flow of couple stress fluids in a microchannel propagated by peristalsis.

Electro-magneto-hydrodynamic peristaltic pumping of couple stress biofluids through a complex wavy micro-channel (2017)
Journal Article
Tripathi, D., Jorar, R., Beg, O., & Kadir, A. (2017). Electro-magneto-hydrodynamic peristaltic pumping of couple stress biofluids through a complex wavy micro-channel. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 236, 358-367.

Biomimetic propulsion mechanisms are increasingly being explored in engineering sciences. Peristalsis is one of the most efficient of these mechanisms and offers considerable promise
in microscale fluidics. Electrokinetic peristalsis has recently al... Read More about Electro-magneto-hydrodynamic peristaltic pumping of couple stress biofluids through a complex wavy micro-channel.

Electrothermal transport of nanofluids via peristaltic pumping in a finite micro-channel : effects of joule heating and Helmholtz-Smoluchowski velocity (2017)
Journal Article
Beg, O., Tripathi, D., & Sharma, A. (2017). Electrothermal transport of nanofluids via peristaltic pumping in a finite micro-channel : effects of joule heating and Helmholtz-Smoluchowski velocity. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 111, 138-149.

The present article studies theoretically the electrokinetic pumping of nanofluids with heat and mass transfer in a micro-channel under peristaltic waves, a topic of some interest in medical nano-scale electro-osmotic devices. The microchannel walls... Read More about Electrothermal transport of nanofluids via peristaltic pumping in a finite micro-channel : effects of joule heating and Helmholtz-Smoluchowski velocity.

A review on hyperthermia via nanoparticle-mediated therapy (2017)
Journal Article
Beg, O., Sohail, A., Ahmed, Z., Arshad, S., & Sherin, L. (2017). A review on hyperthermia via nanoparticle-mediated therapy. Bulletin du Cancer, 104(5), 452-461.

Hyperthermia treatment, generated by magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) is promising since it is tumour-focused, minimally invasive and uniform. The most unique feature of magnetic nanoparticles is their reaction to and manipulation by a magnetic force wh... Read More about A review on hyperthermia via nanoparticle-mediated therapy.

Mathematical model for ciliary-induced transport in MHD flow of Cu-H2O nanoßuids with magnetic induction (2017)
Journal Article
Akbar, N., Tripathi, D., Khan, Z., & Beg, O. (2017). Mathematical model for ciliary-induced transport in MHD flow of Cu-H2O nanoßuids with magnetic induction. Chinese Journal of Physics, 55(3), 947-962.

Motivated by novel developments in surface-modified, nanoscale, magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) biomedical devices, we study theoretically the ciliary induced transport by metachronal
wave propagation in hydromagnetic flow of copper-water nanofluids throu... Read More about Mathematical model for ciliary-induced transport in MHD flow of Cu-H2O nanoßuids with magnetic induction.

Numerical study of radiative Maxwell viscoelastic magnetized flow from a stretching permeable sheet with the Cattaneo–Christov heat flux model (2017)
Journal Article
Shahid, A., Bhatti, M., Beg, O., & Kadir, A. (2017). Numerical study of radiative Maxwell viscoelastic magnetized flow from a stretching permeable sheet with the Cattaneo–Christov heat flux model. Neural Computing and Applications, 30(11), 3467-3478.

In this article, the Cattaneo-Christov heat flux model is implemented to study non-Fourier heat and mass transfer in the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow of an upper convected Maxwell (UCM) fluid over a permeable stretching sheet under a transverse con... Read More about Numerical study of radiative Maxwell viscoelastic magnetized flow from a stretching permeable sheet with the Cattaneo–Christov heat flux model.

Numerical study of heat source/sink effects on dissipative magnetic nanofluid flow from a non-linear inclined stretching/shrinking sheet (2017)
Journal Article
Beg, O., Thumma, T., & Kadir, A. (2017). Numerical study of heat source/sink effects on dissipative magnetic nanofluid flow from a non-linear inclined stretching/shrinking sheet. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 232, 159-173.

This paper numerically investigates radiative magnetohydrodynamic mixed convection boundary layer flow of nanofluids over a nonlinear inclined stretching/shrinking sheet in the presence of heat source/sink and viscous dissipation. The Rosseland appro... Read More about Numerical study of heat source/sink effects on dissipative magnetic nanofluid flow from a non-linear inclined stretching/shrinking sheet.

Physical hydrodynamic propulsion model study for creeping viscous flow through a ciliated porous tube (2017)
Journal Article
Akbar, N., Butt, A., Tripathi, D., & Beg, O. (2017). Physical hydrodynamic propulsion model study for creeping viscous flow through a ciliated porous tube. Pramana, 88(52),

The present investigation focuses on a mathematical study of creeping viscous flow induced by metachronal wave propagation in a horizontal ciliated tube containing porous media. Creeping flow limitations are imposed i.e. inertial forces are small com... Read More about Physical hydrodynamic propulsion model study for creeping viscous flow through a ciliated porous tube.

Analytical study of electro-osmosis modulated capillary peristaltic hemodynamics (2017)
Journal Article
Tripathi, D., Bushan, S., & Beg, O. (2017). Analytical study of electro-osmosis modulated capillary peristaltic hemodynamics. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 17(3), 1750052.

A mathematical model is developed to analyse electro-kinetic effects on unsteady peristaltic transport of blood in cylindrical vessels of finite length. The Newtonian viscous model is adopted. The analysis is restricted under Debye-Hückel linearizati... Read More about Analytical study of electro-osmosis modulated capillary peristaltic hemodynamics.

Stochastic analysis of a deterministic and seasonally forced SEI model for improved disease spread simulation (2017)
Journal Article
Sohail, A., Li, Z., Iftikhar, M., Mohamed, M., & Beg, O. (2017). Stochastic analysis of a deterministic and seasonally forced SEI model for improved disease spread simulation. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 17(4), 1750067.

The geographic distribution of different viruses has developed widely, giving rise to an escalating number of cases during the past two decades. The deterministic Susceptible, Exposed, Infectious (SEI) models can demonstrate the spatio-temporal dynam... Read More about Stochastic analysis of a deterministic and seasonally forced SEI model for improved disease spread simulation.

Numerical study of nonlinear heat transfer from a wavy surface to a high permeability medium with pseudo-spectral and smoothed particle methods (2017)
Journal Article
Beg, O., Motsa, S., Beg, T., Abbas, A., Kadir, A., & Sohail, A. (2017). Numerical study of nonlinear heat transfer from a wavy surface to a high permeability medium with pseudo-spectral and smoothed particle methods. International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, 3(4), 3593-3613.

Motivated by petro-chemical geological systems, we consider the natural convection boundary layer flow from a vertical isothermal wavy surface adjacent to a saturated non-Darcian high permeability porous medium. High permeability is considered to rep... Read More about Numerical study of nonlinear heat transfer from a wavy surface to a high permeability medium with pseudo-spectral and smoothed particle methods.

Swimming dynamics of a micro-organism in a couple stress fluid : a rheological model of embryological hydrodynamic propulsion (2017)
Journal Article
Ali, N., Sajid, M., Abbas, Z., & Beg, O. (2017). Swimming dynamics of a micro-organism in a couple stress fluid : a rheological model of embryological hydrodynamic propulsion. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 17(3),

Mathematical simulations of embryological fluid dynamics are fundamental to improving clinical understanding of the intricate mechanisms underlying sperm locomotion. The strongly rheological nature of reproductive fluids has been established for a nu... Read More about Swimming dynamics of a micro-organism in a couple stress fluid : a rheological model of embryological hydrodynamic propulsion.

Numerical study of oxygen diffusion from capillary to tissues during hypoxia with external force effects (2017)
Journal Article
to tissues during hypoxia with external force effects. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 17(2), 1750027.1-1750027.20.

A mathematical model to simulate oxygen delivery through a capillary to tissues under the influence of an external force field is presented. The multi-term general fractional diffusion equation containing force terms and a time dependent absorbent te... Read More about Numerical study of oxygen diffusion from capillary to tissues during hypoxia with external force effects.

Computational modelling of magnetohydrodynamic convection from a rotating cone in orthotropic darcian porous media (2017)
Journal Article
Beg, O., Prasad, V., Vasu, B., & Gorla, R. (2017). Computational modelling of magnetohydrodynamic convection from a rotating cone in orthotropic darcian porous media. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 39(6), 2035-2054.

Free convective magnetohydrodynamic flow from a spinning vertical cone to an orthotropic Darcian porous medium under a transverse magnetic field is studied. The non-dimensionalized two-point boundary value problem is solved numerically using the Kell... Read More about Computational modelling of magnetohydrodynamic convection from a rotating cone in orthotropic darcian porous media.

Dynamics of variable-viscosity nanofluid flow with heat transfer in a flexible vertical tube under peristaltic waves (2017)
Journal Article

The present investigation addresses nanofluid flow and heat transfer in a vertical tube with temperature-dependent viscosity. A Tiwari-Das type formulation is employed for the nanofluid with a viscosity modification. The transport equations are trans... Read More about Dynamics of variable-viscosity nanofluid flow with heat transfer in a flexible vertical tube under peristaltic waves.

Computational analysis of non-Newtonian boundary layer flow of Nanofluid past a vertical plate with partial slip (2017)
Journal Article
Beg, O., Rao, A., Nagendra, N., Amanulla, C., & Reddy, M. (2017). Computational analysis of non-Newtonian boundary layer flow of Nanofluid past a vertical plate with partial slip. Modelling, measurement & control. B, Solid & fluid mechanics & thermics, mechanical systems, 86(1), 271-295

In the present study, the heat, momentum and mass (species) transfer in external boundary layer flow of Casson nanofluid over a vertical plate surface with multiple slip effect is studied theoretically. The effects of Brownian motion and thermophores... Read More about Computational analysis of non-Newtonian boundary layer flow of Nanofluid past a vertical plate with partial slip.

Chemical reaction on heat and mass transfer flow past a vertical cylinder embedded in non-Darcy porous medium (2017)
Journal Article

An unsteady two dimensional free convection flow of a viscous incompressible fluid past an impulsively started semi-infinite vertical cylinder adjacent to a non-Darcian porous media in the presence of chemical reaction of first order is investigated.... Read More about Chemical reaction on heat and mass transfer flow past a vertical cylinder embedded in non-Darcy porous medium.