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Prof Osman Beg's Outputs (449)

Bacterial gliding fluid dynamics on a layer of non-Newtonian slime : perturbation and numerical study (2016)
Journal Article
Ali, N., Asghar, Z., Beg, A., & Sajid, M. (2016). Bacterial gliding fluid dynamics on a layer of non-Newtonian slime : perturbation and numerical study. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 397, 22-32.

Gliding bacteria are an assorted group of rod-shaped prokaryotes that adhere to and glide on certain layers of ooze slime attached to a substratum. Due to the absence of organelles of motility, such as flagella, the gliding motion is caused by the wa... Read More about Bacterial gliding fluid dynamics on a layer of non-Newtonian slime : perturbation and numerical study.

Thermal analysis of laminar water flow over a backward facing channel with carbon nanoparticles
Journal Article
Saha, S., Prasad, V., & Beg, O. (in press). Thermal analysis of laminar water flow over a backward facing channel with carbon nanoparticles. Journal of the Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics, 16(1), 125-137.

In the last few years, the thermo-hydraulic study of nanofluid flow bifurcation phenomena have become a great interest and useful tool in many engineering applications. FVM has been employed in this article to numerically explore the laminar water fl... Read More about Thermal analysis of laminar water flow over a backward facing channel with carbon nanoparticles.

Computational simulation of wind turbine blades with fatigue effects
Presentation / Conference
Beg, O., Beg, T., Kadir, A., Leonard, H., & Jouri, W. Computational simulation of wind turbine blades with fatigue effects. Presented at ICEFMA 2022: 16th International Conference on Engineering, Fluid Mechanics and Applications, Cairo, Egypt, December 13-14, 2022, Cairo, Egypt

CFD simulation of MAGLEV bullet train aerodynamics
Presentation / Conference
Beg, O., Guy, A., Beg, T., Leonard, H., & Kadir, A. CFD simulation of MAGLEV bullet train aerodynamics. Presented at ICEFMA 2022: 16th International Conference on Engineering, Fluid Mechanics and Applications, Cairo, Egypt, December 13-14, 2022, Cairo, Egypt

Finite element analysis of piezoelectric energy harvesting structures
Presentation / Conference
Beg, O., Thabit, J., Beg, T., Kadir, A., Jouri, W., Leonard, H., & El Gendy, M. Finite element analysis of piezoelectric energy harvesting structures. Presented at ICEFMA 2022: 16th International Conference on Engineering, Fluid Mechanics and Applications, Cairo, Egypt, December 13-14, 2022, Cairo, Egypt

Computational fluid dynamic simulation of multi-physical smart (functional) metallic polymer coating flows
Presentation / Conference
Beg, O., Kadir, A., Beg, T., Malysheva, L., Leonard, H., & Zubair, A. Computational fluid dynamic simulation of multi-physical smart (functional) metallic polymer coating flows. Presented at ICFMA 2022: 16th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Applications, Lisbon, Portugal

In this presentation, I will review how in the past 5 years significant progress has been made in the MPESG Group, based in
Aeronautical/Mechanical Engineering at Salford University and Think Lab to develop new models for functional smart coating fl... Read More about Computational fluid dynamic simulation of multi-physical smart (functional) metallic polymer coating flows.

Experimental study of subsonic film cooling performance in aircraft engine gas turbine blades via thermal paint, Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) and thermal wind tunnel techniques
Presentation / Conference
Beg, O., Daud, H., Beg, T., Kadir, A., Leonard, H., & Malysheva, L. Experimental study of subsonic film cooling performance in aircraft engine gas turbine blades via thermal paint, Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) and thermal wind tunnel techniques. Presented at ICFMA 2022: 16th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Applications, Lisbon, Portugal

The present study employs thermal paint technology (TPT) to investigate the performance of holes arrays on gas turbine film cooling. Detailed tests have been performed to study the influence of blowing ratio (BR) and angle of injection on realistic g... Read More about Experimental study of subsonic film cooling performance in aircraft engine gas turbine blades via thermal paint, Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) and thermal wind tunnel techniques.

Numerical simulation of biomagnetic micropolar blood flow with the Rosensweig ferromagnetic formulation
Presentation / Conference
Beg, O., Beg, T., Kadir, A., Leonard, H., Malysheva, L., Khan, U., & El Gendy, M. Numerical simulation of biomagnetic micropolar blood flow with the Rosensweig ferromagnetic formulation. Presented at ICFMA 2022: 16th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Applications, Lisbon, Portugal

One of the most basic functions which magnetic fields exert on the human body is to increase circulation. When a cell (e.g. red blood cell) is damaged, it does not hold its ideal charge. This causes red cells to “stick” together, making circulation s... Read More about Numerical simulation of biomagnetic micropolar blood flow with the Rosensweig ferromagnetic formulation.

Elastodynamics of generalized magneto-thermoelastic materials with anisotropic fiber-reinforcement and thermal shock
Presentation / Conference
Beg, T., Beg, O., Kadir, A., Malysheva, L., Jouri, W., & El Gendy, M. Elastodynamics of generalized magneto-thermoelastic materials with anisotropic fiber-reinforcement and thermal shock. Presented at ICAMAME 2022: 16th International Conference on Aerospace, Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering, Cancun, Mexico

In this study we investigate the surface waves in an anisotropic fibre-reinforced magneto-thermoelastic material under a constant transverse magnetic field. We employ the coupled theory (CD), Lord-Shulman (L-S) theory and Green-Lindsay (G-L) theory t... Read More about Elastodynamics of generalized magneto-thermoelastic materials with anisotropic fiber-reinforcement and thermal shock.

Cilia-generated pumping of smart magneto-viscoplastic fluids under an oblique magnetic field : a model for smart soft robotic internal propulsion
Presentation / Conference
Beg, O., Beg, T., Kadir, A., Theodoris, T., Gorla, R., Malysheva, L., & Kuharat, S. Cilia-generated pumping of smart magneto-viscoplastic fluids under an oblique magnetic field : a model for smart soft robotic internal propulsion. Presented at ICAMAME 2022: 16th International Conference on Aerospace, Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering, Cancun, Mexico

Bio-inspired internal propulsion systems are increasingly emerging in soft robotics. These feature many complex “smart” working fluids which respond to external stimuli including electrical and magnetic fields. Internal walls may also feature artific... Read More about Cilia-generated pumping of smart magneto-viscoplastic fluids under an oblique magnetic field : a model for smart soft robotic internal propulsion.

Computational aerodynamic simulation of a Porsche GT3RS wing mirror using ANSYS FLUENT workbench
Presentation / Conference
Iqbal, H., Beg, O., Beg, T., Kuharat, S., Malysheva, L., Kadir, A., & Leonard, H. Computational aerodynamic simulation of a Porsche GT3RS wing mirror using ANSYS FLUENT workbench. Presented at ICAMAME 2022: 16th International Conference on Aerospace, Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering, Cancun, Mexico

Aerodynamic optimization of automotive vehicles has grown into a major discipline in the realm of modern computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Many different aspects exist to this intriguing area of fluid dynamics including full body streamlining, spoi... Read More about Computational aerodynamic simulation of a Porsche GT3RS wing mirror using ANSYS FLUENT workbench.

Computational fluid dynamics simulation of an ocean wave energy device
Presentation / Conference
Beg, O., Kania, M., Beg, T., Kadir, A., Malysheva, L., Leonard, H., & Gorla, R. Computational fluid dynamics simulation of an ocean wave energy device. Presented at ICAMAME 2022: 16th International Conference on Aerospace, Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering, Cancun, Mexico

In this conference presentation, we shall describe recent
simulations in a novel ocean wave energy system (floating
surface piercing) device.

We will review the fundamentals of wave energy physics, some
other recent developments in wave energy... Read More about Computational fluid dynamics simulation of an ocean wave energy device.

Maple and spectral computation of free convection slip mass transfer from a spinning conical porous body to an anisotropic permeable medium
Presentation / Conference
Beg, O., Beg, T., Kadir, A., Uddin, M., Vasu, B., & Shamshuddin, M. Maple and spectral computation of free convection slip mass transfer from a spinning conical porous body to an anisotropic permeable medium. Presented at International Conference on Future Trends in Materials and Mechanical Engineering (ICFTMME-2020), NCR Campus, Ghaziabad, India

Many industrial materials processing and mechanical engineering systems feature swirl flows from rotating bodies including thin
film coatings, centrifugal separation and mixing devices. This work therefore explores the steady axisymmetric laminar bo... Read More about Maple and spectral computation of free convection slip mass transfer from a spinning conical porous body to an anisotropic permeable medium.

Ferromagnetic and non-magnetic nano-particles in nanofluid flow from a stretching cylinder with magnetic induction: spectral relaxation solution
Presentation / Conference
Beg, O., Shamshuddin, M., Ferdows, M., Rezwan, M., & Kadir, A. Ferromagnetic and non-magnetic nano-particles in nanofluid flow from a stretching cylinder with magnetic induction: spectral relaxation solution. Presented at 2nd International Conference on Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow (NHTFF-2020) NIT Warangal, India – Jan 17-19, 2020, Department of Mathematics, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, India

This paper studies the boundary layer flow and heat transfer in an incompressible viscous
electrically conducting nanofluid containing ferroparticles or non-magnetic nanoparticles external to
a stretching cylinder in the presence of magnetic induct... Read More about Ferromagnetic and non-magnetic nano-particles in nanofluid flow from a stretching cylinder with magnetic induction: spectral relaxation solution.

Progress in nano-drug delivery systems and computational nano-pharmacodynamics
Presentation / Conference
Tripathi, J., Vasu, B., Gorla, R., Murthy, P., Dubey, A., Beg, O., & Saikrishnan, P. Progress in nano-drug delivery systems and computational nano-pharmacodynamics. Presented at ICEMCI 2019- International Conference on Engineering, Mathematical and Computational Intelligence, Jabalpur, India

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a leading cause of mortality and morbidity in developed
countries. CVD is initiated by atherosclerotic lesions that reduce arterial lumen size through
plaque formation and decreasing blood flow to the heart and frequ... Read More about Progress in nano-drug delivery systems and computational nano-pharmacodynamics.

Steady-state transport phenomena on induced magnetic field modeling for convective chemically reacting fluid with viscous dissipative heat
Journal Article
Ahmed, S., & Beg, O. (in press). Steady-state transport phenomena on induced magnetic field modeling for convective chemically reacting fluid with viscous dissipative heat. Heat Transfer Research,

Closed form solutions are presented for the steady magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) buoyancydriven convection flow, heat and mass transfer from a semi-infinite vertical surface with wall transpiration, first order chemical reaction, viscous heating, Ohmic h... Read More about Steady-state transport phenomena on induced magnetic field modeling for convective chemically reacting fluid with viscous dissipative heat.