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Dr Sara Grace's Outputs (5)

The perverse impact of performance measures on policing: lessons from the rise and fall of out of court disposals (2021)
Journal Article

This paper questions the assumption that performance measures inevitably lead to
gaming behaviours. Using (and extending) Patrick’s Perverse Policing Model, the rise
and fall of out of court disposals (OOCDs) from 2000-2019 – especially penalty not... Read More about The perverse impact of performance measures on policing: lessons from the rise and fall of out of court disposals.

Policing social distancing : gaining and maintaining compliance in the age of coronavirus (2020)
Journal Article
Grace, S. (2020). Policing social distancing : gaining and maintaining compliance in the age of coronavirus. Policing, 14(4), 1034-1053.

Drawing on motivational posturing theory (MPT) and procedural justice theory (PJT) this
paper makes recommendations for how best to secure compliance with social distancing
regulations. Applying those theories to – mostly observational – data from... Read More about Policing social distancing : gaining and maintaining compliance in the age of coronavirus.

Police et évaluation des performances Étude de cas sur les penalty notices for disorder (Performance measures and the Police : a case study on penalty notices for disorder) (2015)
Journal Article
(Performance measures and the Police : a case study on penalty notices for disorder). ˜Les œCahiers de la sécurité et de la justice, 22-36

Penalty notices for disorder (PNDs) were introduced in England and Wales under the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001. These police-issued fines (of £60 or £90) can be issued for 29 low-level offences including breach of s5 of the Public Order Act... Read More about Police et évaluation des performances Étude de cas sur les penalty notices for disorder (Performance measures and the Police : a case study on penalty notices for disorder).

‘Swift, Simple, effective justice?’ Identifying the aims of penalty notices for disorder and whether these have been realised in practice (2013)
Journal Article
Grace, S. (2014). ‘Swift, Simple, effective justice?’ Identifying the aims of penalty notices for disorder and whether these have been realised in practice. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 53(1), 69-82.

Since the introduction of penalty notices for disorder (PNDs), there has been no clear political statement as to the purpose of the scheme. The findings of a grounded analysis of the relevant parliamentary debates, consultation papers and White Paper... Read More about ‘Swift, Simple, effective justice?’ Identifying the aims of penalty notices for disorder and whether these have been realised in practice.

Police decision making and the drunk : Exploring penalty notices for disorder (2013)
Book Chapter
Grace, S. (2013). Police decision making and the drunk : Exploring penalty notices for disorder. In P. Ponsaers, A. Crawford, J. de Maillard, J. Shapland, & A. Verhage (Eds.), Crime, Violence, Justice and Social Order: Monitoring Contemporary Security Issues (111-129). Maklu

Binge drinking accounts for half of all alcohol consumed in Britain, however, whilst there is much research about the policing of the night-time economy (NTE), there is little that considers the specific role of the police in dealing with alcohol-rel... Read More about Police decision making and the drunk : Exploring penalty notices for disorder.