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Prof Bingunath Ingirige's Outputs (2)

Living-transforming disaster relief shelter : a conceptual approach for sustainable post-disaster housing (2021)
Journal Article
Ghomi, S., Wedawatta, G., Ginige, K., & Ingirige, B. (2021). Living-transforming disaster relief shelter : a conceptual approach for sustainable post-disaster housing. Built Environment Project and Asset Management, 11(4), 687-704.

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the performance of post-disaster
housing reconstruction projects, propose the conceptual Living-transforming disaster
relief shelter (LTFDR-shelter) approach where temporary shelter is increment... Read More about Living-transforming disaster relief shelter : a conceptual approach for sustainable post-disaster housing.

Shaping the future through Artificial Intelligent technologies to reduce vehicle accidents in Abu Dhabi (2021)
Alshamsi, I. Shaping the future through Artificial Intelligent technologies to reduce vehicle accidents in Abu Dhabi. University of Salford

Traffic accidents (TAs) constitute one of the top killers in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Without practical approaches to address the TAs in Abu Dhabi, the region is likely to experience continued economic losses and health burden to the affected... Read More about Shaping the future through Artificial Intelligent technologies to reduce vehicle accidents in Abu Dhabi.