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Biography Dr Tom Redshaw joined the University of Salford in 2018, having been a Lecturer in Sociology at Loughborough University (2017-18) and St Mary's University, London (2016-17). Tom has led and taught on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes covering a variety of topics in sociology and acquired Fellowship of the HEA in 2020. Tom has a PhD in Sociology (University of Manchester, 2017) and conducts research into the social impact of new technologies. He would be interested to hear from prospective PhD students who would like to pursue a doctorate in this area.
Research Interests The social impact of new technologies, digital sociology, social movements, social inequalities, critical theory, the philosophy of technology
Teaching and Learning Tom convenes the module Digital Society, for sociology and criminology undergraduate students. He is also module leader for module Culture, Power and Deviance, as well as contributor on a range of other modules including: Understanding the Social World; Contemporary Challenges in Crime & Society; Human Rights, Genocide & Resistance; and Internet, Risk and Security