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Miss Elizabeth Wewiora's Recognition (6)

Board member for Small Things Creative Projects - a social enterprise community and environmental organisation

Recognition Type Committee/board/panel member or chair (external)

Ethics Committee member for the School of Arts, Media and Creative Technology

Recognition Type Committee/board/panel member or chair (internal)

MA Public Symposium - Green Agendas
2023 - 2023

Recognition Type Conference organisation
Description Green Agendas is a half day symposium exploring sustainable and environmental practice within art and design today. I organised this as part of my dual role between the University of Salford’s MA in Art and Design programmes and Open Eye Gallery and include key speakers:

Niki Colclough (artist and educator),
Lee Ivett (designer, architect and educator),
Mariama Attah (curator, head of exhibitions, Open Eye Gallery),
Andy Ogden (English Fine Cottons),
Hannah Hartley (Manchester Museum),
Chris Alton (artist)
Wild Rumpus.

MA Public Symposium - Who Cares?
2022 - 2022

Recognition Type Conference organisation
Description As part of my Curator-Producer at Open Eye Gallery and MA Programme Leader role here at the University of Salford, I run a yearly public symposium, inviting students to select a key theme connecting to the role of art and design in wider society today.

Our 3rd Symposium event was entitled, 'Who Cares' - Exploring the Role of Art and Design in the Health and Care sector.

Speakers from this years symposium joined students and the wider public to explore the interconnections between art, design, creative technology, health and care.

The symposium reflected upon the role of culture in health and wellbeing during an ever-shifting global context.

Guest speakers, artists and designers included Lisa Creagh, Daniel Regan, and Elizabeth Newell (Creative Concern), as well as NHS and social prescribing consultants such as Jo Ward and cultural arts and creative technology organisation FACT (Liverpool) and Social Care charity, Community Integrated Care.
Affiliated Organisations - The University of Salford

Peer reviewer for the Membrana Journal - Membrana journal Vol. 8 No. 1 – Collaboration (2023)
2023 - 2023

Recognition Type Peer reviewer for journal/other publication venue