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Prof Michelle Cornes' Outputs (4)

Homelessness, hospital discharge and challenges in the context of limited resources: A qualitative study of stakeholders' views on how to improve practice in a deprived setting (2022)
Journal Article
McCormack, F., Parry, S., Gidlow, C., Meakin, A., & Cornes, M. (2022). Homelessness, hospital discharge and challenges in the context of limited resources: A qualitative study of stakeholders' views on how to improve practice in a deprived setting. Health and Social Care in the Community, 30(6),

Hospital discharge for people experiencing homelessness is a perennial challenge. The Homeless Reduction Act 2017 (HRA) places new responsibilities on hospitals, but it remains unknown whether this has affected discharge practices. This qualitative s... Read More about Homelessness, hospital discharge and challenges in the context of limited resources: A qualitative study of stakeholders' views on how to improve practice in a deprived setting.

The economic case for hospital discharge services for people experiencing homelessness in England: An in-depth analysis with different service configurations providing specialist care (2022)
Journal Article

There are long-standing concerns that people experiencing homelessness may not recover well if left unsupported after a hospital stay. This study reports on a study investigating the cost-effectiveness of three different ‘in patient care coordination... Read More about The economic case for hospital discharge services for people experiencing homelessness in England: An in-depth analysis with different service configurations providing specialist care.

Social work practice with self-neglect and homelessness: Findings from vignette-based interviews (2022)
Journal Article
Harris, J., Martineau, S., Manthorpe, J., Burridge, S., Ornelas, B., Tinelli, M., & Cornes, M. (2023). Social work practice with self-neglect and homelessness: Findings from vignette-based interviews. The British Journal of Social Work, 53(4), 2256-2276.

This article reports social workers’ attitudes and approaches to working with people experiencing multiple exclusion homelessness (MEH) who self-neglect, and whether these people receive services, including safeguarding, differently from other popula... Read More about Social work practice with self-neglect and homelessness: Findings from vignette-based interviews.