Prof Mandy Parkinson
Biography | Professor of Business Innovation at Salford Business School focusing on the development of Innovation clusters that span the digital and sustainable ecosystems with a passion for building collaborations to support the region. Prior to joining Salford, held the role of Director of the Centre for Enterprise and Faculty Head of Business, Engagement and Enterprise (Assoc Dean for Enterprise and Engagement equivalent). As Director of Centre for Enterprise, led the growth of provision to over 16 research and innovation programmes at a value of circa £45 million from 2017 to 2023. Principle Investigator/Co-Investigator expertise: NW CyberCom 2023 E19 Shared Prosperity - 2024 Centre for Digital Innovation - secured 2023 Greater Manchester Electrochenical Hydrogen Cluster - secured 2023 Greater Manchester High Growth - 2016 to 2023 Smart Cheshire Innovation - 2016 to 2023 Cheshire and Warrington Business Growth - 2016 to 2023 Made Smarter Leadership - 2020 - 2023 GM AI Foundry 2018 - 2023 GM Cyber Foundry 2020 - 2023 PrintCity Network 2020 - 2023 Eco-I NW 2020 -2023 Key Prior Achievements: Leading consortiums across 4 North West HEI’s, including University of Manchester, University of Lancaster, the University of Salford and University of Bolton. Established as the lead partner in 3 strategic consortium partnerships: GM Cyber Foundry, GM AI Foundry, GM Leadership Hive Growing the Centre for Enterprise to a T/O of £45 million and from 3 income generating initiatives in 2016 to 16 in 2023 , expanding the portfolio to incorporate net zero and technology based initiatives in collaboration with colleagues in Science and Engineering. In 2022/23 led the successful securement of investment in two Innovation Accelerator Initiatives (Innovate UK funded): Centre for Digital Innovation (£8 million) and Greater Manchester Electrochemical and Hydrogen Cluster (£5 million) Growth of sustained business relationships for CfE from 500 in 2016 to circa 2000 in 2022 Responsible for dispersal of >£40M awards secured from ERDF and UK Government. Focused on creating and delivering high impact, translational innovation solutions partnering with Industry, Academy and Government Funders. Help to Grow: Management: one of the founding HEI leading on curriculum development and alumni elements of the national programme |
Research Interests | Research interests include innovation and socio-technology: in particular how society and technology interact, an interdisciplinary approach that considers the complex relationship between people and technology. Research and Innovation Expertise and Experience Knowledge Platform lead for the Work in Small Enterprise platform within Decent Works and Productivity Research Centre (ManMet) Principle Investigator for the following projects: o Innovation Accelerator: Centre for Digital Innovation (University of Salford) o NW Cyber Security Connect for Commercialization (University of Salford) o Innovation Accelerator Greater Manchester Electrochemical Hydrogen Cluster (ManMet) o Innovation Accelerator Centre for Digital Innovation (ManMet) o Shared Prosperity Fund: E19 (University of Salford) o Eco-I North West (ManMet) o Smart Cheshire Innovation (ManMet) o Greater Manchester High Growth Network (ManMet) o Cheshire and Warrington Business Growth (ManMet) Co-investigator for the following knowledge exchange projects: o MediaCity Immersive Technology Hub (University of Salford) o GM AI Foundry (ManMet) o GM Cyber Foundry (ManMet) o PrintCity Network (ManMet) o Manchester Fuel Cell Innovation Centre (ManMet) o British Council (ManMet) Programme Director for the following initiatives: o Help to Grow: Management (ManMet) o OPENSME (ManMet) Chapter Author: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Build SMEs’ Resilience Amid the Global Covid - 19 Pandemic. (Book: Research and Innovation Forum 2022) |
PhD Supervision Availability | Yes |
PhD Topics | innovation micro business tech adoption |