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UKRI GCRF: Technology enhanced Stakeholder collaboration for Supporting Risk-Sensitive Urban Development (TRANSCEND)

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Project Description

The TRANSCEND project, funded by the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) in the UK, aims to investigate socio-technical systems required for enabling a transition towards a more risk-sensitive and transformative urban development approach in Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Malaysia. It aims to promote a participatory approach that supports the transparent and democratic involvement of all the relevant stakeholders (including experts from local authorities, disaster management authorities, developers, poor and vulnerable communities, and humanitarian organisations) to analyse, forecast, visualize and debate disaster-risk trade-offs and to choose development plans that ensure sustainability and equitable resilience, giving considerations to climate change adaptation.

Project Acronym TRANSCEND
Status Project Complete
Funder(s) Economic and Social Research Council
Value £855,529.00
Project Dates Nov 1, 2019 - Oct 31, 2023