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EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Sustainable Sound Futures

People Involved

Project Description

The CDT will train seventy engineers with the skills and creativity to tackle noise and forge a better sounding world. A partnership of four Universities and 40 project partners, bring together a scale and depth of expertise and laboratories unprecedented in Acoustics training anywhere in the world.The CDT will produce PhD-graduates through challenging interdisciplinary research projects and a bespoke training programme. These will be domain experts who can generate knowledge and IP for industry; but who have the skills to collaborate across disciplines and with policy makers, and who understand the societal and environmental impact of their research. This is an opportunity for the UK to be a global leader in researching and creating a more sustainable sound future.

Status Project Live
Funder(s) Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Value £8,198,346.00
Project Dates Apr 1, 2025 - Sep 30, 2033

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