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Outputs (2)

Harnessing real-life experiences: the development of guidelines to communicate research findings on Developmental Coordination Disorder/dyspraxia (2024)
Journal Article

Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), also known as dyspraxia, affects 5–15% of school-aged children (Hamilton and Sutton, Am Fam Physician 66:1435, 2002) and significantly impacts a child’s ability to learn motor skills and perform everyday act... Read More about Harnessing real-life experiences: the development of guidelines to communicate research findings on Developmental Coordination Disorder/dyspraxia.

Self-perception and participation in physical activity in children with and without DCD: A longitudinal study (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Objective: There is a lack of innovation in affordable prosthetic knee joints for children. One significant reason is the absence of technical requirements which consider the foundation of childhood: growth. This study aims to develop and use a model... Read More about Self-perception and participation in physical activity in children with and without DCD: A longitudinal study.