Within the UK, children in England and Northern Ireland are the only people who are not fully protected in law from assault. Scotland and Wales have paved the way towards the UK becoming a more equal society and better protecting children, leaving En... Read More about The time for debate is over: The health, education, and legal case for legislative change to prohibit and eliminate all physical punishment of children and to achieve equal protection from assault in England and Northern Ireland.
Outputs (23)
Episode 3 Shaping the Future of Social Care: Innovation, Education, and Diversity (2025)
Digital Artefact
Welcome to our podcast, where we explore the evolving landscape of adult social care, education, and professional practice.
In this episode, we’ll dive into three key areas shaping the future of social care.
Claire shares insights from her r... Read More about Episode 3 Shaping the Future of Social Care: Innovation, Education, and Diversity.
A systematic review of key principles relating to decolonising interventions in midwifery education (2025)
Journal Article
Problem: Midwifery education is predominantly influenced by Eurocentric models, contributing to systemic health inequalities for marginalised groups.
Background: The health disparities for ethnically diverse maternity service users are well docume... Read More about A systematic review of key principles relating to decolonising interventions in midwifery education.
The authors of this submission support New Clause (NC) 10 and consequential Amendment
11 of the Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill (“CWSB”) before the UK Parliament (as at
21 January 2025) and believe that these amendments should both be made to... Read More about Abolition of the common law defence of reasonable punishment of children in England: evidence to UK Parliament (Children's Wellbeing and Schools Bill Committee).
Adult Social Care Reform: The Cost of Inaction Submission to the Health and Social Care Committee Inquiry (2025)
Submission to the Health and Social Care Committee Inquiry
Written evidence submitted by Deepa Korea (Director at RCN Foundation); Professor Vanessa Heaslip (Professor of Nursing and Healthcare Equity at University of Salford); Mr Aaron Hume
(Exp... Read More about Adult Social Care Reform: The Cost of Inaction Submission to the Health and Social Care Committee Inquiry.
Parents’ lived experience of support through their neonate’s end of life and grief journey: An interpretative phenomenology study (2025)
Journal Article
Medical and pharmacological advancements have influenced the ability to treat acutely ill neonates. However, complications of prematurity mean that death is unpreventable in some cases. The aim of this study was to explore parents’ lived experiences... Read More about Parents’ lived experience of support through their neonate’s end of life and grief journey: An interpretative phenomenology study.
The Salford Nature Environments Database (SNED): an open-access database of standardized high-quality pictures from natural environments (2024)
Journal Article
The growing interest in harnessing natural environments to enhance mental health, including cognitive functioning and mood, has yielded encouraging results in initial studies. Given that images of nature have demonstrated similar benefits, they are f... Read More about The Salford Nature Environments Database (SNED): an open-access database of standardized high-quality pictures from natural environments.
Associations between prenatal alcohol exposure and early education outcomes: a matched controls study using the born in Bradford dataset (2024)
Journal Article
Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) is associated with cognitive, behavioural, and developmental impairments throughout the lifespan of affected individuals, but there is limited evidence on how early this impact can be identified through routinely colle... Read More about Associations between prenatal alcohol exposure and early education outcomes: a matched controls study using the born in Bradford dataset.
The forced sterilisation of Indigenous and racialised Peoples: origins, nature of abuses, impacts and responses (2024)
Journal Article
Purpose. To draw attention to the global infringement of reproductive rights of Indigenous and racialised Peoples.
Approach. Narrative literature review. Description and comparative analysis of examples of forced sterilisation.
Findings. Large-scal... Read More about The forced sterilisation of Indigenous and racialised Peoples: origins, nature of abuses, impacts and responses.
The practice, nature, and impact of nurse-led type 2 diabetic foot prevention services and educational programs in Sub-Saharan Africa: a scoping review (2024)
Journal Article
Objective: The objective of this study is to assess the scope of existing practice,
nature, and impact of nurse-led type 2 diabetic foot prevention services and
educational programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).
Introduction: Type 2 diabetes me... Read More about The practice, nature, and impact of nurse-led type 2 diabetic foot prevention services and educational programs in Sub-Saharan Africa: a scoping review.
A Systematic Scoping Review of the Literature on Sexual Orientation Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (SO-OCD): Important Clinical Considerations and Recommendations (2024)
Journal Article
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is characterised by the occurrence of persistent thoughts, urges, or images that are experienced as intrusive and unwanted (obsessions), and compulsive actions that the individual feels driven to... Read More about A Systematic Scoping Review of the Literature on Sexual Orientation Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (SO-OCD): Important Clinical Considerations and Recommendations.
Establishing a national linked database for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in the UK: multi-method public and professional involvement to determine acceptability and feasibility. (2024)
Journal Article
Introduction: Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is one of the leading non-genetic causes of developmental disability worldwide and is thought to be particularly common in the UK. Despite this, there is a lack of data on FASD in the UK.
Object... Read More about Establishing a national linked database for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in the UK: multi-method public and professional involvement to determine acceptability and feasibility..
Fatigue and health-related quality of life in multiple sclerosis (2024)
Journal Article
BACKGROUND: Multiple sclerosis is a debilitating, chronic neurological disease with diverse symptoms. Fatigue is a major aspect of this, impacting negatively on physical functioning, productivity, general wellbeing and health-related quality of life.... Read More about Fatigue and health-related quality of life in multiple sclerosis.
The use of long-arm (indirect) supervision for nursing, midwifery and allied health professionals in health and social care settings: A systematic literature review (2024)
Journal Article
Background: Internationally, critical shortages of healthcare workers have been reported. Indirect supervision is one educational approach which has the potential to expand placement opportunities for the future healthcare workforce. However, its use... Read More about The use of long-arm (indirect) supervision for nursing, midwifery and allied health professionals in health and social care settings: A systematic literature review.
One hundred years of EEG for brain and behaviour research (2024)
Journal Article
On the centenary of the first human EEG recording, more than 500 experts reflect on the impact that this discovery has had on our understanding of the brain and behaviour. We document their priorities and call for collective action focusing on validi... Read More about One hundred years of EEG for brain and behaviour research.
Harnessing real-life experiences: the development of guidelines to communicate research findings on Developmental Coordination Disorder/dyspraxia (2024)
Journal Article
Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), also known as dyspraxia, affects 5–15% of school-aged children (Hamilton and Sutton, Am Fam Physician 66:1435, 2002) and significantly impacts a child’s ability to learn motor skills and perform everyday act... Read More about Harnessing real-life experiences: the development of guidelines to communicate research findings on Developmental Coordination Disorder/dyspraxia.
Current nursing and midwifery contribution to leading digital health policy and practice: An integrative review (2024)
Journal Article
Aim: To review the current nursing and midwifery contribution to leading digital health (DH) policy and practice and what facilitates and/or challenges this. Design: Integrative literature review. Methods: Pre-defined inclusion criteria were used. St... Read More about Current nursing and midwifery contribution to leading digital health policy and practice: An integrative review.
Antibiotic resistance (ABR) is an important global public health issue. Understanding how much the public knows and understands about ABR is imperative to enable the development of more efficient ways to improve antibiotic stewardship (t... Read More about Knowledge, understanding, and attitudes towards antibiotic use, prescription advice and antibiotic resistance among parents in Greater Manchester..
Protocol: Systematic review of reviews on digital mental health interventions targeting children and young people. (2024)
Registered protocol for A systematic review of reviews on the types of digital mental health interventions that target children and young people, and how effective these interventions are in managing mental health issues