MA public Symposium - Sum of All Parts
Feb 27, 2024
Location New Adelphi Theatre, New Adelphi Building, University of Salford Description As part of our MA Art and Design pathway courses here at the University of Salford, each year our students select a relevant theme to invite guest speakers from across the art, design and creative tech industries to present about their work. As programme leader for the MA courses and Head of Social Practice at Open Eye Gallery, I programme and organise the public facing conference each year in response to the student's shared theme.
In 2024, we explored the role of collectives and networks in the creative industries. What power does collaborative practice bring to art and design today, and what role can networks play to creating support and profiling to often marginalised voices within our industry?
The event featured guest speakers including art and creative tech collective Re-Dock, Creative producer and socially engaged organisation Rule of Threes, POST Photography Collective and Fuse Mcr.People Elizabeth Wewiora URL