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The prevalence of cyberbullying and related mental health among academic employees in a university in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (2021)
Ateyah, M. The prevalence of cyberbullying and related mental health among academic employees in a university in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (Thesis). University of Salford

Rationale: The increased usage of technology and online social media has brought
about a rise in harmful cyberbullying behaviours. Most of the research into cyberbullying has
focused on child and adolescent populations, and less is known about the... Read More about The prevalence of cyberbullying and related mental health among academic employees in a university in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The impact of a training intervention on emotional intelligence, leadership styles, self-efficacy and perception of sense of power in a university nursing faculty in Saudi Arabia
Al Reshidi, M. (in press). The impact of a training intervention on emotional intelligence, leadership styles, self-efficacy and perception of sense of power in a university nursing faculty in Saudi Arabia. (Thesis). University of Salford

The importance of emotional intelligence (EI) has been highlighted as an influential contributor to enhanced performance in a range of job-related areas, including leadership (Mills, 2009), self-efficacy (Gharetepehet al,2015) and sense o... Read More about The impact of a training intervention on emotional intelligence, leadership styles, self-efficacy and perception of sense of power in a university nursing faculty in Saudi Arabia.