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Development of a framework to support embedding BIM within undergraduate architectural programmes in Lebanon (2021)
Rachid, A. Development of a framework to support embedding BIM within undergraduate architectural programmes in Lebanon. (Thesis). University of Salford

The increasing needs and demands of humans have at all times been translated into changes and evolution. And with the rise of huge and complex projects, the AEC industry has adopted systems and technologies that promote the fast delivery of the marke... Read More about Development of a framework to support embedding BIM within undergraduate architectural programmes in Lebanon.

Work-Life Balance and Women Academics in Higher Education: A Comparative Study of UK and Nigeria (2021)
Oginni, E. A. Work-Life Balance and Women Academics in Higher Education: A Comparative Study of UK and Nigeria. (Thesis). University of Salford

The shift from the male-breadwinner model to the dual career couples has led to widespread
discussions around work-life balance, particularly for women due to an increased likelihood
of managing caring commitments and domestic work. Despite extensi... Read More about Work-Life Balance and Women Academics in Higher Education: A Comparative Study of UK and Nigeria.

‘As I cannot write’: transforming perceived barriers to autobiographical writing through the use of experimental writing practices (2021)
practices. (Thesis). University of Salford

Conventional approaches to autobiography assume access to memory, personal history and a coherent sense of self which is stable through time. These assumptions disadvantage those who have difficulties with writing for reasons such as cognitive impair... Read More about ‘As I cannot write’: transforming perceived barriers to autobiographical writing through the use of experimental writing practices.

Understanding transmission and control of Cystic Echinococcosis and other taeniid infections in the Falkland Islands (2021)
West, D. Understanding transmission and control of Cystic Echinococcosis and other taeniid infections in the Falkland Islands. (Thesis). University of Salford

Cystic echinococcosis, caused by the larval form of the cestode parasite Echinococcus granulosus, has been identified as an important public health risk in the Falkland Islands since the early 1940s. This prompted the instigation of an intensive cont... Read More about Understanding transmission and control of Cystic Echinococcosis and other taeniid infections in the Falkland Islands.

Performance Portfolio (2021)
Hamami, M. Performance Portfolio. (Thesis). University of Salford

Arabic music continues to struggle to reach an international presence in the music world due
to one of two reasons: either it was not transcribed and notated properly, including stylistically
correct ornamentation, or it was never written down at a... Read More about Performance Portfolio.

A Fourth Way : the role of cultural heritage in embedding place-driven innovation (2021)
Devaney, C. A Fourth Way : the role of cultural heritage in embedding place-driven innovation. (Thesis). University of Salford

Set against an already powerful context of political instability and global economic uncertainty, and further intensified by the unprecedented challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, the paradigm of ‘place’ which, prior to the pandemic, had se... Read More about A Fourth Way : the role of cultural heritage in embedding place-driven innovation.

The development of an integrative framework and capability maturity model for the planning and implementation of sustainable rural development projects (2021)
David, B. (in press). The development of an integrative framework and capability maturity model for the planning and implementation of sustainable rural development projects. (Thesis). University of Salford

Over the years, development partners and national governments in developing countries have invested heavily in implementing development projects in rural areas. This is in a bid to ensure that economic activities in these areas including Nigeria, are... Read More about The development of an integrative framework and capability maturity model for the planning and implementation of sustainable rural development projects.

Association between chronic widespread pain and physical activity behaviour in people with fibromyalgia (2021)
Mayana, K. Association between chronic widespread pain and physical activity behaviour in people with fibromyalgia. (Thesis). University of Salford

Fibromyalgia is a prevalent chronic widespread pain condition, affecting 1 in 20 adults in the UK, predominantly women and associated with a significant psychosocial burden. Despite much interest in structured exercise for pain management... Read More about Association between chronic widespread pain and physical activity behaviour in people with fibromyalgia.

Cultural Beliefs and Practices Influencing the Health Seeking Behaviour of Women During Pregnancy in Ota, Southwest Nigeria (2021)
Adeosun, A. Cultural Beliefs and Practices Influencing the Health Seeking Behaviour of Women During Pregnancy in Ota, Southwest Nigeria. (Thesis). University of Salford

Maternal mortality is a global health challenge affecting women within the reproductive age group. The main causes of maternal death in low and middle- income countries are infections, obstructed labour, eclampsia, haemorrhage, and unsafe abortion. S... Read More about Cultural Beliefs and Practices Influencing the Health Seeking Behaviour of Women During Pregnancy in Ota, Southwest Nigeria.

Student nurses' perception of mentorship : a phenomenographic exploration of student nurses who have experienced a retrieval in clinical practice (2021)
Roberts, S. Student nurses' perception of mentorship : a phenomenographic exploration of student nurses who have experienced a retrieval in clinical practice. (Thesis). University of Salford


Nursing students undertake a series of practice placements over the course of their programme where they are mentored to provide the necessary clinical skills, competencies, and proficiencies to become a registered nurse (Rutkowski, 2007)... Read More about Student nurses' perception of mentorship : a phenomenographic exploration of student nurses who have experienced a retrieval in clinical practice.

Plants, animals, land : more-than-human relations and gendered survivance in early indigenous women’s writing (2021)
Barnes, E. (2021). Plants, animals, land : more-than-human relations and gendered survivance in early indigenous women’s writing. (Thesis). University of Salford

This thesis argues that Zitkala-Ša (Gertrude Simmons Bonnin), Tekahionwake (E. Pauline Johnson) and Mary Kawena Pūku’i mobilise literary representations of more-than-human beings – plants, animals, and the land – to express resistance to the gendered... Read More about Plants, animals, land : more-than-human relations and gendered survivance in early indigenous women’s writing.

Investigation of de-novo copy number variants in patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Vietnam (2021)
Bui, H. Investigation of de-novo copy number variants in patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Vietnam. (Thesis). University of Salford

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder with a prevalence of approximately 1% children worldwide. ASD is characterized by deficits in social communication and interaction and the presence of restricted interests and repetitive... Read More about Investigation of de-novo copy number variants in patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Vietnam.

Role of sulphates and chloride ions in improved oil recovery in a hybrid smart-low salinity flooding technique (2021)
Al-otaibi, A. (2021). Role of sulphates and chloride ions in improved oil recovery in a hybrid smart-low salinity flooding technique. (Thesis). University of Salford

The growing demand for energy to cater for the growing world population has forced the exploitation and utilisation of existing hydrocarbon resources. Oil and gas are deemed the most conventional and common sources of energy, formed as a result of d... Read More about Role of sulphates and chloride ions in improved oil recovery in a hybrid smart-low salinity flooding technique.

Comparative analysis of wild and long term captive bred Partula snails using morphometrics and population data (2021)
Trickett, E. Comparative analysis of wild and long term captive bred Partula snails using morphometrics and population data. (Dissertation). University of Salford

Partula snails are one genus of the Partulidae family of air breathing, land snails that are endemic to the Pacific Islands. Over 100 partulid species are recognised with over half these species known to have existed and endemic to the Society Islan... Read More about Comparative analysis of wild and long term captive bred Partula snails using morphometrics and population data.

Development of a governance framework for delivery of collaborative and security-minded BIM projects (2021)
Mamun, M. Development of a governance framework for delivery of collaborative and security-minded BIM projects. (Thesis). University of Salford

This study explores secure-collaboration for BIM projects in response to concerns as to whether
project environments concerned with critical national infrastructure are able to govern digital
security-risks whilst also reconciling tensions between... Read More about Development of a governance framework for delivery of collaborative and security-minded BIM projects.

Developing framework for the reconstruction of housing for the internally displaced people due to conflict (2021)
Abdu, Y. Developing framework for the reconstruction of housing for the internally displaced people due to conflict. (Thesis). University of Salford

As a result of Boko Haram conflict in Nigeria, many people have been displaced and a lot of houses destroyed. The displaced people are presently domiciled in different temporary camps across the country and the camps are in bad condition without elec... Read More about Developing framework for the reconstruction of housing for the internally displaced people due to conflict.

Sustainability and sustainable development: an investigation on the role of Islamic finance and other determinants in the OIC member countries (2021)
Ibrahim, A. (2021). Sustainability and sustainable development: an investigation on the role of Islamic finance and other determinants in the OIC member countries. (Thesis). University of Salford

For the last three decades, sustainability has become a more prominent topic of global discussion. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations are regarded as benchmarks for country-level sus... Read More about Sustainability and sustainable development: an investigation on the role of Islamic finance and other determinants in the OIC member countries.

Biosciences for antibiotic resistance : a mixed methods study assessing the level of knowledge and learning experiences among preregistration nursing students in Uganda (2021)
Nantamu, M. Biosciences for antibiotic resistance : a mixed methods study assessing the level of knowledge and learning experiences among preregistration nursing students in Uganda. (Thesis). University of Salford

Biosciences form the basis on which our understanding of human biology and body functions is established. They guide nurses to detect risks to health and improve and sustain health through informed decisions. Task-shifting has expanded the scope of p... Read More about Biosciences for antibiotic resistance : a mixed methods study assessing the level of knowledge and learning experiences among preregistration nursing students in Uganda.

Exploring the role of E-learning practices in protecting secondary school education after violent conflict : case study - secondary school education in Libya (2021)
Essadi, H. Exploring the role of E-learning practices in protecting secondary school education after violent conflict : case study - secondary school education in Libya. (Thesis). University of Salford

Background: It is reported that approximately 2,000 schools in Libya were damaged between 2011 and 2013, and that within the month of November 2016 a further 477 schools were damaged and another 30 schools were destroyed in Tripoli and Benghazi. This... Read More about Exploring the role of E-learning practices in protecting secondary school education after violent conflict : case study - secondary school education in Libya.

The development and evaluation of the Cognitive Behavioural Social Competence Therapeutic Intervention for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder without an Intellectual Disability (CBSCTI-ASD) (2021)
Tate, D. The development and evaluation of the Cognitive Behavioural Social Competence Therapeutic Intervention for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder without an Intellectual Disability (CBSCTI-ASD). (Thesis). University of Salford Manchester

Many young people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can have an average or above average IQ yet still struggle with the social competencies needed to successfully navigate into adulthood. Despite many individuals with ASD experiencing significant c... Read More about The development and evaluation of the Cognitive Behavioural Social Competence Therapeutic Intervention for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder without an Intellectual Disability (CBSCTI-ASD).