Time-resolved nanosecond fluorescence lifetime imaging and picosecond infrared spectroscopy of combretastatin A-4 in solution and in cellular systems
Journal Article
Bisby, R., Botchway, S., Greetham, G., Hadfield, J., Mcgown, A., Parker, A., …Towrie, M. (2012). Time-resolved nanosecond fluorescence lifetime imaging and picosecond infrared spectroscopy of combretastatin A-4 in solution and in cellular systems. Measurement Science and Technology, 23, 084001. https://doi.org/10.1088/0957-0233/23/8/084001
Fluorescence lifetime images of intrinsic fluorescence obtained with two-photon excitation at 630 nm are shown following uptake of a series of E-combretastatins into live cells, including human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) that are the t... Read More about Time-resolved nanosecond fluorescence lifetime imaging and picosecond infrared spectroscopy of combretastatin A-4 in solution and in cellular systems.