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The development of a project process evaluation (PPE) framework that aims to measure the effectiveness of implementing a new design and construction project process (2002)
Lee, A. The development of a project process evaluation (PPE) framework that aims to measure the effectiveness of implementing a new design and construction project process. (Thesis). Salford : University of Salford

Increased globalised competition and the need to meet continuously changing
customer requirements has forced the UK construction industry to consider its
practice. The industry has been repeatedly criticised for its inefficiency,
fragmentation,... Read More about The development of a project process evaluation (PPE) framework that aims to measure the effectiveness of implementing a new design and construction project process.

The growth in environmental awareness and its implications for the National Health Service (2002)
Gallagher, M. The growth in environmental awareness and its implications for the National Health Service. (Thesis). Salford : University of Salford

The NHS is a large complex organisation employing almost one million people and with an annual revenue
budget in 1999/2000 in excess of £40 billion.
Responsible for a range of activities with the potential to cause environmental damage on a local,... Read More about The growth in environmental awareness and its implications for the National Health Service.

Mapping the museum : the cultural consumption and production of two north west heritage sites (1999)
Bagnall, G. Mapping the museum : the cultural consumption and production of two north west heritage sites. (Thesis). Salford : University of Salford

This thesis is based on case studies of two prominent heritage sites in the Greater Manchester area: Wigan Pier and The Museum of Science and Industry. These case studies have involved detailed interviews with and observation of visitors to the sites... Read More about Mapping the museum : the cultural consumption and production of two north west heritage sites.

Music for Brass band (1999)
Graham, P. Music for Brass band. (Thesis). University of Salford

Symphonic Study for Brass Band

Brass Band Score

Music for wind orchestra (1999)
Graham, P. Music for wind orchestra. (Thesis). University of Salford

Montage - A Symphony for Wind Orchestra
Composer's Note
Each of the movements take as their starting point forms originating in music in the 16th and 17th centuries.
The first, an Intrada, presents the main thematic material (based on the interva... Read More about Music for wind orchestra.

Physiological control of prostheses and orthoses using magneto-transducers (1999)
Heath, G. Physiological control of prostheses and orthoses using magneto-transducers. (Thesis). University of Salford

The objective of prostheses and of dynamic orthoses is to provide restorative function to anatomical joints of the upper or lower limb that are either absent or physiologically compromised. This study considers the volitional demands of upper limb fu... Read More about Physiological control of prostheses and orthoses using magneto-transducers.

A study of the professionalisation strategies of British podiatry, 1960-1997 (1997)
Borthwick, A. A study of the professionalisation strategies of British podiatry, 1960-1997. (Thesis). Salford : University of Salford

This study examines the professionalisation strategies of British podiatry between 1960 and 1997, following the introduction of state registration as a pre-requisite for NHS employment. It is primarily concerned with relations within podiatry and bet... Read More about A study of the professionalisation strategies of British podiatry, 1960-1997.

A study of the effectiveness of early intervention as a means of primary stress management amongst probationary police officers (1996)
Kelly, N. A study of the effectiveness of early intervention as a means of primary stress management amongst probationary police officers. (Thesis). University of Salford

Following the result of a pilot study (n=86) involving a number of probationary
constables, experienced officers and retired officers which confirmed that police officers
irrespective of experience or length of service reported finding the same typ... Read More about A study of the effectiveness of early intervention as a means of primary stress management amongst probationary police officers.

Limiting factors to high intensity exercise : the role of intramuscular pH and skeletal muscle buffering (1990)
Mannion, A. Limiting factors to high intensity exercise : the role of intramuscular pH and skeletal muscle buffering. (Thesis). Salford : University of Salford

Within the context of a metabolic model of fatigue, formulated from a review of the
literature, a decrease in intramuscular pH was identified as a potential limiting factor
to the performance of high intensity exercise (HIE). This suggested a role... Read More about Limiting factors to high intensity exercise : the role of intramuscular pH and skeletal muscle buffering.