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Outputs (6)

The methodological development of a Benefits Realisation Management Process (BRMP) in the case of Manchester, Salford and Trafford (MaST) Local Improvement Finance Trust (LIFT) (2008)
Presentation / Conference
Harris, K., Sapountzis, S., & Kagioglou, M. (2008, June). The methodological development of a Benefits Realisation Management Process (BRMP) in the case of Manchester, Salford and Trafford (MaST) Local Improvement Finance Trust (LIFT). Presented at Built and Human Environment, Prague, Czech Republic

In recent years the UK government has made huge capital investment into the public sector in particular healthcare. One such initiative occurred in 2001 in the form of LIFT (Local Improvement Finance Trust) for primary care settings through a Public... Read More about The methodological development of a Benefits Realisation Management Process (BRMP) in the case of Manchester, Salford and Trafford (MaST) Local Improvement Finance Trust (LIFT).

The methodological development of a Benefits Realisation Management Process (BRMP) in the case of Manchester, Salford and Trafford (MaST) Local Improvement Finance Trust (LIFT) (2008)
Presentation / Conference
Harris, K., Sapountzis, S., & Kagioglou, M. (2008, June). The methodological development of a Benefits Realisation Management Process (BRMP) in the case of Manchester, Salford and Trafford (MaST) Local Improvement Finance Trust (LIFT). Presented at Built and Human Environment, Prague, Czech Republic

In recent years the UK government has made huge capital investment into the public sector in particular healthcare. One such initiative occurred in 2001 in the form of LIFT (Local Improvement Finance Trust) for primary care settings through a Public... Read More about The methodological development of a Benefits Realisation Management Process (BRMP) in the case of Manchester, Salford and Trafford (MaST) Local Improvement Finance Trust (LIFT).

The development of a benefits realisation management process to drive successful programmes and projects (2008)
Presentation / Conference
Sapountzis, S., Harris, K., & Kagioglou, M. (2008, May). The development of a benefits realisation management process to drive successful programmes and projects. Presented at “Project Management Advances, Training & Certification in the Mediterranean”, Chios Island, Greece

Traditionally major capital investment programmes and projects are measured on their success in relation to cost, quality and time of delivery, and not in relation to
the benefits or impact that they have delivered. Benefits Realisation is emerging... Read More about The development of a benefits realisation management process to drive successful programmes and projects.

The development of a benefits realisation management process to drive successful programmes and projects (2008)
Presentation / Conference
Sapountzis, S., Harris, K., & Kagioglou, M. (2008, May). The development of a benefits realisation management process to drive successful programmes and projects. Presented at “Project Management Advances, Training & Certification in the Mediterranean”, Chios Island, Greece

Traditionally major capital investment programmes and projects are measured on their success in relation to cost, quality and time of delivery, and not in relation to
the benefits or impact that they have delivered. Benefits Realisation is emerging... Read More about The development of a benefits realisation management process to drive successful programmes and projects.

The need for Benefits Realisation in healthcare – Creating a benefits driven culture (2008)
Presentation / Conference
Sapountzis, S., Harris, K., & Kagioglou, M. (2008, April). The need for Benefits Realisation in healthcare – Creating a benefits driven culture. Presented at 1st HaCIRIC Symposium: Redefining healthcare infrastructure, Integratingservices, technologies, and the built environment, London , UK

Transformation and change for a better health and care delivery system have been the
driving forces behind UK’s government initiatives and investments during the past
decade. Questions have been raised in terms of how successful these investments h... Read More about The need for Benefits Realisation in healthcare – Creating a benefits driven culture.

The need for Benefits Realisation in healthcare – Creating a benefits driven culture (2008)
Presentation / Conference
Sapountzis, S., Harris, K., & Kagioglou, M. (2008, April). The need for Benefits Realisation in healthcare – Creating a benefits driven culture. Presented at 1st HaCIRIC Symposium: Redefining healthcare infrastructure, Integratingservices, technologies, and the built environment, London , UK

Transformation and change for a better health and care delivery system have been the
driving forces behind UK’s government initiatives and investments during the past
decade. Questions have been raised in terms of how successful these investments h... Read More about The need for Benefits Realisation in healthcare – Creating a benefits driven culture.