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Outputs (44)

Potential biomarkers as a predictive factor of response to primary chemotherapy in breast cancer patients (2024)
Journal Article

In this study, we identified miRNAs and their potential mRNA targets that are intricately linked to primary chemotherapy response in patients with invasive ductal carcinomas. A cohort of individuals diagnosed with advanced invasive breast ductal carc... Read More about Potential biomarkers as a predictive factor of response to primary chemotherapy in breast cancer patients.

Cosmic kidney disease: an integrated pan-omic, physiological and morphological study into spaceflight-induced renal dysfunction (2024)
Journal Article

Missions into Deep Space are planned this decade. Yet the health consequences of exposure to microgravity and galactic cosmic radiation (GCR) over years-long missions on indispensable visceral organs such as the kidney are largely unexplored. We perf... Read More about Cosmic kidney disease: an integrated pan-omic, physiological and morphological study into spaceflight-induced renal dysfunction.

Enhancing European capabilities for application of multi-omics studies in biology and biomedicine space research (2023)
Journal Article

Following on from the NASA twins' study, there has been a tremendous interest in the use of omics techniques in spaceflight. Individual space agencies, NASA's GeneLab, JAXA's ibSLS, and the ESA-funded Space Omics Topical Team and the International St... Read More about Enhancing European capabilities for application of multi-omics studies in biology and biomedicine space research.

First Characterization of the Transcriptome of Lung Fibroblasts of SSc Patients and Healthy Donors of African Ancestry (2023)
Journal Article
Renaud, L., Waldrep, K. M., da Silveira, W. A., Pilewski, J. M., & Feghali-Bostwick, C. A. (in press). First Characterization of the Transcriptome of Lung Fibroblasts of SSc Patients and Healthy Donors of African Ancestry. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(4), 3645.

Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a connective tissue disorder that results in fibrosis of the skin and visceral organs. SSc-associated pulmonary fibrosis (SSc-PF) is the leading cause of death amongst SSc patients. Racial disparity is noted in SSc as Afri... Read More about First Characterization of the Transcriptome of Lung Fibroblasts of SSc Patients and Healthy Donors of African Ancestry.

Investigating the effects of chronic low-dose radiation exposure in the liver of a hypothermic zebrafish model (2023)
Journal Article

Mankind's quest for a manned mission to Mars is placing increased emphasis on the development of innovative radio-protective countermeasures for long-term space travel. Hibernation confers radio-protective effects in hibernating animals, and this has... Read More about Investigating the effects of chronic low-dose radiation exposure in the liver of a hypothermic zebrafish model.

Building the Space Omics Topical Team to boost European space researchers’ role in the international consortia redefining spaceflight-generated datasets (2022)
Journal Article
Herranz, R., da Silveira, W., Bezdan, D., Giacomello, S., & Szewczyk, N. (2022). Building the Space Omics Topical Team to boost European space researchers’ role in the international consortia redefining spaceflight-generated datasets. iScience, 25(9), 104868.

In a broadening and more competitive space exploration landscape, playing at scale is necessary to obtain results. European researchers share their lessons learned on growing a research program where omics techniques can feed new knowledge, both fund... Read More about Building the Space Omics Topical Team to boost European space researchers’ role in the international consortia redefining spaceflight-generated datasets.

Space omics research in Europe: Contributions, geographical distribution and ESA member state funding schemes (2022)
Journal Article

The European research community, via European Space Agency (ESA) spaceflight opportunities, has significantly contributed toward our current understanding of spaceflight biology. Recent molecular biology experiments include "omic" analysis, which pro... Read More about Space omics research in Europe: Contributions, geographical distribution and ESA member state funding schemes.

miRNA and lncRNA Expression Networks Modulate Cell Cycle and DNA Repair Inhibition in Senescent Prostate Cells (2022)
Journal Article
Abraham da Silveira, W., Renaud, L., S. Hazard, E., & Hardiman, G. (2022). miRNA and lncRNA Expression Networks Modulate Cell Cycle and DNA Repair Inhibition in Senescent Prostate Cells. Genes, 13(2), 208.

Cellular senescence is a state of permanent growth arrest that arises once cells reach the limit of their proliferative capacity. It creates an inflammatory microenvironment favouring the initiation and progression of various age-related diseases, in... Read More about miRNA and lncRNA Expression Networks Modulate Cell Cycle and DNA Repair Inhibition in Senescent Prostate Cells.

Antifibrotic factor KLF4 is repressed by the miR-10/TFAP2A/TBX5 axis in dermal fibroblasts: insights from twins discordant for systemic sclerosis (2021)
Journal Article

Objectives: Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a complex disease of unknown aetiology in which inflammation and fibrosis lead to multiple organ damage. There is currently no effective therapy that can halt the progression of fibrosis or reverse it, thus stu... Read More about Antifibrotic factor KLF4 is repressed by the miR-10/TFAP2A/TBX5 axis in dermal fibroblasts: insights from twins discordant for systemic sclerosis.