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Outputs (38)

Phagocytosis of biocompatible gold nanoparticles (2010)
Journal Article
Krpeticc, Z., Porta, F., Caneva, E., Dal Santo, V., & Scarì, G. (2010). Phagocytosis of biocompatible gold nanoparticles. Langmuir, 26(18), 14799-14805.

We report the evidence for the cellular uptake of gold nanoparticles via the phagocytosis mechanism in murine macrophage cells strongly supported by TEM and optical microscopy. Nanoparticles were prepared using several biocompatible molecules of choi... Read More about Phagocytosis of biocompatible gold nanoparticles.

Gold nanoparticles prepared using cape aloe active components (2009)
Journal Article
Krpetic, Z., Scarì, G., Caneva, E., Speranza, G., & Porta, F. (2009). Gold nanoparticles prepared using cape aloe active components. Langmuir, 25(13), 7217-7221.

A novel use of two components of Cape aloe, aloin A and aloesin, acting as stabilizers in the preparation of gold and silver nanoparticles, is reported. Stable water-soluble particles of different size and shape are prepared by varying the reaction c... Read More about Gold nanoparticles prepared using cape aloe active components.

A multidentate peptide for stabilization and facile bioconjugation of gold nanoparticles (2009)
Journal Article
Krpetic, Z., Nativo, P., Porta, F., & Brust, M. (2009). A multidentate peptide for stabilization and facile bioconjugation of gold nanoparticles. Bioconjugate Chemistry, 20(3), 619-624.

Gold nanoparticles of two different sizes stabilized by a 15-mer peptide ligand specifically designed for this purpose have been prepared in aqueous solution and characterized by UV−vis spectroscopy and TEM. The presence of the ligand and its binding... Read More about A multidentate peptide for stabilization and facile bioconjugation of gold nanoparticles.

Electroreductions on silver-based electrocatalysts : the use of Ag Nanoparticles for CHCl3to CH4Conversion (2009)
Journal Article
Rondinini, S., Aricci, G., Krpetic, Z., Locatelli, C., Minguzzi, A., Porta, F., & Vertova, A. (2009). Electroreductions on silver-based electrocatalysts : the use of Ag Nanoparticles for CHCl3to CH4Conversion. Fuel Cells, 9(3), 253-263.

A preliminary investigation on a new class on electrocatalytic
materials for the electroreduction of organic halides is
presented and discussed. The electrocatalysts are based on
silver nanoparticles (Ag_NP), ad hoc synthesised by chemical
reduct... Read More about Electroreductions on silver-based electrocatalysts : the use of Ag Nanoparticles for CHCl3to CH4Conversion.

Gold-ligand interaction studies of water-soluble aminoalcohol capped gold nanoparticles by NMR (2008)
Journal Article
Porta, F., Krpetic, Z., Prati, L., Gaiassi, A., & Scarì, G. (2008). Gold-ligand interaction studies of water-soluble aminoalcohol capped gold nanoparticles by NMR. Langmuir, 24(14), 7061-7064.

Novel reproducible preparations of gold nanoparticles capped by aminoalcohols have been set up by reduction of HAuCl4 with NaBH4 in aqueous solution. The characterization of Au@aminoalcohol nanoparticles performed by 1H NMR, ATR-FTIR, UV−vis spectros... Read More about Gold-ligand interaction studies of water-soluble aminoalcohol capped gold nanoparticles by NMR.

Gold nanoparticles capped by peptides (2007)
Journal Article
Porta, F., Speranza, G., Krpetic, Z., Dal Santo, V., Francescato, P., & Scarì, G. (2007). Gold nanoparticles capped by peptides. Materials Science and Engineering: B, 140(3), 187-194.

Two dipeptides (GK and GC) and two 15-aminoacid peptides (GK15 and GC15) were used as capping agents in the preparation of monolayer-protected gold nanoparticles (MPCs). They were characterized by TEM microscopy, UV–vis, NMR and IR spectroscopy.

Selective entrance of gold nanoparticles into cancer cells (2006)
Journal Article
Krpetic, Z., Porta, F., & Scarì, G. (2006). Selective entrance of gold nanoparticles into cancer cells. Gold Bulletin, 39(2), 66-68.

We report that Au(0) nanoparticles, stabilized by 5-aminovaleric acid, selectively penetrate into K562 cancer cells in a short time. These experiments were carried out in order to verify the specific recognition of gold sol by abnormal cells. The obs... Read More about Selective entrance of gold nanoparticles into cancer cells.

Single-phase bimetallic system for the selective oxidation of glycerol to glycerate
Journal Article
Prati, L., Villa, A., Su, D., Wang, D., Krpetic, Z., & Porta, F. Single-phase bimetallic system for the selective oxidation of glycerol to glycerate. Studies in surface science and catalysis, 162, 553-560.

Au-Pd bimetallic systems on carbon, (Pd@Au)/C (1) and Pd@Au/C (2), have been prepared by using metallic colloidal solutions, following two different procedures. The total metal loading was 1%wt and Au/Pd molar ratio 6/4. The catalytic activities have... Read More about Single-phase bimetallic system for the selective oxidation of glycerol to glycerate.