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Outputs (8)

'Connect and create’ : young people, YouTube and graffiti communities (2012)
Journal Article
Griffiths, M., Light, B., & Lincoln, S. (2012). 'Connect and create’ : young people, YouTube and graffiti communities. Continuum, 26(3), 343-355.

Dominant discourses around young people and social networking in the mass media are littered with negative connotations and moral panics. While some scholars challenge this negativity, their focus has predominantly been upon the formation of friendsh... Read More about 'Connect and create’ : young people, YouTube and graffiti communities.

Tracing the emergence and formation of small dot-coms in an emerging digital economy : an actor-network theory approach (2011)
Effah, J. Tracing the emergence and formation of small dot-coms in an emerging digital economy : an actor-network theory approach. (Thesis). Salford : University of Salford

The purpose of this study is to trace the emergence and formation of small dot-corns to
understand how they come into being and are made to work or not. The SME e-business
literature emphasises post-organisation and post-technology formation phases... Read More about Tracing the emergence and formation of small dot-coms in an emerging digital economy : an actor-network theory approach.

An investigation into resistance practices at an SME consultancy (2009)
Journal Article
Griffiths, M., & Light, B. (2009). An investigation into resistance practices at an SME consultancy. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 22(1/2), 119-136.

Purpose – Prior research emphasises that organisational founders have a good deal of influence in organisational development and, where information and communication technogies (ICTs) are involved, a generic strategy is usually deployed by managers i... Read More about An investigation into resistance practices at an SME consultancy.

Antisocial behaviour orders: Unanticipated directions in social network site development (2008)
Presentation / Conference
Griffiths, M., Light, B., & Mcgarrie, R. (2008, June). Antisocial behaviour orders: Unanticipated directions in social network site development. Presented at 16th European Conference in Information Systems,, University of Galway, Ireland,

Social network technologies, as we know them today have become a popular feature of everyday life
for many people. As their name suggests, their underlying premise is to enable people to connect with
each other for a variety of purposes. These purp... Read More about Antisocial behaviour orders: Unanticipated directions in social network site development.

Social networking and digital gaming media convergence : classification and its consequences for appropriation (2008)
Journal Article
classification and its consequences for appropriation. Information Systems Frontiers, 10(4), 447-459.

Within the field of Information Systems, a good proportion of research is concerned with the work organisation and this has, to some extent, restricted the kind of application areas given consideration. Yet, it is clear that information and communica... Read More about Social networking and digital gaming media convergence : classification and its consequences for appropriation.

Facebook, YouTube, MySpace: can Web 2.0 social networking sites nudge the boardroom – the evolution of CRN 2.0 research agenda?
Presentation / Conference
Griffiths, M., Heinze, A., Light, B., Kiveal, P., & Sethi, T. Facebook, YouTube, MySpace: can Web 2.0 social networking sites nudge the boardroom – the evolution of CRN 2.0 research agenda?. Presented at UK Academy for Information Systems 15th Annual Conference 2010 “Information Systems: Past, Present and Looking to the Future”, Oriel College, University of Oxford

The lessons learned from the social networking sites and the related research have produced a number of reasons for the adoption of Web 2.0 technologies in the corporate environment. The users of Web 2.0 technologies such as FaceBook, YouTube and MyS... Read More about Facebook, YouTube, MySpace: can Web 2.0 social networking sites nudge the boardroom – the evolution of CRN 2.0 research agenda?.

Gay men, Gaydar and the commodification of difference
Journal Article
Light, B., Fletcher, G., & Adam, A. Gay men, Gaydar and the commodification of difference. Information Technology and People, 21(3), 300-314.

To investigate ICT mediated inclusion and exclusion in terms of sexuality through a study of a commercial social networking website for gay men
The paper uses an approach based on technological inscription and t... Read More about Gay men, Gaydar and the commodification of difference.