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Venezuela (2009)
Book Chapter

Provides an overview of the administration and key findings of the Second International Self-Report Survey conducted in Venezuela in 2006. The sample comprised 2,395 secondary school students selected in the cities of Caracas and Mérida and in three... Read More about Venezuela.

Venezuela: The Shifting Organizational Framework for the Police (2009)
Journal Article
Birkbeck, C. (2009). Venezuela: The Shifting Organizational Framework for the Police. Police Practice and Research, 10(4), 295-304.

Recent political polarization in Venezuela has exacerbated longer term tensions over the organization and control of the police. Additionally, there is ongoing and widespread
public dissatisfaction with the nature of policing. The patrimonial and au... Read More about Venezuela: The Shifting Organizational Framework for the Police.

Venezuela: The Shifting Organizational Framework for the Police (2009)
Journal Article
Birkbeck, C. (2009). Venezuela: The Shifting Organizational Framework for the Police. Police Practice and Research, 10(4), 295-304.

Recent political polarization in Venezuela has exacerbated longer term tensions over the organization and control of the police. Additionally, there is ongoing and widespread
public dissatisfaction with the nature of policing. The patrimonial and au... Read More about Venezuela: The Shifting Organizational Framework for the Police.

Prisiones e Internados: Una Comparación de los Establecimientos Penales en América del Norte y América Latina. (Imprisonment and Internment: Comparing Penal Facilities in the Americas) (2009)
Book Chapter

Recent references to the “warehouse prison” in the United States and the “prisión-depósito” in Latin America seem to indicate that penal confinement in the Western Hemisphere has converged on a similar model. However, this article suggests otherwise.... Read More about Prisiones e Internados: Una Comparación de los Establecimientos Penales en América del Norte y América Latina. (Imprisonment and Internment: Comparing Penal Facilities in the Americas).

Prisiones e Internados: Una Comparación de los Establecimientos Penales en América del Norte y América Latina. (Imprisonment and Internment: Comparing Penal Facilities in the Americas) (2009)
Book Chapter

Recent references to the “warehouse prison” in the United States and the “prisión-depósito” in Latin America seem to indicate that penal confinement in the Western Hemisphere has converged on a similar model. However, this article suggests otherwise.... Read More about Prisiones e Internados: Una Comparación de los Establecimientos Penales en América del Norte y América Latina. (Imprisonment and Internment: Comparing Penal Facilities in the Americas).

El funcionamiento de la libertad condicional: un estudio de caso de la región Andina de Venezuela, 1981-2004.” (how parole functions in Venezuela: a case study of the Andean region, 1981-2004) (2009)
Journal Article
Birkbeck, C. (2009). El funcionamiento de la libertad condicional: un estudio de caso de la región Andina de Venezuela, 1981-2004.” (how parole functions in Venezuela: a case study of the Andean region, 1981-2004). Revista - Centro de Investigaciones Penales Criminológicas, Universidad de Los Andes, 28, 29-67

This article presents the results of a study of 773 cases of parole that were initiated and concluded in the Andean region of Venezuela between 1981 and 2004, with particular attention to the characteristics and determinants of offenders’ different p... Read More about El funcionamiento de la libertad condicional: un estudio de caso de la región Andina de Venezuela, 1981-2004.” (how parole functions in Venezuela: a case study of the Andean region, 1981-2004).

El funcionamiento de la libertad condicional: un estudio de caso de la región Andina de Venezuela, 1981-2004.” (how parole functions in Venezuela: a case study of the Andean region, 1981-2004) (2009)
Journal Article
Birkbeck, C. (2009). El funcionamiento de la libertad condicional: un estudio de caso de la región Andina de Venezuela, 1981-2004.” (how parole functions in Venezuela: a case study of the Andean region, 1981-2004). Revista - Centro de Investigaciones Penales Criminológicas, Universidad de Los Andes, 28, 29-67

This article presents the results of a study of 773 cases of parole that were initiated and concluded in the Andean region of Venezuela between 1981 and 2004, with particular attention to the characteristics and determinants of offenders’ different p... Read More about El funcionamiento de la libertad condicional: un estudio de caso de la región Andina de Venezuela, 1981-2004.” (how parole functions in Venezuela: a case study of the Andean region, 1981-2004).