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Effects of ramp negotiation, paving type and shoe sole geometry on toe clearance in young adults (2011)
Journal Article
Thies, S., Jones, R., Kenney, L., Howard, D., & Baker, R. (2011). Effects of ramp negotiation, paving type and shoe sole geometry on toe clearance in young adults. Journal of Biomechanics, 44(15), 2679-2684.

Trips are a major cause of falls and result from involuntary contact of the foot with the ground during the swing phase of gait. Adequate toe clearance during swing is therefore crucial for safe locomotion. To date, little is known about the effects... Read More about Effects of ramp negotiation, paving type and shoe sole geometry on toe clearance in young adults.

The use of hydrogel as an electrode-skin interface for electrode array FES applications (2011)
Journal Article
Cooper, G., Barker, A., Heller, B., Good, T., Kenney, L., & Howard, D. (2011). The use of hydrogel as an electrode-skin interface for electrode array FES applications. Medical Engineering and Physics, 33(8), 967-982.

Functional electrical stimulation is commonly used to restore function in post-stroke patients in upper and lower limb applications. Location of the electrodes can be a problem hence some research groups have begun to experiment with electrode arrays... Read More about The use of hydrogel as an electrode-skin interface for electrode array FES applications.

A comparative evaluation of sonomyography, electromyography, force, and wrist angle in a discrete tracking task (2011)
Journal Article
Guo, J., Zheng, Y., Kenney, L., Bowen, A., Howard, D., & Canderle, J. (2011). A comparative evaluation of sonomyography, electromyography, force, and wrist angle in a discrete tracking task. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 37(6), 884-891.

We have previously used the real-time change of muscle thickness detected using ultrasound, namely sonomyography (SMG), for prosthesis motor control purposes. In the present study, we further compared subjects’ performance using SMG and surface elect... Read More about A comparative evaluation of sonomyography, electromyography, force, and wrist angle in a discrete tracking task.

Biomechanics for inclusive urban design : effects of tactile paving on older adults’ gait when crossing the street (2011)
Journal Article

In light of our ageing population it is important that the urban environment is easily accessible and hence supports older adults’ independence. Tactile ‘blister’ paving was originally designed to provide guidance for visually impaired people at pede... Read More about Biomechanics for inclusive urban design : effects of tactile paving on older adults’ gait when crossing the street.

Amputee independent prosthesis properties - a new model for description and measurement (2011)
Journal Article
Major, M., Twiste, M., Kenney, L., & Howard, D. (2011). Amputee independent prosthesis properties - a new model for description and measurement. Journal of Biomechanics, 44(14), 2572-2575.

A model is presented for describing the Amputee Independent Prosthesis Properties (AIPP) of complete assemblies of trans-tibial prosthetic components distal to the socket. This new AIPP model includes features of both lumped parameter and roll-over m... Read More about Amputee independent prosthesis properties - a new model for description and measurement.