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Combined procedures for surgical short bowel syndrome: experience from two European centres (2022)
Journal Article
Gigola, F., Coletta, R., Certini, M., Del Riccio, M., Forsythe, L., & Morabito, A. (2022). Combined procedures for surgical short bowel syndrome: experience from two European centres. ANZ Journal of Surgery,

Autologous gastrointestinal reconstructive surgery (AGIR) has become a key component of intestinal rehabilitation programs. However, the best surgical option for short bowel syndrome (SBS) remains unknown. This paper presents our experience using com... Read More about Combined procedures for surgical short bowel syndrome: experience from two European centres.

Engineering Auxetic Cylinders and Intestine to Improve Longitudinal Intestinal Lengthening and Tailoring Procedure (2022)
Journal Article

Auxetic materials can be exploited for coupling different types of tissues. Herein, we designed a material where the microorganism metabolic activity yields the formation of buckled/collapsed bubbles within gelling silicone cylinders thus providing a... Read More about Engineering Auxetic Cylinders and Intestine to Improve Longitudinal Intestinal Lengthening and Tailoring Procedure.

Treatment of food aversion and eating problems in children with short bowel syndrome: a systematic review (2022)
Journal Article
Gigola, F., Carletti, V., Coletta, R., Certini, M., Del Riccio, M., Bortolotti, C., & Morabito, A. (2022). Treatment of food aversion and eating problems in children with short bowel syndrome: a systematic review. Children, 9(10), 1582.

Food Aversion (FA) is a strong refusing behaviour to the oral assumption of food that can affect children with Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS). Management includes behavioural and Messy Play treatments, with few reports on systematic strategies to return... Read More about Treatment of food aversion and eating problems in children with short bowel syndrome: a systematic review.

Total Esophagogastric and Cologastric Dissociation in Neurologically Normal Children: Systematic Review (2022)
Journal Article
Negri, E., Coletta, R., Bici, K., Bianchi, A., & Morabito, A. (2022). Total Esophagogastric and Cologastric Dissociation in Neurologically Normal Children: Systematic Review. Children, 9(7), 999.

Total esophagogastric dissociation (TEGD) was first described by Bianchi as a definitive procedure for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in neurologically impaired children. In the last 20 years, different centers extended the indication to neur... Read More about Total Esophagogastric and Cologastric Dissociation in Neurologically Normal Children: Systematic Review.

Uniportal video-assisted thoracic surgery in a pediatric hospital: early results and review of the literature (2022)
Journal Article
Ugolini, S., Coletta, R., Lo Piccolo, R., Dell'Otto, F., Voltolini, L., Gonfiotti, A., & Morabito, A. (2022). Uniportal video-assisted thoracic surgery in a pediatric hospital: early results and review of the literature. Journal of Laparoendoscopic and Advanced Surgical Techniques, 32(6), 713-720.

Background: Uniportal video-assisted thoracic surgery (U-VATS) is an implemented technique in adult surgery that may aid to extend offer the benefits of thoracoscopy to a wide number of pediatric patients.

Materials and Methods: Consecutive cases... Read More about Uniportal video-assisted thoracic surgery in a pediatric hospital: early results and review of the literature.

Difficult Vascular Access in Children with Short Bowel Syndrome: What to Do Next? (2022)
Journal Article
Grimaldi, C., Gigola, F., Bici, K., Oreglio, C., Coletta, R., & Morabito, A. (2022). Difficult Vascular Access in Children with Short Bowel Syndrome: What to Do Next?. Children, 9(5), 688.

Short Bowel Syndrome and intestinal failure are chronic and severe conditions that may require life-long parenteral nutrition in children. Survival of these children rely on the correct functioning of central venous catheters; therefore, careful mana... Read More about Difficult Vascular Access in Children with Short Bowel Syndrome: What to Do Next?.

Venepuncture (2022)
Taylor, M., & Ragou, D. (2022). Venepuncture

Early Bowel Lengthening Procedures: Bi-Institutional Experience and Review of the Literature (2022)
Journal Article
Negri, E., Coletta, R., Forsythe, L., Gigola, F., Cianci, M. C., & Morabito, A. (2022). Early Bowel Lengthening Procedures: Bi-Institutional Experience and Review of the Literature. Children, 9(2), 221.

Early bowel lengthening procedure (EBLP) has been defined as any bowel lengthening procedure performed before six months of age. The purpose of this paper is to compare our experience with literature on this subject to identify common indications. A... Read More about Early Bowel Lengthening Procedures: Bi-Institutional Experience and Review of the Literature.

Minimizing Enterostomy Complication in Neonates, Lessons Learnt from Three European Tertiary Centres (2022)
Journal Article
Coletta, R., Zulli, A., O'Shea, K., Mussi, E., Bianchi, A., & Morabito, A. (2022). Minimizing Enterostomy Complication in Neonates, Lessons Learnt from Three European Tertiary Centres. Children, 9(2), 162.

Introduction. Stoma formation in neonates is often a life-saving procedure across a variety of conditions but is still associated with significant morbidity. Tube stoma technique was originally described for short bowel patients, but in selected case... Read More about Minimizing Enterostomy Complication in Neonates, Lessons Learnt from Three European Tertiary Centres.