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Outputs (21)

Moving towards self-actualization : a trauma-informed and needs-focused approach to the mental health needs of survivors of commercial child sexual exploitation (2019)
Journal Article
Laser-Maira, J., Peach, D., & Hounmenou, C. (2019). Moving towards self-actualization : a trauma-informed and needs-focused approach to the mental health needs of survivors of commercial child sexual exploitation. International Journal of Social Work, 6(2), 27.

There is increasing evidence that children who are subject to commercial child sexual exploitation (CCSE) are likely to experience complex mental health needs. Failure to address the trauma experienced by victims of CCSE can lead to suicide attempts,... Read More about Moving towards self-actualization : a trauma-informed and needs-focused approach to the mental health needs of survivors of commercial child sexual exploitation.

Civil and forensic patients : comparing demographics, risk factors, and negative life events (2018)
Journal Article
Laser-Maira, J., Petersen, G., Stephens, H., & Peach, D. (2018). Civil and forensic patients : comparing demographics, risk factors, and negative life events. Sociální práce (On-line), 7, 76-86

OBJECTIVES: This investigation centres on how the mentally ill with a forensic admission compare to the mentally ill with a civil admission, and investigates who inpatients with a forensic and civil admission are, and how the risk factors and negativ... Read More about Civil and forensic patients : comparing demographics, risk factors, and negative life events.

Interview: Constructing (and resisting) the 'good parenting' mandate (2015)
Journal Article
Peach, D., & Locke, A. (2015). Interview: Constructing (and resisting) the 'good parenting' mandate. Psychology of Women Section Review, 17(1),

Donna Peach in conversation with Dr Abigail Locke, who presented a keynote on ‘Constructing (and resisting) the ‘good parenting’ mandate’ at the POWS Annual Conference, July 2014.

We were delighted to have Abi deliver her keynote, which interrogat... Read More about Interview: Constructing (and resisting) the 'good parenting' mandate.