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Integrating patients with intermittent claudication into an established cardiac rehabilitation programme: a feasibility study with embedded pilot (2023)

The Excel spreadsheet contains the raw data for the research project “Integrating patients with intermittent claudication into an established cardiac rehabilitation programme: a feasibility study with embedded pilot.”

This study aimed to assess th... Read More about Integrating patients with intermittent claudication into an established cardiac rehabilitation programme: a feasibility study with embedded pilot.

The effect of resistance training on functional capacity in middle-aged to elderly individuals with peripheral artery disease: a meta-analysis (2022)
Journal Article
Pearson, S., Sindall, P., Caldow, E., & Taberner, P. (2022). The effect of resistance training on functional capacity in middle-aged to elderly individuals with peripheral artery disease: a meta-analysis. International angiology : a journal of the International Union of Angiology,

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is an ischemic disease of the lower limbs, caused by atherosclerotic plaques, leading to impairments in functional capacity and reduced quality of life. This meta-analysis aimed to assess the effect of 12-week and 24-w... Read More about The effect of resistance training on functional capacity in middle-aged to elderly individuals with peripheral artery disease: a meta-analysis.

Integrating patients with intermittent claudication into an established cardiac rehabilitation programme: a feasibility study with embedded pilot (2022)

Introduction: In the UK, it is recommended that people diagnosed with intermittent claudication (IC) receive exercise therapy as first-line treatment of their condition. The optimal delivery of this treatment is a hospital-based, supervised exercise... Read More about Integrating patients with intermittent claudication into an established cardiac rehabilitation programme: a feasibility study with embedded pilot.

Integrating patients with intermittent claudication into an established cardiac rehabilitation programme: a feasibility study with embedded pilot (2022)

Introduction: In the UK, it is recommended that people diagnosed with intermittent claudication (IC) receive exercise therapy as first-line treatment of their condition. The optimal delivery of this treatment is a hospital-based, supervised exercise... Read More about Integrating patients with intermittent claudication into an established cardiac rehabilitation programme: a feasibility study with embedded pilot.

Effects of exercise prescribed at different levels of claudication pain on walking performance in patients with intermittent claudication: a protocol for a randomised controlled trial. (2022)
Journal Article

Peripheral artery disease affects over 236 million people globally and the classic symptom is intermittent claudication (IC) which is associated with reduction in physical activity. The evidence that supervised exercise programmes (SEPs) improve pain... Read More about Effects of exercise prescribed at different levels of claudication pain on walking performance in patients with intermittent claudication: a protocol for a randomised controlled trial..

A systematic review of exercise intervention reporting quality and dose in studies of intermittent claudication (2022)
Journal Article
Ibeggazene, S., Pymer, S., Birkett, S. T., Caldow, E., & Harwood, A. E. (2022). A systematic review of exercise intervention reporting quality and dose in studies of intermittent claudication. Vascular, 31(3), 477-488.

Background: Exercise therapy is an important treatment option for people with intermittent claudication (IC). Appropriate reporting of exercise interventions in populations with IC within randomised controlled trials (RCTs) is important to ensure tha... Read More about A systematic review of exercise intervention reporting quality and dose in studies of intermittent claudication.

A systematic review of exercise prescription in patients with intermittent claudication : does pain matter? (2021)
Journal Article

Current guidelines for intermittent claudication advocate exercise at moderate to maximal claudication pain. However, adherence rates to supervised exercise programmes (SEP) remain poor and claudication pain is a contributing factor. Limited evidence... Read More about A systematic review of exercise prescription in patients with intermittent claudication : does pain matter?.

A systematic review of exercise prescription in patients with intermittent claudication: does pain matter? (2021)
Journal Article

Background: Current guidelines for intermittent claudication advocate exercise at moderate to maximal claudication pain. However, adherence rates to supervised exercise programmes (SEP) remain poor and claudication pain is a contributing factor. Limi... Read More about A systematic review of exercise prescription in patients with intermittent claudication: does pain matter?.

A systematic review of exercise prescription in patients with intermittent claudication: does pain matter? (2021)
Journal Article

Background: Current guidelines for intermittent claudication advocate exercise at moderate to maximal claudication pain. However, adherence rates to supervised exercise programmes (SEP) remain poor and claudication pain is a contributing factor. Limi... Read More about A systematic review of exercise prescription in patients with intermittent claudication: does pain matter?.

Provision of exercise services in patients with peripheral artery disease in the United Kingdom (2021)
Journal Article
Harwood, A., Pymer, S., Ibeggazene, S., Ingle, L., Caldow, E., & Birkett, S. (2021). Provision of exercise services in patients with peripheral artery disease in the United Kingdom. Vascular, 30(5), 874-881.

Objectives Supervised exercise programmes (SEPs) are a vital treatment for people with intermittent claudication, leading improvements in walking distance and quality of life and are recommended in multiple national and international guidelines. We a... Read More about Provision of exercise services in patients with peripheral artery disease in the United Kingdom.