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Outputs (10)

Student midwives' lived experiences of caring for bereaved parents following perinatal loss using actor-based simulation: A phenomenological study. (2024)
Journal Article
Leyland, A., & Choucri, L. (in press). Student midwives' lived experiences of caring for bereaved parents following perinatal loss using actor-based simulation: A phenomenological study. Midwifery, 130, 103913.

Student midwives frequently encounter bereaved parents in clinical practice; however, the experience of caring for bereaved parents can be a significant source of traumatic stress. Although the use of simulation to teach bereavement care is considere... Read More about Student midwives' lived experiences of caring for bereaved parents following perinatal loss using actor-based simulation: A phenomenological study..

Facemums 2018: final report (2020)
McCarthy, R., Choucri, L., Jones, J., Butler, D., Chatwin, J., Brettle, A., & Light, B. (2020). Facemums 2018: final report

Continuity of care and easy access to reliable information during pregnancy is essential to the health and wellbeing of pregnant women. In recent years widespread use of the internet has fundamentally changed the way people obtain health informatio... Read More about Facemums 2018: final report.

A literature review exploring student midwives' experiences of continuity of mentorship on the labour ward (2019)
Journal Article
Hallam, E., & Choucri, L. (2019). A literature review exploring student midwives' experiences of continuity of mentorship on the labour ward. British Journal of Midwifery, 27(2), 115-119.

Background: Continuity of mentorship is central to students' clinical placement experience. Despite a plethora of studies investigating student-mentor relationships and how it affects grading, limited attention has been paid to the extent to which a... Read More about A literature review exploring student midwives' experiences of continuity of mentorship on the labour ward.

Midwifery continuity : the use of social media (2017)
Journal Article
McCarthy, R., Choucri, L., Ormandy, P., & Brettle, A. (2017). Midwifery continuity : the use of social media. Midwifery, 52, 34-41.

Continuity models of midwifery care improve women’s experiences of care and clinical outcomes, but organisationally driven working practices do not facilitate a continuity model and the midwifery care received by most women is fragmented... Read More about Midwifery continuity : the use of social media.

‘Freedom to flourish’ : University of Salford student midwives' placement link with the Isle of Man (2017)
Journal Article
Uppal, E., Mason Mitchell, J., Leyland, E., Sloane, J., & Choucri, L. (2017). ‘Freedom to flourish’ : University of Salford student midwives' placement link with the Isle of Man. British Journal of Midwifery, 25(4), 253-256.

It is recommended that students experience caseloading and continuity models of care as part of their clinical learning (Health Education England, 2013; Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2009). Student midwives from the University of Salford have the op... Read More about ‘Freedom to flourish’ : University of Salford student midwives' placement link with the Isle of Man.

Individualised care for women with assisted conception pregnancies and midwifery practice implications: An analysis of the existing research and current practice (2015)
Journal Article
Younger, M., Hollins-Martin, C., & Choucri, L. (2015). Individualised care for women with assisted conception pregnancies and midwifery practice implications: An analysis of the existing research and current practice. Midwifery, 31(2), 265-270.


the aim is to explore the psychosocial needs of women who are pregnant after assisted conception, specifically in vitro Fertilisation and whether their needs are being addressed within the current maternity care service.


cri... Read More about Individualised care for women with assisted conception pregnancies and midwifery practice implications: An analysis of the existing research and current practice.

Why Leadership, why now? The current state of management of the maternity services in England (2012)
Journal Article
Evans, S., & Choucri, L. (2012). Why Leadership, why now? The current state of management of the maternity services in England. MIDIRS midwifery digest, 22(2), 255-259

Theories of leadership have been dominated by transactional and transforming models. This paper examines models based in relationships and empowerment, the engaging leadership model,as these concepts also underpin woman centred care, the driving agen... Read More about Why Leadership, why now? The current state of management of the maternity services in England.