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Outputs (7)

Obstacles to successful rehabilitation and resettlement of drug use offenders (2023)
Journal Article
Thompson, R., & Clegg, K. (2023). Obstacles to successful rehabilitation and resettlement of drug use offenders. Journal of Criminological Research, Policy and Practice,

Purpose – This preliminary small-scale research aimed to achieve an insight into drug use
offenders’ rehabilitation experiences both in and out of prison, as well as considering how
perceptions of the public may inhibit their successful reintegrati... Read More about Obstacles to successful rehabilitation and resettlement of drug use offenders.

Exploring the relationship between morality and offending through the use of the Moral Foundations Questionnaire (2021)
Journal Article

This study applies the Moral Foundations Questionnaire (MFQ) to examine the relationship between morality and self-reported offending, captured using a questionnaire (N= 184). One hundred and forty-one respondents (77%) reported previously committing... Read More about Exploring the relationship between morality and offending through the use of the Moral Foundations Questionnaire.

Steps to success: examining the impacts of academic development services on first year undergraduates studying within a HE in FE environment. (2020)
Journal Article
Thompson, R., & Seddon, K. (2020). Steps to success: examining the impacts of academic development services on first year undergraduates studying within a HE in FE environment. Spark (Oldham. Online), 3, 85-97

The research aimed to investigate the impact of The Academic Development Services which is available to first year undergraduate students in The Higher Education Centre of a North West Further Education College. Through exploring the impact of this p... Read More about Steps to success: examining the impacts of academic development services on first year undergraduates studying within a HE in FE environment..

Emotional transitions? Exploring the student experience of entering higher education in a widening-participation HE-in-FE setting (2019)
Journal Article
Young, E., Thompson, R., Sharp, J., & Bosmans, D. (2020). Emotional transitions? Exploring the student experience of entering higher education in a widening-participation HE-in-FE setting. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 44(10), 1349-1363.

This paper details a small-scale research project that explores the student transition into higher education (HE), delivered in a further education college (FE), and considers whether the requirements of transition at this level impacts on emotional... Read More about Emotional transitions? Exploring the student experience of entering higher education in a widening-participation HE-in-FE setting.

Does PAL work? An exploration of affect amongst First-year HE in FE students (2019)
Journal Article
Bosmans, D., Thompson, R., & Young, E. (2019). Does PAL work? An exploration of affect amongst First-year HE in FE students. Athens Journal of Education (online), 6(1), 13-32.

The study evaluates a peer-assisted learning (PAL) scheme as an effective strategy in alleviating levels of negative emotions and, in the process, contributes to explorations of affect in first-year students in an HE in FE environment, with a particu... Read More about Does PAL work? An exploration of affect amongst First-year HE in FE students.

Morality of offenders : investigating morality of individuals who commit crime
Thompson, R. Morality of offenders : investigating morality of individuals who commit crime. (Dissertation). University of Huddersfield

Morality is often difficult to define due to its abstract nature, relating to both internal beliefs
and morals that an individual possess as well as external factors and circumstances that arise
which impact on an individual’s moral decision-making... Read More about Morality of offenders : investigating morality of individuals who commit crime.