Introduction: This qualitative study, nested in a pilot feasibility randomised controlled trial, explored the views of working people
with inflammatory arthritis on the impact of a work rehabilitation programme received.
Method: Thi...
Read More about A qualitative evaluation of occupational therapy-led work rehabilitation for people with inflammatory arthritis: Patients’ views.
Outputs (19)
Introduction: Occupational therapy-led work rehabilitation for employed people with inflammatory arthritis and work problems
was piloted in five hospitals in the United Kingdom. This qualitative study explored the views of participatin... Read More about A qualitative evaluation of occupational therapy-led work rehabilitation for people with inflammatory arthritis: Perspectives of therapists and their line managers.
A qualitative evaluation of occupational therapy-led work rehabilitation for people with inflammatory arthritis : patients’ views (2016)
Journal Article
with inflammatory arthritis : patients’ views. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 80(1), 39-48. https://doi.org/10.1177/0308022616672666Introduction: This qualitative study, nested in a pilot feasibility randomised controlled trial, explored the views of working people
with inflammatory arthritis on the impact of a work rehabilitation programme received.
Method: Thirty-two part... Read More about A qualitative evaluation of occupational therapy-led work rehabilitation for people with inflammatory arthritis : patients’ views.
A qualitative evaluation of occupational therapy-led work rehabilitation for people with inflammatory arthritis : perspectives of therapists and their line managers (2015)
Journal Article
Introduction: Occupational therapy-led work rehabilitation for employed people with inflammatory arthritis and work problems was piloted in five hospitals in the United Kingdom. This qualitative study explored the views of participating occupational... Read More about A qualitative evaluation of occupational therapy-led work rehabilitation for people with inflammatory arthritis : perspectives of therapists and their line managers.
A pilot project of the learning experience of undergraduate occupational therapy students in a 3-D virtual environment in the United Kingdom (2015)
Journal Article
Hook, A., Bodell, S., & Griffiths, L. (2015). A pilot project of the learning experience of undergraduate occupational therapy students in a 3-D virtual environment in the United Kingdom. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 78(9), 576-584. https://doi.org/10.1177/0308022614564169This pilot study explored the learning experience of four undergraduate occupational therapy students in Second Life (SL). The study aimed to explore the feasibility of learning about facilitating occupational performance in a home environment via a... Read More about A pilot project of the learning experience of undergraduate occupational therapy students in a 3-D virtual environment in the United Kingdom.
Developing online professional networks for undergraduate occupational therapy students: an evaluation of an extracurricular facilitated blended learning package (2014)
Journal Article
Bodell, S., & Hook, A. (2014). Developing online professional networks for undergraduate occupational therapy students: an evaluation of an extracurricular facilitated blended learning package. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 77(6), 320-323. https://doi.org/10.4276/030802214X14018723138156This practice analysis evaluates an extra curricular opportunity provided to undergraduate occupational therapy students. A blended learning package was designed and facilitated by two experienced educators, aiming to equip students with the knowledg... Read More about Developing online professional networks for undergraduate occupational therapy students: an evaluation of an extracurricular facilitated blended learning package.
Rheumatoid arthritis patients' views of a vocational rehabilitation intervention provided by rheumatology occupational therapists (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Background: Work disability in RA is common and many are unlikely to return to work once they cease working. Rheumatology occupational therapists (OTs) are well-placed to identify the work problems of people with RA as their role includes evaluating... Read More about Rheumatoid arthritis patients' views of a vocational rehabilitation intervention provided by rheumatology occupational therapists.
Rheumatoid arthritis patients’ views of a vocational rehabilitation intervention provided by rheumatology occupational therapists (2014)
Journal Article
Prior, Y., Amanna, A., Bodell, S., & Hammond, A. (2014). Rheumatoid arthritis patients’ views of a vocational rehabilitation intervention provided by rheumatology occupational therapists. Rheumatology, 53(Supp.1), i121-i122. https://doi.org/10.1093/rheumatology/keu106.008Background: Work disability in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is common and many are unlikely to return to work once they cease working. This study, nested within a randomised controlled trial (RCT) of a vocational rehabilitation (VR) programme, aimed to... Read More about Rheumatoid arthritis patients’ views of a vocational rehabilitation intervention provided by rheumatology occupational therapists.
Psychometric testing of the evaluation of daily activity questionnaire in osteoarthritis in the United Kingdom (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Occupational therapists’ views of a structured interview to identify and prioritise the work problems of people with rheumatoid arthritis (2013)
Journal Article
Prior, Y., Bodell, S., Amanna, A., & Hammond, A. (2013). Occupational therapists’ views of a structured interview to identify and prioritise the work problems of people with rheumatoid arthritis. Turkish journal of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 59(Suppl2), 66-66Objective: The Work Experience Survey-Rheumatoid Conditions (WES-RC) is a structured interview identifying work barriers of people with arthritis. Developed in the USA, it takes about 45 minutes. We are using it in work rehabilitation for inflammato... Read More about Occupational therapists’ views of a structured interview to identify and prioritise the work problems of people with rheumatoid arthritis.