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Outputs (22)

Influence of wheel size on muscle activity and tri-axial accelerations during cross-country mountain biking (2016)
Journal Article

This study aimed to investigate the influence of different mountain bike wheel diameters on muscle activity and whether larger diameter wheels attenuate muscle vibrations during cross-country riding. Nine male competitive mountain bikers (age 34.7 ±... Read More about Influence of wheel size on muscle activity and tri-axial accelerations during cross-country mountain biking.

Effects of footwear variations on three-dimensional kinematics and tibial accelerations of specific movements in American football (2016)
Journal Article
Sinclair, J., Rooney, E., Naemi, R., Atkins, S., & Chockalingam, N. (2016). Effects of footwear variations on three-dimensional kinematics and tibial accelerations of specific movements in American football. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 17(2),

American football is associated with a high rate of non-contact chronic injuries. Players are
able to select from both high and low cut footwear. The aim of the current investigation was to
examine the influence of high and low cut American footbal... Read More about Effects of footwear variations on three-dimensional kinematics and tibial accelerations of specific movements in American football.

Sex differences in limb and joint stiffness in recreational runners (2016)
Journal Article
in recreational runners. Human Movement, 16(3), 137-141.

Purpose. Female runners are known to be at greater risk from chronic running injuries than age-matched males, although the exact
mechanisms are often poorly understood. The aim of the current investigation was to determine if female recreational run... Read More about Sex differences in limb and joint stiffness in recreational runners.

Impact of harness attachment point on kinetics and kinematics during sled towing (2016)
Journal Article
Bentley, I., Atkins, S., Edmundson, C., Metcalfe, J., & Sinclair, J. (2016). Impact of harness attachment point on kinetics and kinematics during sled towing. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 30(3), 768-776.

Resisted sprint training is performed in a horizontal direction, and involves similar
muscles, velocities and ranges of motion (ROM) to those of normal sprinting.
Generally, sleds are attached to the athletes via a lead (3m) and harness; the most... Read More about Impact of harness attachment point on kinetics and kinematics during sled towing.

Effects of front and back squat techniques on patellofemoral joint kinetics in males (2015)
Journal Article
patellofemoral joint kinetics in males. Journal of biomedical engineering and informatics, 2(1), 76-81.

Purpose: The barbell squat is fundamental in strength and conditioning, with two principal variants; the back and front
squat. Unfortunately, the propensity for injury is high particularly at the knee. The aim of the current investigation was
exami... Read More about Effects of front and back squat techniques on patellofemoral joint kinetics in males.

Agreement between the Stages Cycling and SRM powermeter systems during field-based off-road climbing (2015)
Journal Article
SRM powermeter systems during field-based off-road climbing. Journal of science and cycling, 4(1), 21-27

The aim of this study was to determine the agreement between two portable cycling powermeters for use during field
based mountain biking. A single participant performed 15 timed ascents of an off-road climb. The participants’
bicycle was instrument... Read More about Agreement between the Stages Cycling and SRM powermeter systems during field-based off-road climbing.

The effects of barefoot and shod running on limb and joint stiffness characteristics in recreational runners (2015)
Journal Article
Sinclair, J., Atkins, S., & Taylor, P. (2015). The effects of barefoot and shod running on limb and joint stiffness characteristics in recreational runners. Journal of Motor Behavior, 48(1), 79-85.

The authors aimed to determine the effects of barefoot
(BF) and several commercially available barefoot-inspired
(BFIS) footwear models on limb and joint stiffness characteristics compared with conventional footwear (CF). Fifteen male participants... Read More about The effects of barefoot and shod running on limb and joint stiffness characteristics in recreational runners.