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Outputs (7)

The Salford Nature Environments Database (SNED): an open-access database of standardized high-quality pictures from natural environments (2024)
Journal Article

The growing interest in harnessing natural environments to enhance mental health, including cognitive functioning and mood, has yielded encouraging results in initial studies. Given that images of nature have demonstrated similar benefits, they are f... Read More about The Salford Nature Environments Database (SNED): an open-access database of standardized high-quality pictures from natural environments.

The association between COVID-19 related income loss and diet quality: The mediating role of distress. (2024)
Journal Article
Keenan, G., Royle, W., Marrow, L., Scholey, A., Benson, S., & J. Owen, L. (2024). The association between COVID-19 related income loss and diet quality: The mediating role of distress. Appetite, 200, 107570.

The COVID-19 lockdowns saw many individuals lose income, experience distress and increase intake of foods that would typically be considered less 'healthy' (more processed and less fresh produce). Establishing whether there are direct and indirect li... Read More about The association between COVID-19 related income loss and diet quality: The mediating role of distress..

Texting and the brain: The time-course of social brain activation in face-to-face versus text-based computer-mediated-communication (2023)
Journal Article
Sacristan, R., Royle, S., & Galpin, A. (2023). Texting and the brain: The time-course of social brain activation in face-to-face versus text-based computer-mediated-communication. #Journal not on list, 17(4), Article 3.

Through evolution, humans have adapted their interactions to face-to-face communication, supported by a network of neural systems which facilitate the transmission and interpretation of social signals for successful communication. However, emerging m... Read More about Texting and the brain: The time-course of social brain activation in face-to-face versus text-based computer-mediated-communication.

Pain Catastrophising Predicts Alcohol Hangover Severity and Symptoms (2020)
Journal Article
Royle, S., Owen, L., Roberts, D., & Marrow, L. (2020). Pain Catastrophising Predicts Alcohol Hangover Severity and Symptoms. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9(1), 280.

Alcohol hangover is a cause of considerable social and economic burden. Identification of predictors of alcohol hangover severity have the potential to contribute to reductions in costs associated with both absenteeism/presenteeism and health care. P... Read More about Pain Catastrophising Predicts Alcohol Hangover Severity and Symptoms.

Decentering mediates the relationship between vmPFC activation during a stressor and positive emotion during stress recovery (2018)
Journal Article
Bendall, R., & Royle, S. (2018). Decentering mediates the relationship between vmPFC activation during a stressor and positive emotion during stress recovery. Journal of Neurophysiology, 120(5), 2379-2382.

The stress response has profound implications on health and behaviour and stress is considered a risk factor for the development of psychopathologies including depression. The neural mechanisms supporting successful stress recovery are not fully unde... Read More about Decentering mediates the relationship between vmPFC activation during a stressor and positive emotion during stress recovery.

Testing the potential of combining functional near-infrared spectroscopy with different virtual reality displays - Oculus Rift and oCtAVE (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The aim of this pilot study was to assess the pros and cons of combining mobile neuroimaging with two different styles of highly immersive displays: one that is worn on the head; and the other that is entered. Specifically wearable Functional Near In... Read More about Testing the potential of combining functional near-infrared spectroscopy with different virtual reality displays - Oculus Rift and oCtAVE.