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Brief cognitive behaviour therapy (2019)
Book Chapter
Murphy, N., & Bowling, G. (2019). Brief cognitive behaviour therapy. In S. Parry (Ed.), The Handbook of Brief Therapies (3-20). Sage

Brief Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (BCBT) evolved around 20 years ago from traditional CBT, as an evidenced based and effective short-term treatment option for a range of difficulties.
This chapter aims to:
• Discuss the distinct differences of B... Read More about Brief cognitive behaviour therapy.

Psychophysiological indices of cognitive style : a triangulated study incorporating neuroimaging, eye-tracking, psychometric and behavioral measures (2019)
Journal Article
Bendall, R., Lambert, S., Galpin, A., Marrow, L., & Cassidy, S. (2019). Psychophysiological indices of cognitive style : a triangulated study incorporating neuroimaging, eye-tracking, psychometric and behavioral measures. Personality and Individual Differences, 144, 68-78.

Employing a triangulated design to explore psychophysiological indices of cognitive style, the study investigated the validity of the intuition-analysis dimension of cognitive style and its associated construct measure, the Cognitive Style Index (CSI... Read More about Psychophysiological indices of cognitive style : a triangulated study incorporating neuroimaging, eye-tracking, psychometric and behavioral measures.

Eating disorders in pregnancy: practical considerations for the midwife (2019)
Journal Article
Stringer, E. C., & Furber, C. (2019). Eating disorders in pregnancy: practical considerations for the midwife. British Journal of Midwifery, 27(3), 146-150.

Women who have eating disorders represent up to 8% of pregnant women today. The risks to both a mother and her baby are significant if an eating disorder is present. It is important that midwives have the knowledge, skills and confidence to enquire a... Read More about Eating disorders in pregnancy: practical considerations for the midwife.

Counterhegemony (2019)
Book Chapter
Gibbons, A. (2019). Counterhegemony. In E. A. Antipode Editorial Collective (Ed.), Keywords in Radical Geography: Antipode at 50 (74-77). Wiley.

Keyword entry for 50th Anniversary edition of Antipode.
The richness of hegemony as a term in theorising revolution comes initially from Antonio Gramsci, although Perry Anderson shows its previous use by intellectuals of the Russian Revolution and... Read More about Counterhegemony.

Towards a clinically relevant model for investigation of host-microbe interactions in ventilator-associated pneumonia (2019)
Journal Article
Tompsett, A., Ngoc ngo, L., Goodhead, I., Withers, S., & Latimer, J. (2019). Towards a clinically relevant model for investigation of host-microbe interactions in ventilator-associated pneumonia. Access Microbiology, 1(1A),

Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is amongst the most common healthcare-associated infections worldwide. Current understanding of the underlying mechanisms has focussed on either the microbiological or physiological elements but host-microbe inte... Read More about Towards a clinically relevant model for investigation of host-microbe interactions in ventilator-associated pneumonia.

Personal Tutoring at the University of Salford (2019)
Presentation / Conference
Leigh, J. (2019, March). Personal Tutoring at the University of Salford. Presented at National Teaching Fellow Symposium, Birmingham City University

This presentation provides the critical exploration of personal tutoring at the university of Salford:
The story so far; The Student Success Project; ; coaching skills session
This presentation introduces a Unique clinical -academic coaching framew... Read More about Personal Tutoring at the University of Salford.

Radiation protection value to the operator from augmented reality smart glasses in interventional fluoroscopy procedures using phantoms (2019)
Journal Article

Introduction: Smart glasses can be adapted to display radiographic images to allow clinician’s gaze not to be directionally fixed or predetermined by computer monitor location. This study presents an analysis of eye lens dose during interventional fl... Read More about Radiation protection value to the operator from augmented reality smart glasses in interventional fluoroscopy procedures using phantoms.

The contribution of visual attention and declining verbal memory abilities to age-related route learning deficits (2019)
Journal Article

Our ability to learn unfamiliar routes declines in typical and atypical ageing. The reasons for this decline, however, are not well understood. Here we used eye-tracking to investigate how ageing affects people’s ability to attend to navigationally r... Read More about The contribution of visual attention and declining verbal memory abilities to age-related route learning deficits.

Autism Spectrum Disorders in high secure psychiatric care : a review of literature, future research and clinical directions (2019)
Journal Article

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) refers to a group of neurodevelopmental disorders including
Autism, high functioning autism, Asperger’s syndrome and atypical autism. Although
different diagnostic classification systems have been adopted over the yea... Read More about Autism Spectrum Disorders in high secure psychiatric care : a review of literature, future research and clinical directions.

When a portion becomes a norm : exposure to a smaller vs. larger portion of food affects later food intake (2019)
Journal Article
Robinson, E., Henderson, J., Keenan, G., & Kersbergen, I. (2019). When a portion becomes a norm : exposure to a smaller vs. larger portion of food affects later food intake. Food Quality and Preference, 75, 113-117.

Portion sizes in the food environment may communicate information about what constitutes a ‘normal’ amount of food to eat. Here we examined whether mere visual exposure to a smaller vs. larger portion size of snack food affects perceptio... Read More about When a portion becomes a norm : exposure to a smaller vs. larger portion of food affects later food intake.