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Outputs (8857)

Reframing the Narrative: An Exploratory Study of the Concerns, Expectations and Experiences of Parents Who Bring Their Child to an Emergency Department with Non-Urgent Illness (2025)
Journal Article

Parenthood inevitably includes caring for a child suffering from mild-moderate illness requiring access to health care. Most childhood illnesses can be managed in the community, and parents are encouraged to attend the most suitable primary care serv... Read More about Reframing the Narrative: An Exploratory Study of the Concerns, Expectations and Experiences of Parents Who Bring Their Child to an Emergency Department with Non-Urgent Illness.

Prescribing proton pump inhibitors (2025)
Journal Article

Deborah Robertson provides an overview of recently published articles that may be of interest to non-medical prescribers. Should you wish to look at any of the papers in more detail, a full reference is provided

Linear and Multidirectional Speed Testing (On-Field and Off-Field) Protocols in Senior and Elite Female Football. (2025)
Journal Article

Beato, M, Datson, N, Clemente, FM, Harper, DJ, Fílter, A, Emmonds, S, Dos' Santos, T, and Jones, PA. Linear and multidirectional speed testing (on-field and off-field) protocols in senior and elite female football. J Strength Cond Res 39(1): e70-e84,... Read More about Linear and Multidirectional Speed Testing (On-Field and Off-Field) Protocols in Senior and Elite Female Football..

A Thinglink simulation exploring the impact of Ultrasound reporting upon patient outcomes and MDT decision making in ectopic pregnancy (2024)
Digital Artefact

A Teaching resource using ThingLink which explores the impact of incomplete or poor reporting practice on MDT decision making and patient outcomes in the case of ectopic pregnancy. The resource is accessible via the University of Salford's Birley Pla... Read More about A Thinglink simulation exploring the impact of Ultrasound reporting upon patient outcomes and MDT decision making in ectopic pregnancy.

Testing Consistency: Analyzing the Reliability of Two Lower Limb Isometric Force Measurements in Strength-Trained Athletes (2024)
Journal Article
Giuliano, F., Soriano, M. A., Pino-Mulero, V., & González-García, J. (in press). Testing Consistency: Analyzing the Reliability of Two Lower Limb Isometric Force Measurements in Strength-Trained Athletes. Applied Sciences, 15(1), 303.

This study aimed to examine the intra- and inter-session reliability of kinetic variables in the isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP) and isometric belt squat test (IBSqT) in strength-trained individuals. Fifteen men (26.9 ± 8.9 years; 1.78 ± 0.05 m; 86.9... Read More about Testing Consistency: Analyzing the Reliability of Two Lower Limb Isometric Force Measurements in Strength-Trained Athletes.

Exploring the patient’s recovery journey and information needs following a shoulder fracture: A qualitative interview study (2024)
Journal Article
May, P., Davies, F., Yeowell, G., & Littlewood, C. (in press). Exploring the patient’s recovery journey and information needs following a shoulder fracture: A qualitative interview study. PLoS ONE, 19(12), e0316516.

Background: Shoulder fractures (proximal humerus fractures) are common, painful, debilitating injuries. Recovery is a long process often hindered by complications such as mal-union and frozen shoulder. The purpose of this qualitative study was to exp... Read More about Exploring the patient’s recovery journey and information needs following a shoulder fracture: A qualitative interview study.

Exploring the non-implementation of Art. 12 CRC in Greece: the case of unaccompanied minors in detention (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

In the past decade, the numbers of migrant populations arriving in Europe have increased significantly. During this time, Greece is often referred upon in the literature as the path towards a better future for those in search of international protect... Read More about Exploring the non-implementation of Art. 12 CRC in Greece: the case of unaccompanied minors in detention.

Rehabilitation for Physical Frailty in Lung Transplant Candidates: A Systematic Review (2024)
Journal Article
McGarrigle, L., Norman, G., Hurst, H., Gillespie, L., & Todd, C. (2024). Rehabilitation for Physical Frailty in Lung Transplant Candidates: A Systematic Review. Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Journal,

Purpose: Physical frailty is prevalent in lung transplant (LTx) candidates and is linked to adverse outcomes preoperatively and postoperatively. Exercise is beneficial in optimizing exercise capacity and quality of life in candidates, but its impact... Read More about Rehabilitation for Physical Frailty in Lung Transplant Candidates: A Systematic Review.